56 Concealed Carry Mistakes and How to Avoid Them [Update]
Experienced and new concealed carry holders alike are subject to a variety of major mistakes. When we do consultations with top industry professionals, we can still find 5 or more of these mistakes.
Please take a look and let us know what we forgot in the comments below.
1. Not Carrying Extra Ammunition
It isn't just a question of accuracy but also one of tactics and strategy. Multiple assailants, shooting from and toward cover, and dealing with the nerves are all good reasons to pack as much ammunition as you can.
2. Not Having A Permit
Some people in the industry feel that the 2nd amendment is their permit. While we agree on principle, the law doesn't work that way in some states. Unless you live in a Constitutional Carry state getting the permit is the best way to ensure you are legal and educated.
3. Not Leveraging Dry Fire Practice
Ammunition is expensive, and so is the range fee, the gas in your car, and your time. Save a little money and increase your muscle memory with dry fire training. Use either an unloaded and inspected firearm or a laser simulation firearm and get it done at home or wherever you want to train. Learn more: Dry Fire Training With Laser Simulation
4. Not Practicing Drawing From Concealed
When you get a chance to do self-defense training, don't waste it by drawing from a hip or OWB holster. Use the same concealed carry holster you carry with to ensure you build the right kind of muscle memory. Learn more by reading “How to Draw From Concealed.”
5. Setting the Gun Down When You Go to The Bathroom
Most of the surfaces in those bathrooms are slippery, and the gun is likely to fall, but as a worst-case scenario, you leave it in the stall altogether. There are good alternatives. Learn more here: Concealed Carry In the Bathroom
6. Thinking You Are A Hero
You have not been deputized and don't have an obligation to put yourself in harm's way to stop petty criminals. Let the police do their job, and you do yours! It is good to help others and protect life but learn where to draw the line.
7. Adjusting Your Pants
Adding a 1 or 2-pound gun, plus ammunition inside of your waistband, doesn't feel normal. It makes you itch, sometimes literally, and that leads you to fiddle with your belt line and pants trying to find a more comfortable position. Here are some tips: Concealed Carry Adjustments
8. Hugging People Wrong
It has been soo long since I saw you last. You are so awesome! Oh … ah, that thing you just felt on my lower back or hip was… nothing at all!! Hug in a way people can't feel your gun!
9. Becoming Complacent With Gun Safety
Complacency is almost an inevitability when you put enough hours into firearm handling. Don't dismiss it as something that can't happen to you.
10. Wearing the Gun to A Doctor Appointment
Learned this the hard way. Doctors tend to examine you, and things go south when they run into the gun on your hip. Learn more by reading: “Considerations for Doctor Visits and Concealed Carry.”
11. Forgetting The Gun is In Your Carry-On Luggage
It sounds like something you would never do, yet the TSA confiscated over 2500 firearms last year. That is a lot of people who make that mistake of keeping your gun in your luggage.
12. Buying a Cheap Safe
It isn't like those guns are very valuable or anything … plus, if the lock takes some time to open, that is ok right? Buy a better safe.
13. Falling out of Love With Everyday Carry
Everyday carry is tough. You probably tried it for weeks, months, or even years, but now you don't carry it anymore. The world isn't getting safer, and you need to remember why you started this journey to begin with.
14. Buying a Cheap Holster
Holsters serve to make the firearm safe, secure, and available. These 3 things are of utmost importance, and trusting them to a foreign-made piece of junk isn't a good idea.
15. Not Pre-Hiring A Defense Attorney
The jail is the wrong place and time to pick your attorney out of the yellow pages. Pick out the right attorney while you still have time and energy on your side.
16. Not Getting Additional Training
17. Letting Ammunition Age
Ammunition does have a shelf life. Don't let those defense rounds or any other rounds sit for too long. Rotate ammunition like you do your food storage. You have food storage, right?
18. Having Only 1 Gun For Every Situation
Guns are not one size fits all. The best gun for home defense isn't the best gun for concealed carry, and neither is likely ideal for backcountry hiking.
19. Not Having Financial Legal Insurance
Do you have any idea how expensive a decent attorney is? There are programs out there that will help you cover the cost, but you should be a member BEFORE the incident occurs.
20. Not Activating the NRA Gun Insurance Option
Editor's note: The NRA no longer offers this member benefit.
As an NRA member, you have access to $2,500 of firearm insurance coverage, but the coverage isn't automatic. You actually have to activate it beyond just joining the NRA. Learn more by reading: “Activating the NRA Insurance.”
21. Not Carrying Every Day
The absolute number 1 mistake of permit holders is not carrying a concealed gun, to begin with. If I had to guess, only 5% of my past concealed carry students actually carry a firearm daily. This is tragic. If you are among those that don't carry every day, it is time to re-commit.
22. Having Just 1 Drink
It is easy to justify just one drink when you have access to your firearm. After all, you figure you can legally drive, so what is the problem. The gun is the problem … don't cross that line! More thoughts here: “Dealing with Gun Safety and Drinking.”
23. Creating Curiosity for Children
You may think you are doing the right thing by hiding guns and avoiding the conversation altogether. Still, those actions can and likely will drive the child to experimentation and unsafe exploration at their first opportunity. Replace curiosity with education, knowledge, and experience.
24. Turning A Blind Eye to Safety Mistakes
Your friends, family, and buddies may be the most difficult to call out, but can you afford to ignore those things that make everyone less safe? Call them out and expect that they will do the same for you.
25. Drawing the Gun Wrong
A good draw includes a set of key fundamentals that emphasize safety, speed, and muscle memory. Are you sure you are doing it right? Here is a tutorial: How to Draw From Concealed
26. Buying Cheap Ammunition
The key here is to figure out what your firearm will tolerate. Some guns are more particular than others, and you don't want to be buying and using ammunition that causes many malfunctions in your firearm. Don't buy cheap ammo.
27. Cleaning the Gun in an Unsafe Environment
The best place to clean your gun is at the range right after you fire it. If you don't have that option, look for a place with an optimal “safe direction” and always maintain and clean that gun in that place with the muzzle facing the safe direction.
28. Not Carrying At the House
The number one place where you are likely to need that firearm is inside your own home. There is a 1 in 197 chance that you will experience a home invasion this year. Why would you put the gun away when you come home? Carry your gun at home.
29. Locking the Gun in a Glove Compartment
It's the first place someone looks when they break into your car for valuables. Also, along with the console, it is specifically listed as a locked container that doesn't qualify under 926A of the Federal Firearm Owner Protection Act. Learn more: “The Gun in the Glove Box.”
30. Not Trying Enough Guns Before Purchasing
If you fire 10 different guns, you are likely to find a favorite … but would it still be your favorite if you had fired 50 guns? It's worth trying as many as you can before you bet your life on it.
31. Shooting Next to Strangers
You are only as safe as the least safe person standing next to you with a gun. Its time to take action to avoid or limit strangers altogether when guns are involved. Here are more thoughts: “Dealing with Strangers at the Range.”
32. Not Wearing Eye Protection
I doubt you forget to put on your safety EAR wear … but eyes are just as difficult and expensive to repair in surgery. Vulnerable from power blowback, ejected shells, and ricochets around you, the eyes need great protection. Get some eye protection here. Here are additional ideas for those of you with prescription glasses.
33. Using a Gun Safe that is Hard or Slow to Open
When you have an intruder during the middle of the night, do you want to be looking for a key or trying to carefully spin the dial on a padlock while your adrenaline is pumping and time is critical? Get a quick access gun safe.
34. Not Securing the Gun Safe
It defeats the purpose of a gun safe if an intruder can pick up the safe and carry it out your front door to open later with a welding torch.
35. Only Training For Marksmanship
You can practice pulling a trigger and hitting the center target until you a blue in the face but unless you also train the draw, grip, stance, reload, malfunction clearing, etc. AND do it with speed; you aren't really prepared for the encounter.
36. Training At Long Distances
Depending on what research you believe, average deadly confrontations occur in 3-10 feet or less. Consistently putting that target out to 15 meters (45 feet) is impractical and probably not a great use of your training time or resources.
37. Not Controlling the Expenditure of Ammunition
There are several reasons why you don't want to have the muscle memory of emptying your magazine just because … chief among them because you may have multiple attackers.
38. Thinking of the Laws as Black and White
The law is up for interpretation. Only after the incident occurs, through the paradigms of two arguing attorneys in consideration of presented evidence, does a jury of 12 peers decide your fate. Justice is blind, as they say. Learn your gun laws.
39. Not Documenting All Your Training
Do you keep track of each time you train with your gun? Not only will your attorney thank you, but the data will also help you train smarter. Our no-cost training tracker available on your user profile and via our mobile app is probably a good place to start. Learn More: “How to Document All Your Firearm Training.”
40. Wearing the Wrong Clothing
Let's face it; carrying concealed isn't always the most fashionable. Start by valuing the gun over the style and work around the “self-defense” tool first.
41. Checking On the Gun
Yes, there is a 1-2 pound thing on your body that wasn't there before. It's tempting to keep checking on it and making sure it's still where you left it … but it's a bad habit that you need to get rid of early on.
42. Not Training Often Enough
How often should you be training? More. Click here for our best article we found about how often to train.
43. Not Staying In Tune With Legal Changes
The laws change … a lot. Are you up to date with the latest changes? Stay close to the news, your gun club, and your instructor for updates. Also, check our reciprocity map regularly.
44. Carrying the Wrong Handgun
There are several important factors to consider when selecting the right concealed carry handgun, and you might need more than one.
45. Engaging in the Wrong Activities with A Concealed Gun
Some things are just not safe to do when you have your concealed firearm. Sports, clubbing, exercise, and wrestling with your kids come to mind.
46. Not Training With All Your Concealed Carry Guns
If you carry different firearms regularly, you need to be training with each of them.
47. Using Multiple Carry Holster Systems
It can be difficult to create strong muscle memory if you don't wear the same holster each day. Pick the concealed carry system that will work for you EVERY day and stick with it.
48. Training With Only One Stationary Target
Active threats rarely stay still. As your skills develop, you need to train with multiple targets and/or with moving targets. Want to increase your shooter skills for $1.28 per day and get a box of tactical goodies every quarter? Check out Guardian Nation and get access to our complete Shooter Skills library, where Riley teaches you important, useful skills.
49. Training As a Stationary Shooter
If you hold still, you make for a really easy target. Have you ever trained to move while shooting?
50. Using A Poor Quality or Ill Suited Belt
If the gun holster depends on the belt for stability, you should use a gun belt that is strong and built for the purpose. Click here to learn the 5 major failures of most belts and even gun belts.
51. Telling Others About or Showing Off Your Gun or Permit
It is ok to be excited and proud of getting that new gun or permit … but keep it to yourself.
52. Favoring Your Gun Side
There is a tendency for new concealed carry holders to walk, favoring their gun side. Catch yourself and STOP it.
53. Crossing State Lines Without Doing the Proper Research
Just because that state honors your permit doesn't mean their gun laws are the same. Grab your copy of the latest Legal Boundaries Book – The Travel Guide For American Gun Owners. Anything under $20 that can keep me out of jail is worth it in my book.
54. Buying a Poorly Maintained Used Gun
I like a deal as much as the next person, but since we talk about life and death, let's make sure every gun purchased is in optimal operating condition. If you have doubts about your ability to inspect it take someone with you who can.
55. Not Cleaning The Gun When You Shoot
Your firearm won't operate at optimal levels if you don't take care of it. Make cleaning your firearm a habit that goes with shooting. Every time you fire the weapon, clean it.
56. Not Joining A Gun Club
It will cut down on your range fees, make you more inclined to train often, and help you rub shoulders with the smartest firearm people in your community.
And one bonus:
57. Training, Only Without Hollow Points
Someone might have told you Hollow Points were better, but they are also expensive. There is no harm in saving a little cash when you train at the range. But, training with only ball or target ammo is a mistake that can cost you your life. Throw some of your carry ammo into the mix, as well.
We probably missed some mistakes in there, so please feel free to tell us some of the things you have found or learned.
If you like this type of content, check out Matthew's post on the top mistakes he has seen gun owners make while defending themselves with a firearm.
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Great. The person that says he knows it all and has trained enough is a fool. I am 66 years old and learn some thing new every day and would have it no other way.
Good, valuable stuff !
I am with you brother , but I am 67 and I know what you mean ! ! ! !
This was a great article, the only problem I have w/ it is the training part living in Northern AZ (Flagstaff) it’s not possible to get out & shoot frequently during the winter. There aren’t any indoor ranges & all the roads leading into the forest are shut down. The answer I found is to buy a co2 pistol that looks similar to my carry weapon & practice w/ it. Like lonnie I too am 66 & learn something new everyday even though I’ve been carrying for almost forty years.
Great input Bill. We are big fans of dry fire and laser simulated training!
One might also consider indoor practice with an AirSoft type gun – actual firing with the slide reciprocating. Mine has the same feel and shape as my Glock 19, uses the same holster, and allows very inexpensive practice in my garage. Use several layers of cardboard and or a plywood backstop. Could also be an interior room, but cleaning up the plastic BBs can be a chore.
AirSoft or AirSoft style guns come in many shapes and sizes, if you can find one the same or very similar to your carry gun it is excellent practice with your same carry rig.
All gun safety rules apply – the projectiles can be lethal to small animals such as squirrels and penetrate the outer layer of flesh on a human.
Tom, you can tape one thin peice of cardboard over an open box so when the B.B.’s go through the cardboard they get collected in the box. = easy clean up!
I agree with you.I too am 66. I shoot some form of pistol competition every weekend I still watch other shooters and absorb their good points. Any person who thinks he has learned all there is to know,makes 1 big mistake. He has forgotten that he is a fool.!
Jacob, this was probably the best overall “picture” of daily concealed carry I’ve ever read. Forwarded to a few folks who might benefit if they have open minds.
If you have to practice at home, buy some “snap caps,” they’re inexpensive and reusable. I have them for every caliber I carry. Practice, Practice, PRACTICE!! Repetition is necessary for muscle memory, and at 70 I need repetition.
Also incorporate snap caps into your live fire practice at random places in a loadout. Want to learn stoppage clearances? Have someone else load your magazines with a random snap cap in place. Then practice through it as a “live scenario”.
Not to mention, the random stoppage will clearly “tell on you” if you are anticipating the shot, jerking the trigger; or, flinching.
i think practice is the most important thing you can do…I’m 68 and practice always..because ..if you can’t hit your target in a crisis situation…your the loser… Dry practice is a must.!! Getting the gun out and to get in the proper gun stance very quickly..and being able to hit your threat…could cost you your life. It only takes 1 mistake…and your crisis is gone…and so are you..
Excellent article, thank you. I’ve carried everyday for years, but some of the hints above made me think a bit. My GF is about to begin a CCW course in CT, and I’m saving this for her also. I’ll also take the NRA pistol course with her since I don’t believe I know it all.
Air soft using a gas operated Glock 22 replica. Same weight, training 3 to 10 feet. different targets at different angles and distances standing, kneeling, sitting, both on the ground/floor and on a chair. Laying on my back and on my belly,& kneeling. Great practice and cheap. Draw and shoot practice from concealed carry position and practice pulling up shirt or jacket if in cold weather scenario. if you don’t practice these, you won’t be able to gain the muscle memory. Practice often, not 2 or 3 times a month. at least every other day if not more often.
ABSOLUTELY thorough, and highly & well detailed, and specific! I’ll be forwarding this to ALL who I feel NEED this counsel. AND, of course, I’ll be applying as much as possible, in my circumstances, (we live in large URBAN center, and I can’t afford the “Range costs”, and there’s no “open area” for life fire practice, so “dry fire’ will have to do for now. But! THANKS A MILLION for this VERY THOROUGHLY WELL DONE CLASS!
Practice with weak side. A lot of injuries incurred in armed situations result in hand and arm wounds. So try and become proficient as much as possible with both hands, it may save your life. Also look at installing rear sights on your semiauto’s that will allow you to rack them with a solid object just incase you lose the use of one hand. Also include some form of illumination in your carry kit with backup batteries, and a pocket sized trauma kit would be ideal too.
Wow!, Very smart thinking and thanks.
I thought these were all pretty good things to be aware of. Some of these mistakes are pretty obvious, but hey, everyone is forgetful. There is a lot about carrying properly, and for me, I’ve always wanted to carry but don’t know where to put it. I admit, my pants are too tight to hide a gun anywhere. There was also a lot of emphasis on practice. The real situation is going to be a lot more stressful than practicing, so I thought the tip of developing muscle memory was really good. Thanks for the info!
Great article. This should be a checklist for all of us no matter how long we’ve been shooting/carrying. Carrying a gun every day sets us apart from the vast majority of people in America and deserves a lot of consideration and practice.
How do you “Keep it to yourself” and join a gun club?? I definitely don’t post photos on social media showing off my gun, but at the same time I feel as if I should be able to trust my friends and relatives enough to talk to them about it. They are all way, way more informed than I am and if I couldn’t talk to them, I would learn nothing! Maybe I am misunderstanding the “Keep it to yourself” rule?
Sarah, good point. The rule begs more clarity. I guess the point is to exercise discretion. Data suggests that gun owners are often targeted for theft and home burglaries and often the intruder is a friend who knows about the firearms. So discretion is important to determine with whom to share information about gun ownership. You bring up a good point, that we should encourage conversation and joint learning with the right people in the right environments!
I am guessing that if you say something to a friend, it isn’t long before others know your packing. Especially in a small town. Then someone who doesn’t like you can claim that you threaten them with a gun. The police will show up and ask if you have a gun. They know that you have a permit. They can look that up? If you lie to the police, you have broken the law. Mind you, the police can lie to you without breaking any laws. It is best to plead the fifth, and get legal counsel at that point. Don’t answer any questions. I think the less people know about your ccw , the better you are.
Kudos to all of you folks who thought of putting this together. Very educational and provides a miriad of information from novice to experienced gun owners. Keep on sending articles as such. Even the basic gun safety procedures and handling at home and on the streets are important and can save our lives. Practice, train, and weapon familiarization is vital to all gun owners. Thank you for all of you who thought of sharing this information, keep us informed and educated, it will come handy when we least expected it.
Thanks Bobby, comments like yours help us keep going!
More power to you brother! Keep up the fantastic work that you are doing. Stay safe and keep us informed on what’s the latest in the firearm and weapons handling and tactics.
With all my respect,
If I could make one suggestion on the training end.
As far as training with the ammo that you intend to carry.
You don’t need to use your expensive carry rounds but I find it very helpful to try to use the same “weight” ammo.
My 9mm subcompact reacts VERY differently shooting 115gr than it does shooting 147gr ammo.
I carry 147gr hollow points but practice with 147gr fmj and the response is pretty much the same for both rounds and of course the fmj is much, much cheaper than the carry rounds.
Some pistols I’ve noticed very little difference in the different rounds but my carry pistol of choice there is a world of difference.
Another note, if you do intend to practice with hollow points make sure your range can accommodate. Some backstops aren’t capable of absorbing the frags and you can be in for some pretty nasty RTS surprises.
I have just discovered the Concealed Carry blog after ordering the Brave Response Holster. It is the only blog that I have read to the last comment. These are the most practical blogs I have read, also gaining information from the comments, which all seem to be adding to the main blog, not just criticizing. I noted that you are a lifetime member of Front Sight. May 15 I will be making the journey to Pahrump with my two adult sons (55 & 57) This will be the sixth trip for me. I have only five years experience with hand guns and I am a true believer of training and practice. I’m also a member of the Stillwater Firearms Association, one of the largest gun clubs in Nevada, and I try to get to the range as often as possible. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the holster! Thanks for the great informational blogs.
Irv, thanks for your kind words. We certainly try! Hope you love the holster and I’m glad to hear about your dedication to ongoing learning, training, and practice!! You may consider subscribing to our no-cost podcast and learning more about Guardian Nation as well! Cheers, -Jacob
79 and still learning. If I quit learning; I quit carrying/shooting as then I become dangerous to myself as well as others.
Bob, that is excellent, never quit learning, i live in the country and have a shooting range, i can shoot any time i want. I am a lic FFL holder and i reload just about every calibor on the market. now with ammo shortage it is a must.
Dont carry a gun without a holster that protects the trigger.
Practice not placing your finger on trigger until your on target.
Good list … I could argue a point or two (such as cleaning your gun every time you shoot), but for newbies and old sharp eyes, its a good refresher list. Thanks for putting it together!
1st CC fail, 2nd fail – not updating your license on time. Or your annual CCL insurance.
For some fun indoor practice here’s a trick I learned in the 70s. If you reload and shoot revolvers ( will work in autos also but you need to load one round at a time) de-prime your brass and resize them. Then lay a 1/2 in thick block of canning paraffin on the table and press the empty cartridge all the way through. When you pull it back out it will have a nice tight fitting wax plug in it. Then prime the brass (no powder) and shoot away. They work quite well and are fun to shoot. Very safe for the basement or garage, they won’t penetrate a blanket backstop so you can pin targets on it, hang it on the garage wall and have some fun. They are pretty accurate at 10 feet and make no more noise than a cap gun so you can shoot them even if you live in town. You may want to crack a window or door for ventilation. Using this method you can practice with your actual carry gun and unlike dry firing, you can still make a little noise and send a projectile down range. Have fun and stay safe.
Hi. I have a question as a total newbie and female. I grew up around guns, but my dad was always the one to carry so I missed my chance to learn much.
Now, I have bought my own first gun, but I am really struggling to find the right holster for it. I know it says to get a good one and stick with it and to also value the gun over fashion, but I find that a little impractical for a woman in a business office.
Unfortunately, most women’s clothing conceals even more poorly than mens, and while I am perfectly willing to buy an entirely new wardrobe that will hide my gun, I really can’t afford it! (Especially since I just spent a fortune on the gun, classes, ammo, and permit.)
Does anyone have any advice on good articles for cc for women? I have been scouring the Internet and it seems that everything either advises some frilly, crappy holser or buying new clothing. Neither of which works for me right at the moment.
Guys have it so easy. You just throw on a shirt and pants. Nothing is fitted. You don’t have to go to a million stores, wearing your gun, to try on clothes and be sure the fabric isn’t too thin. I have never been so jealous. ☺
Hey Sarah, thanks for the question. First, you are not alone. Second, you are 100% spot on with everything you pointed out. Fortunately, manufacturers are noticing that women are the fastest growing demographic of gun owners, and responding with women-specific gear. A brand new wardrobe is probably unrealistic for most everyone so making your gun work with your current clothing is the priority.
I would first ask how you currently carry, and if you like it there? For example, are you carrying small of the back, strongside hip, appendix etc? That will help dictate which holster may work best for you. I imagine most of your business attire consists of slacks, skirts and dresses that don’t use a belt. This is the issue with most women’s dress clothing.
A general answer for you, and some products you could look at is 1) ulti-clip: if you have a holster you like but it requires a belt. You can switch out the belt clip for the ulti-clip and attach it to your clothing. Another option would be to look for a belly band. I found really nice quality ones from Falco.
You may also find in some clothing a tuckable holster works well. Since women typically wear more form-fitting clothing the tuckable holsters can work well. Also, you could check out a magnetic retention holster like the ones from JM4 Tactical.
I know this is a lot of general info, but if you want to chat about more specifics, feel free to email me (ze***********@gm***.com)
Good luck and God Bless.
Sticky holster, works great it sticks to your skin . I love it and very comfortable
I learned a lesson the hard way. I don’t care how well someone says they know and have used handguns, never hand a loaded handgun to anyone! Drop the magazine clear the chamber check for Clear then handed to him. I had an elderly gentleman in my office who asked to see it and the first thing he did was chamber around and in trying to figure out what was going on he had taken the safety off! Next thing I know he’s waving it around trying to figure out how it works. I gently reached over and grabbed it muzzle down, drop the magazine cleared the weapon and put it back in my holster. I will never do that again, I don’t care how much experience someone says they have!
Great article
It shed light in several things that I would not have thought about.
Thank you for taking the time create the article and referencing it to your new members (such as myself)
Thank you for this very informative article. This has been very helpful to me.
#58 and a very important one that you left out is never carry your weapon in your waistband unsecured.
First of all great great job on this, it’s short and sweet but enough to get the right wheels spinning if you have an open mind. I know that not ever time you stop your vehicle can do you have the opportunity to just drive away. With that in mind I often practice dry fire in a secluded place from my vehicle and I’m sure there’s a lot of people that would be suprised how clumsy thay are at trying this, even after a few times. For one, keep in mind you most likely won’t be able to pull your weapon all the way to the stance you’re used to practicing at. For two,if you can’t pull it off in under 3 seconds…practice abandoning it and putting your hands up, or practice until you get it!
This actually talked me out of buying a gun, what a headache.
Jeremy, I suppose it is overwhelming. A lot of things in life can be that way but we all have to start somewhere and we add layers of complexity as we go.
One step at a time and practicing safety guidelines and you’ll pull through. I’m 34 and starting as well
Hi Jeremy, I can understand your frustration. I would suggest that if you truly want to carry a weapon, get with a good firearms instructor and learn from him or her. When we learned to drive, we were placed with an instructor who guided you thru the basics and then you got to practice, then on to your license. This is the same, when you start learning the fundamentals of firearms; you gain more experience, then you begin to develop into a safe and practical student. Most instructors will tell you that the concealed carry class/course is just the beginning. It is an introduction designed to get you familiar with the laws of your state, safety procedures, and some practical gun training. So, find an instructor that will spend the time with you, one that you can connect with, and train you from the level that you are at now, and take you to where you want to go. Do your research, talk to people in your area that have taken classes and find out the instructors that they recommend. Then talk with the instructor, and see if that person is a good fit for you. I tell my students that this is the beginning of a lifelong journey, a journey that can be exciting and practical in today’s environment. I hope that you don’t give up, but the decision is yours to make.
I am 68 and know what BOTH of you mean! LOL
Local VFW Range won’t allow reloads or hollow points. Seems like a waste!
Why are there very bad reviews on gun insurance one company has a review of just taken your money and very little help or none even look in in the bbb how can you pick the right company that will have your back and help you to stay with your family instead of jail it is hard to find some one that is not a scammer I have a gun and a permit I do follow rules but like you say that is not enough what do I due.
Only two glaring mistakes – at least at first read: #17 – properly stored ammunition will last for decades. I’ve fired 70 year old WW II ammunition – both rifle and handgun – that performed as well as its more modern counterparts; and #20 – the company that formerly provided the NRA insurance coverage does not pay (ask me how I know), and is no longer associated with the NRA.
As to #2, if you live in one of the 19 ‘Constitutional Carry’ states (and don’t leave its borders), a government permission slip is unnecessary. Taking the CCW course, however, whether you choose to beg the government for permission to exercise a right and pay the bribe to obtain it or not, is basic common sense.
One thing you should mention is not assuming that “ALL______ people are rapist and robbers”. I have a relative who has a concealed carry permit.
I visited her a while ago. She was totally paranoid when we ate lunch at a burger joint.
I once saw a car accident. Both drivers survived. one car was an economy sedan. it looked about 10 to 15 years old. it sustained the least amount of damage. the second car looed like a six month old corvette. it’s hood was laying on the street 10′ in front of the car. Luckily; the Corvette driver did not carrying a gun.
The person mentioned in #29 sounds like an extremely PARANOID person. Avoiding a home invasion robbery is very easy. All you have to do is not publicize that you own expensive stuff:
1) Rarely be seen wearing expensive clothes or Jewelry when leaving your house
2) If you own a flashy car; keep it in parked out of sight in your home garage.
3) Be careful where you throw boxes away after Christmas. Those boxes can tell an observant robber that you have expensive stuff in your house.
4) if you receive an expensive gift; try not to blatantly flaunt it.
“Avoiding a home invasion robbery is very easy. All you have to do is not publicize that you own expensive stuff”
Avoidance is certainly always good advice, but it doesn’t always work. And home invasions typically happen very fast, often faster than you would have to fetch a gun out of immediate reach.