Keeping A Gun On The Nightstand

If you have been in the industry for awhile you may have been subjected to the debate surrounding “keeping the firearm on the nightstand” for quick access in a middle of the night home invasion or other related threat. There are gun owners that are on both sides of this debate and I thought it was time we take a scientific and thorough approach at answering the question.

Here is a comment from John B on a recent article on our website:

What good does a Personal Defense Weapon (gun) do you locked up in a safe? If you are realistic in your evaluation of the likelihood of a home invasion you should have the weapon to hand at all times.

And here is another example of a comment from PJ with the opposite perspective:

Consider this, what good will a gun be if a criminal manages to get to it first..? You may end up being shot with the very same firearm that is supposed to give you a sense of safety.

As an instructor I've spent the last decade telling students to lock up the gun at all times unless it is on your person. I've never seen any real credence to the idea of keeping the gun on the nightstand (outside of a safe) and so I've decided to embark on some discovery.

What is the Common Practice?

I started my inquiry by polling our audience. We asked the hundred thousand plus people on our email newsletter to answer a few questions. We published the full results here (Nightstand Survey Results) but I was surprised both by the high percentage of gun owners (including parents with kids in the home) who report they do not keep the gun in a safe at night.

So it led me to wonder why so many gun owners choose NOT to keep their gun in a gun safe. There are 2 obvious potential reasons.

  1. First, you may not own a gun safe (solve that problem here)
  2. Second, you may feel that tactically, the time necessary to retrieve the gun from the safe negatively outweighs the potential benefits that come from having the gun in a locked safe

So I decided to put that to the test…

The Issue Of Speed and Time

As you can see from the video and the below chart, different types of safes make a significant difference. Slowing down the response time by 1.51 seconds is not very significant while slowing down the response time by 3.23 seconds is more than double the concern.

UPDATE (May 2021) The Sports Afield safe used when I conducted this research has been discontinued. The new “home defense quick access vaults” being sold by Sports Afield today do not have tactile buttons but instead a flat virtual keypad similar to your phone. For that reason, I no longer use or endorse those safes. If you are looking for something comparable and even better that is similar I suggest the GunVault MiniVault.

How Big of A Deal is Safety?

Thinking first of children…

Our survey data did show that gun owners with younger children are more likely to keep a gun in the safe but in those situations, it is still the majority of the survey respondents who choose to NOT lock up the gun. There are a lot of variables that get weighed into the decision including:

  1. Level of training of the children. My own children get a lot of training and education… but just how deep can I trust that?
  2. What are the odds of having children in my home on the occasion that are not my own whom I did not train/educate?
  3. If I only keep the gun there during the night; what are the odds that one day I may also leave it there uncontrolled during the day?
  4. What physical security-related things have I done to lessen the odds of a home invasion or to maximize my potential response time opportunity? IE, loud dog, reinforced/locked doors, good lighting, etc.

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) the number of children fatalities related to firearms is down over the last decade but it was still 600 deaths in the last reported year. They credit this to the Project Child Safe efforts which involve the securing of firearms in the home. Anecdotally I can also tell you that having read all 292 news stories from this Negligent Discharge Study, I have a strong sense for the potential loss and risk that can come quickly when children access an unauthorized firearm.

Each parent or grandparent has to make their own decisions but I suspect that for most of us the odds of the firearm being accessed by an authorized child are higher than the odds of experiencing a home invasion in which 1.51 to 3.23 seconds will make all the difference.

What About The Bad Guy/Gal Accessing the Gun?

The other most common argument made in favor of locking the guns in the safe is the harsh reality that criminals may access that firearm. Certainly, this is more likely if the firearm is left unattended than during the middle of the night when you are laying asleep right next to the gun but both scenarios are conceivable.

If in fact, you believe that 1.51 to 3.23 seconds will make all the difference then you must also believe that the intruder is able to breach the home and move around freely before your response begins. If you believe that might you also believe that the intruder might get so far as your bedroom where your gun is sitting next to your bed on the nightstand?

The more realistic and practical point might be in relation to the odds of you leaving the gun uncontrolled during the day. One of my students explained to me that at night before he goes to bed he removes his firearm from his holster and places it on his nightstand. In the morning when he wakes up he puts the firearm back in his holster and on his body. Thus the firearm is only ever “uncontrolled” when it sits right next to him during the night.

That sounds like a fairly sensible approach but when I asked him has there ever been a day… ever… when he woke up in the morning and his routine was thrown off… and he didn't immediately strap on the gun? Perhaps on a weekend or holiday? How likely is it that the gun may continue to sit on that nightstand uncontrolled or monitored? If that idea concerns you… you might want a safe.

What About Preventing Negligence By Forcing Cognition

One issue I think we fail to consider is the possibility that one might negligently discharge their firearm when they are not yet fully awake. In a groggy moment or a moment when one is not fully awake, reaching for the gun and using it when it shouldn't be used is a valid possibility and one we have seen documented on various occasions.

Keeping a gun in a safe forces one to be relatively awake. The degree of cognition that is required to manipulate and open your gun safe ensures a degree of cognition that is necessary to make good and safe decisions with a gun.

My Personal Conclusion?

I have young children in my home. I will continue to place my guns in a safe when they are not on my body. I am willing to slow my response time by about 2 seconds in order to have that greater sense of security and peace of mind. Having heard from you in the survey and having run the tests on my own, I still feel that MOST gun owners would probably do well to utilize a bedside safe but hopefully this data has given you additional information to be able to make a more informed decision.

What did I miss? What did I fail to consider? Let me know in the comments below.

About Jacob Paulsen

Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of For over 20 years Jacob has been involved as a professional in the firearm industry. He values his time as a student as much as his experience as an instructor with a goal to obtain over 40 hours a year of formal instruction. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor & Range Safety Officer, Guardian Pistol instructor and training counselor, Stop The Bleed instructor, Affiliate instructor for Next Level Training, Graduate and certified instructor for The Law of Self Defense, TCCC Certified, and has been a Glock and Sig Sauer Certified Armorer. Jacob is also the creator of The Annual Guardian Conference which is a 3-day defensive handgun training conference.


  1. Glenn Szostak on June 11, 2017 at 11:06 am

    It would be nice if you did this at night when these safes are actually intended to be used. In the dark it would be much slower and more dangerous (risk of grabbing your gun by the trigger) when grabbing the gun laying on the night stand. Also, in the dark it would be very hard to use a key lock efficiently and would be very slow and inconsistent, I would think. I understand that for the video you did this with light, but that really negates the results in my opinion.

    Why didn’t you use a mechanical push-button locking safe in your tests? They are designed to be operated in the dark by feel only and have a proven track record of reliability and durability.

    The other thing that you can do with this type of lock is pre-punch all or part of the combination when going to sleep so that you only have to punch one or two buttons or even just turn the knob if all are pre-punched (no kids). Just turn the knob to reset when you wake up.

    My safe presents a holstered weapon in the exact same place and orientation every time with no chance of grabbing the gun’s trigger in a panic in the dark. I have been told by many customers that they find it quicker than when they had their gun just laying in the their night stand drawer shifting around or getting covered up by other stuff.

    Thanks for the video and the information provided. It was very well done.

    • Eric Ward on June 13, 2017 at 8:38 am


      • II GUN on June 24, 2018 at 1:45 pm

        Like all gun related articles there is always a debate, always many options and opinions, the pro’s and con’s and some looking to impose their will as the right or only way that something should be done. Like pretty much everything, this is the point where common sense needs to be applied in a healthy dose and an assessment of what the consequence’s will be if something, anything happens. Texting while you drive a 4,000 pound (or more) weapon kills more people daily than guns ever will. Does it drive (pun intended) people to use better common sense, I think not until the unfortunate happens and then it’s too late. Keeping guns in your home is a serious responsibility but it is also a very private and how or what people do to secure them has consequences if common sense is not applied. Relate a gun to the car you drive; Always keep a gun pointed 100% in a safe direction and never at something you’re not willing to destroy. This requires sight like driving. Always keep the weapon you drive pointed in a safe direction, this too requires sight, and texting while you drive is just plain stupid like sleeping with a loaded gun under your pillow. Apply common sense to both here…
        Personally, our home defense is layered and starts at the street meaning we have a fence and drive gate and have talked with our neighbors to alert police if they see someone that shouldn’t be on our property; 2nd: we have big dogs that run free; 3rd: we have steel security doors; 4th: we have motion lights in several area’s; 5th: we have yard motion detectors set high enough the dogs won’t trip them that sends an alarm inside the home; 6th: we have an alarm system on all doors and windows with local sirens to alert not only us but neighbors too. Anything you do to layer your home security and to alert you to intruders buys you time. Forced entry takes 3 seconds to kick in a door but a steel security door would need to be ripped from the entry point and nobody’s that strong. Guess if an intruder got past the fence, the dogs, the spot lights, the yard motions and cannot get in through a door they’re coming through a window.. Chances are good in the middle of the night we knew someone was on our property before they knew we did. We would probably know before they even reached the house. Now they need to pick an entry point with a flood light exposing them. We’re up, our defense plan is already in motion and we’ve had plenty of time to arm ourselves. Do we sleep with a gun locked up or not? It’s private but if you want to break in and find out be our guest… Common sense?

        • Jeff K on December 16, 2018 at 11:30 am

          What kind of a neighborhood do you live in that you need all that “protection”?

          • GregZBernard on April 1, 2019 at 4:45 pm

            The neighborhood near Joe Biden’s residence is where a home invasion happened with a guy pretending to deliver pizza. He tied everyone up and killed them all.
            Security systems allow fake disarm codes and have emergency buttons.
            I would add security cameras.Two dvrs can be used with the same camera signals and hidden in two locations. DVRs allow cloud storage if you go with an American company that can walk you through it. Someplace like supercircuits who is better than foreign companies. I might add an interior camera of the Amazon Cloud Camera type because I can unplug it when I am home.
            Backup power would be the next thing: security and keeping warm in winter and being productive through another superstorm like 2012’s Sandy would be nice.

          • Steven Burnham on May 7, 2019 at 11:47 am

            He lives in the exact same type that you live in. The type we all do. In the country with nobody living within a mile or city where you are surrounded by people. It’s the type where you have no clue at all when or if you will need all those layers of protection. This person and his family are very smart to layer their defenses. The house with one layer is the house who wishes they had 5 or 6 when their wife is raped or kids taken. The one layer house is the many layered “wish i had done more, now I’ve got a funeral to plan.” house. The 6 layered house is the ” I’m glad I did all this, let’s go get ice cream” house.

    • Bill on June 13, 2017 at 10:13 am

      What safe do you bave?

      • Glenn on June 16, 2017 at 2:41 pm

        FAS1 Safe

      • Sherry Clark on May 1, 2018 at 8:08 pm

        Under my pillow,a split second. No children in the house. I never sleep in complete darkness.

        • Gary on May 29, 2018 at 10:13 am

          Exactly Sherry, no kids and the Judge under the pillow will render the verdict

          • James Higginbotham on June 24, 2018 at 8:59 pm

            i keep two on my nightstand.
            one on the top, and another on the lower shelf.
            and have done so ever since i’ve been out of the Marine Corps, with NEVER A PROBLEM.
            a gun LOCKED UP will do you NO GOOD.

          • Hambone on October 6, 2022 at 8:45 pm

            Its under the pillow next to me. Unless you are a complete moron, you couldn’t have it in a better place while you sleep, if you live alone as I do. If my bedroom door pops open in the middle of the night, its game over for the intruder. I’d never hear them until then due the volume of my hvac unit. Otherwise, why have a gun for home defense? I won’t have time to go to my safe or my nightstand once the intruder realizes I’m making a move. If you have kids, probably not a good plan.

        • Paul Lackey on May 30, 2018 at 3:58 pm

          I am a restless sleeper. Might not be the safest for me under my pillow. I have now installed a gun magnet by my bed in a secluded spot. Retrieval time is the same as on the night stand. I feel comfortable that I am the only person that can get to my gun and should I not wear my gun, it will not be discovered unless by a determined burglar.

          • Jim Parrie on June 20, 2018 at 12:13 pm

            There is NO WAY I’m putting a loaded weapon under my pillow. I move around way too much while I’m sleeping for that.

        • Walt on June 24, 2018 at 10:52 am

          Way to go girl !

          • Sam W on May 7, 2019 at 11:13 am

            I don’t have children in the house, I do have dogs. Mine is hung on the wall next to the bed. Out of their reach. An intruder would have to reach across us (dogs included) to get it. Not likely! The simpler it is the better, mechanisms go bad, batteries die. The coat hook will eventually fall after the stud holding it decays.

          • Herb on June 23, 2021 at 12:13 pm

            That’s why I use the DA revolver

        • Satindoll on June 24, 2018 at 11:11 am

          Ditto ………its under the other pillow facing the wall.

          • Seethingssilly on May 9, 2019 at 8:30 pm

            “I do have dogs. Mine is hung on the wall.”

            1. Why do you hang your dog on the wall?

            2. Who owns the other dogs you have?

        • OMEGA 2 on June 24, 2018 at 11:52 am

          Best place for QUICK RESPONSE! That is where mine is kept as I have no kids to worry about!

        • Jan on August 5, 2018 at 9:43 pm

          Thank you! I’m in the same boat and keep my gun under my pillow. No kids or anything (otherwise I would use a safe for sure). I live in a small 1 bedroom apartment. If someone were to break in through my front door, I likely wouldn’t have time to get to a safe and pull the gun out before they got to me, especially coming out of a sound sleep. I do make sure to take the ammo out and put it in a safe place if people are coming over however, especially and ALWAYS when those people that have kids.

          • zachary on June 3, 2020 at 4:08 pm

            night stand safe its right down in the drawer quick and easy i can access my weapon in under 5 secs and my daughter is safe from getting a hold of it

        • Mike R on August 16, 2018 at 10:52 am

          I agree. Under the pillow or right next to the bed. I have an up to date home security system, two Dachshund who are very alert and no children in the house. The odds of a intruder getting to my gun before I do is very remote. No way could I make it to my safe in time to defend myself.

        • LEE STONE on August 16, 2018 at 11:12 am

          No kids here. I have 3 safes for storage only. I keep 3 – 4 weapons in specific areas loaded with safety on. I have security, and a dog. Have not had a problem yet.

          • Donald Congleton on May 7, 2019 at 12:25 pm

            I’m like many others. No children here except when the Grandkids come and then it’s locked up.

        • Craig Smith on May 7, 2019 at 11:24 am

          I also sleep with one under the pillow, and I sleep with two dogs, ( the best security system I know of- they will alert and attack on command) I might make mention that I am a combat vet, police dog trainer, and former 7th Special Forces Group member.

          • Donna on June 22, 2019 at 7:20 pm

            So cool!

        • Greg on May 8, 2019 at 10:18 am

          Smith and Wesson Governor under my pillow, don’t own a safe.
          No kids in my house, only wife.

          Semi autos with round in the chamber.

      • George Bill on August 16, 2018 at 10:42 am

        I have had a licensed firearm on my person for over 45 yrs. I keep a Glock 19 with a light on the dresser within arms reach. Also have a trigger block in the trigger, no way can the gun go off till I pop out the block. Works for me, also the night sight helps you find the gun immediately.

      • JP Mooney on June 23, 2021 at 12:50 pm

        I am a former Marine MP and have owned and used many kinds of firearms since I was 12 years old; we have no children in our home and I keep two handguns on my nightstand a Judge 45 and a Glock 19 fully loaded! Putting these weapons in a safe is a very stupid idea as they would be utterly useless!

    • Mike on June 13, 2017 at 1:52 pm

      At some point we have to get past the hysteria surrounding the gun industry and reject the anti-gun propaganda. Will there be accidents with guns (better known as negligent discharges)? Yes just like we have with bleach, cars, chop sticks, etc. I saw a guy nearly killed by a quarter. We don’t have calls to ban those or have them locked up at night. For CENTURIES, there were loaded guns leaning against the door frames of many US homes with NO negligent discharges (and babies were crawling around on the 20X20ft room floors all day). The problem isn’t the gun or where it’s stored. The problem is the trigger jerker.

      Gun fights last 3 seconds, on average. We did training where we had skilled shooters place their guns on the nightstand in the config they usually do it. Every one of them unloaded the gun first (these were SWAT officers, IDPA hot shots, etc.). They laid down on a cot, closed their eyes to simulate sleep and we secretly put an IPSC target in the room as we left. Threat! Threat! Threat! was given and EVERY ONE OF THEM grabbed their gun, pointed in and CLICK! Then tap, rack, bang after that. They weren’t actually asleep but they (like anyone else) flipped into instinct when the threat showed up: you expect the gun to be loaded. If it’s taking longer than 3 seconds to get the gun and send rounds downrange then you will likely begin the gun fight with 2-5 holes in you. Not optimal.

      The key is: teach your kids and any kids that show up in your house what guns do and what they’re for. If their parents don’t like it, then I don’t like their kids in my house. Period. It’s not the gun; it’s the people that are the problem. Never use equipment to solve a training issue.

      Lock the guns up unless on your person but have the LOADED gun in a location that is easy to get to at night. If they’re coming into your house, they don’t need your gun; they got one. Don’t worry about them stealing yours. You need to be able to get to it as rapidly as possible.

      Put a high sound volume warning at every entry point to your home so you have early warning.

      • Hugh on June 13, 2017 at 4:06 pm

        Excellent, excellent comment, especially dealing with the reality of TIME! But, what about keeping a loaded, chambered, safety ON, gun under the pillow . . . after one goes to bed. Of course that eliminates the stupid, dangerous, NO SAFETY, Glock. And, NO . . . in my opinion, it’s NOT a safety if you can pull the trigger ANYTIME just by putting a little 1½ inch finger on it!

        • Warren on June 14, 2017 at 5:53 pm

          I think a person would be an idiot to put a gun under their pillow, safety or no safety.

          • SSG_Rick on February 1, 2018 at 3:17 pm

            I think anybody STUPID enough to put a loaded gun, safety on, under the pillow on their bed just may as well put the same loaded gun to their head and pull the trigger.

          • Joe on June 25, 2018 at 12:19 am

            An idiot who survived, and walked away while the intruder got a dirt nap.

          • Larry , RN, on June 25, 2018 at 1:54 am

            Well folks there are such things as concealed firearm pillow on the market, They have a built in holster in them. It is just not be as stupid as some might think. May even be a means of protection, in case a perp happens to get your firearm off of the bedside table.

            It is tiring to see so many misuse words. A firearm is not a weapon until it is physically used for that purpose. I realize many are ex-military but that does not change the facts.

            Mike I commend you about what you stated about teaching the children in your house to stay away yours and anyone else’s firearms unless told they can. We have been giving up our freedoms just a little everyday, in our attempt to appease the antis; and that is a joke on us, because the only real way we will ever appease the antis is a told surrender of ALL of our firearms,

          • AnneB on April 5, 2021 at 11:09 pm

            One aspect I like about my firearms is they are designed to be easier to rack (as an older petite woman this is a neccessity) but they also have a safety grip. By that, I mean that you have to grip the gun just right or it will not fire. Took a couple times at the range to get used to, but now I have the muscle memory to know how to grip it. But anyone, including if there is a child in the home, would have a hard time figuring out how to shoot these guns and there’s no way a kid could do it without training. Definitely gives me peace of mind.

        • Mike R on August 16, 2018 at 10:55 am

          Agreed. I have high volume alarms at every entry point to my home. My guns stay loaded with one in the chamber and I check them regularly. As far as people with kids that have lockjaw about guns they will just have to get over it.

        • Steve j on April 14, 2019 at 4:37 pm

          I don’t think under a pillow is any worse than appendix carry or anything else.
          My concern would be more that it’s not secured and would fall behind the bed.
          I think the nightstand or between the mattress would be just as easily accessible.
          IMO, the best overall option would be the quick access nightstand safe.
          Second best would be a magnet.
          On the backside of a nightstand.
          Or on the headboard, just below mattress level.
          The options for those magnets are really endless.
          Choose a spot not in plain sight so it won’t be the first thing an intruder, or little one, sees when they enter.

          • Joshua Gillem on April 15, 2019 at 7:57 am

            I agree that a quick access safe is the best bet. There are too many uncontrollable outcomes when the firearm isn’t secured. It’s important to train getting to your gun under stress, however.

        • Mickey M on May 7, 2019 at 12:05 pm

          If you are going keep your home defense weapon in a safe why do you even own one? Just dial 911 & say where to find the body.

          • Kent on June 22, 2019 at 6:28 am

            I appreciate the comment about self-reliance preparation … but, it’s wrapped in a bit of faulty logic.

            My point is that it takes LONGER to CALL 911 (never mind arrival time), than it does to retrieve a gun from a secured position.

            Never mind the amount of time it takes for the authorities to arrive … but, that isn’t the issue of the question regarding secured vs. unsecured.

            Notice that I said “secured” … which method you use to ensure that your firearm is secured is up to you. Some methods are certainly MORE SECURE than others.

            I think the question comes down to incorporating some degree of security. Personally, I think that the folks with the “under pillow” approach might want to take a look at a mattress holster instead. To me, a mattress holster is more secure than potentially flopping around under a pillow.

            A safe inside Fort Knox is more secure than a mattress holster, but its practicality is then compromised. What level of “secured” do you employ will be variable … BUT, some degree of secured approach is better than unsecured.

            If you’re gonna be of the “unsecured” opinion … heck, keep your shoes beside your bed and tuck it in your boot or shoe. You’re not gonna “forget about ” what to do with it in the morning. Besides, you may want your shoes in an urgent situation too. Set your shoes or boots on the nightstand if you prefer.

            More than one way to skin this cat … just keep your head in the game about the risk / reward / hazards involved. Broad statements (sentiment understood) aren’t an excuse for being smart about things.

          • Kent on June 22, 2019 at 6:50 am

            BTW, in case it didn’t come across, the point is …

            It takes LESS TIME to retrieve an (efficiently) SECURED firearm than it does to call 911.

            Don’t let the issue of (excessive) response time deter you from being responsible for approaching firearm security in a manner that is appropriate. For “safe haters” … mattress holsters, magnets and other alternative or creative options can be a split the difference approach that doesn’t have you sleeping on your firearm, nor does it have it sealed away in Fort Knox.

            Of course, how you define responsible may vary … but, in the end each of us is RESPONSIBLE for the outcomes (situation, kids, pets, AD, etc.). 100% UNSECURED may not be the most responsible strategy for some. For others (specific situation), how SECURE you make it can vary.

            For what it’s worth, good Gun Control includes having control over your firearm when it is in your hands … AND when it is NOT in your hands.

            Being safe, may not always warrant locked away in a safe (for everyone) … but, always be safe.

      • Bill O. on April 25, 2018 at 9:43 am

        I agree with Mike. My children and grandchildren have all had firearms training and know how to handle a firearm or how not to and how to ask first. At night my bedroom door is locked and my carry pistol is in a holster on the side of my bed. If I hear a noise that concerns me I can deploy that gun and be pointing at the door in 3 seconds. The rest of the day it is physically concealed on my person. If you think safety you will do everything necessary to insure safety.

      • WildBill on May 29, 2018 at 8:16 am

        Finally, someone with a sensible response. I have to agree with Mike. If they are coming in on you they more than likely have a gun. Time is of the essence. It’s KILL or be KILLED.

      • T. Smith on May 29, 2018 at 11:58 am

        Very well put ! I agree 110%. It can not be said enough, Train like you fight, you will fight like you train !

      • Barbara Killingbeck on June 24, 2018 at 12:51 pm

        Very well said … We need more people with your attitude … I have been around guns most of my life (I’m 71) never had a problem … Gun safety should be leaned at an early age … Everyone should be trained in gun safety .

      • Oldprof on June 24, 2018 at 3:23 pm

        About 3 months after I got a little Yorkey puppy, one night he started barking very very loud. This gave me time to get my loaded pistol out of the night stand, before the alarm system went off. After the police came and checked the outside they found food prints in the lawn near a window. A dog may give you a couple of extra seconds.

      • Connie on February 24, 2024 at 9:26 am

        My LARGER problem is animals (BEARS AND COUGARS), you bet the gun is very close….loaded and ready! I too am a Military Vet! No children, and getting older. I take zero chances!
        And these days, what’s the point in “no texting” when the car companies install the equivalent of a giant TV on the dasboard that actually blocks our view of the road??? Does this seem as stupid to you as it does to me? Sticking with my older car for exactly that reason!

    • Hugh on June 13, 2017 at 3:58 pm

      Grabbing MY gun by the trigger would have NO negative consequences because it is NOT a stupid Glock!

      • Grampa tony on February 20, 2018 at 5:06 pm

        Glocks are not stupid. The owner of the gun is stupid. Why would you have a round chambered when it takes a second to cjamber a round and shoot. Glocks are top of the line. You have a lot to learn

        • Paul on April 25, 2018 at 9:30 am

          Glocks are great….unchambered .45 under my pillow for problem ever…wife loves it there…she knows how it shoots and doesn’t shoot…picked up by habit during the day in a safe place…never have and never will chamber a round in the house except a threat occurs..

          • TallThominTexas on April 25, 2018 at 10:13 pm

            Be sure to practice grabbing the weapon & chambering a round when at the range. Not just aim, shoot. When the feces flies, you will do what you practiced.

          • James on April 29, 2018 at 11:53 am

            A year or so ago a sheriff in a rural area shot his wife in the head while he was asleep with a pistol kept under his pillow. She died, and they can only surmise he accidentally pulled the trigger. Under the pillow is too dangerous as you will move during the night while asleep..

        • Rich in CT on April 25, 2018 at 3:04 pm

          You lose precious time not having you gun chambered at ALL TIMES probably enough time for an attacker to take the gun away from you or at the very least knock it out of your hand or have you on the ground disabled. Yes it’s safer to walk around with out a bullet in the chamber but you may very well lose your life because of it. ALL guns either have safety levers or built in safeties in them. The only way your going to shoot yourself is if you have no gun training or your name is Barney Fife.

          • ntonkin on May 29, 2018 at 10:26 am

            That’s why you shouldn’t have a round in the chamber. It takes less than a second to chamber a round with my Glock 27.

          • Layton on May 29, 2018 at 1:43 pm

            One thing that has not been mentioned at all is that 2/3 o’clock in the morning when you are in a dead out of it sleep most cannot react instantly,basically first you have to wake to realize what is going on,then you react to what is going on and I train all the time with laser targets and snap caps to train the motor memory,and the weapon I have ether on me or on the night stand has a thumb safety on it and always has one in the pipe and i train to every I grab my weapon y thumb automatically is on the safety and my index finger has lockjaw along the side of the trigger and that is the last safety before firing.
            I got so used to the 1911 in Nam and when discharged have carried or had one close ever since,and as for my children they were very familiar with the weapon and what its function and if they wanted to hold it they would ask me and I would let them handle it cleared slide open,and never had any problems.I practice point shooting and all my weapons have on demand temp light lasers

        • davepa on April 25, 2018 at 7:55 pm

          tony why do you not keep one in the pipe, are you gonna throw the gun at them and you dont want it to discharge accidently

        • Steve Thomas on May 29, 2018 at 7:56 am

          Put a Glock in your holster without a round chambered. (use snap caps) Have someone start at20 feet from you and run at you. You draw, rack it, level it and fire. If they reach you before you fire, you just got a knife in your ribs from a mugger. Your gun was a total waste.

        • JerryL69 on May 29, 2018 at 9:38 am

          I agree with Grandpa Tony 100%. I have nothing but Glocks in my House. Keep your dang finger off the trigger is the first rule of safety at any decent training facility. Train well. Perform well.

          • burgereric19 on September 4, 2018 at 4:37 pm

            I understand the concern some have expressed, regarding waking up from a deep sleep and groping around for their firearm in a dark room. There is an easy fix for this concern however: don,t leave your firearm lay there naked. Have it in any good quality holster that covers the trigger guard. Kept this way there is virtually no chance of getting a finger inside the trigger guard prematurely and when picked up it will be readily apparent that the firearm is in a holster. striping the holster will take only a fraction of a second.

        • Zedd, the packing Buddhist on May 29, 2018 at 2:56 pm

          Hey up!
          I don’t much care for glocks either! Don’t much card for not having a safety! I also like feeling a gun in my hands; but then again, I have large hands to start with. Especially w/a 45, I want some weight there. I’ve had a 357 Blackhawk for years now, till recently, I got a P14-45. Enough rounds & enough punching power! At night, I keep it right beside me at all times. Whether on me pjs or just laying there, I always know where it’s at, (I can feel it always), & it’s loaded w/safety on & in holster ready. All I’ve got to do is put me hand on it, drop the safety & fire. Through covers & everything! They will never see it coming! Surprise!
          As for gun control? Education was the most important info that I ever got growing up! I grew up around them. At 10, I competed in quick draw & beat many adults, (it’s done very differently now! Not like the old west, today they start in some of the most contorted styles that they would have been laughed at 100 years ago! But, I knew better than to touch even me gun w/o asking first! But, I was also given a healthy respect for life to start with! But, gun control will not work in the first place. Controlling the guns will not do anything. It’s not the guns doing the killing it’s the mind of the person that is. They don’t need a gun, how about a wrist-rocket? A knife? Or a rock? I’ve heard that some people think that we can rid ourselves of all the guns… REALLY? & just how are they going to do that? Door to door? REALLY again? How many out there will not give them up w/o a fight? Lots of fights are going to happen! OK. Say we get rid of guns… Now we can be invaded by just about anyone! I’ve been told; “Guns are the only item that was made to kill.” YES! They were. To protect yourself from &/or for close in combat, (over the long rifle). Well, if a gun is not handy, what’s next? A knife, now we have to get rid of these also! Because these were also made to kill! Arrowheads are next… IF I keep going, we would be, (by those asking & saying these things against guns), back into the trees! No phones, (they can kill also!), no tv, (this teaches you how to be violent!), no cars, (these can also kill someone!). Hell, you can kill w/a blade of grass! What are they going to do now w/the grass?
          It’s the person that’s screwed up in the cabesa is the one’s that need to be w/o one. These are people that have been pushed away from society. The one’s picked on, teased all the time, made the butt of a joke, pestered, irritated & bullied! The one’s pushed away because of what they believe in, how they dress themselves, or even how they look because of a wart on their nose or a weird scar! These are the people that are doing the shootings in the first place! We, the adults need to get the kids to quit this against these humans! This is the solution to stopping these school shootings! Stop the Bullying at the source! The kids that do the most of it are the most popular kids in that school. Oh, yes, there are the others, but they are following the leaders of that school, the popular kids.
          So, now where does the fault lie? It comes back to the adults/parents for not teaching our kids to have compassion in their hearts for the less fortunate ones. This is what we as the American Society, need to do to correct this problem!
          (I’m in the process to putting together a paper on this subject, to be published somewhere that I don’t know yet.) Sorry so long!
          I thank you for your time & patience w/an old fart!
          Zedd, the packing Buddhist, (I maybe Buddhist, but I’m not stupid!)

          • Jsmith on June 24, 2018 at 3:10 pm

            I agree with your root cause perspective. Respect for others, picking on others because of their a large problem in our soceiry. We have become more competitive, less tolerant and more easily offended. That is not a recipe for success.

        • frank's gun shop on June 3, 2018 at 3:10 am

          they make trigger blocks for glocks…based on my experience…a very good idea…

          • Mike on June 25, 2018 at 11:56 am

            A very bad idea if the miscreant is in the room with you. Oh, gosh, where’s the key? Does it go in this way or that way? And no, I’m nnnnnnnnnnot nervous, not me!

        • Dees on June 24, 2018 at 2:25 pm

          Glocks are so wonderful everyone is getting rid of them. I keep a 226 under
          The pillow.. it’s not going off or anywhere else until I want it..

        • joe on June 25, 2018 at 4:52 pm

          i have a s&w shield mp in .40 one in the tube with safe on. under 3 sec. no kids in the house to worry about. been there for 5 yrs. and has not went off yet.

      • George M Richardson on April 29, 2018 at 3:23 pm

        Sig Sauer Equinox P229 (NO SAFETY) . Top of the line fire arm .
        It’s not the weapon it’s the person using it and how well they’er trained !!
        If children are present (no matter how much training) they are still children.
        Responsible Adult ?
        George a Retired trained US Marine

        • George M Richardson on April 29, 2018 at 3:27 pm

          No offense intended .

    • Chris on June 14, 2017 at 6:54 am

      I agree you have to be careful with children in the house. However, should you hear your door or window crash open you do not wake up instantly aware enough IMO to play with a safe. An alarm system that goes off will give you some warning but I would still rather just be able to grab a familiar gun on my nigh table than fool with a safe of any kind. The same goes for all the comments about leaving the chamber empty. Unless you are in the 2% who carry this way and practice racking the slide every time you draw the gun under duress you will forget to rack the slide and lose precious seconds. I want every advantage possible.

    • Adam on June 14, 2017 at 6:28 pm

      Respectfully to all opinions, for me, the risk to my child or another is too great to leave it unattended. Before kids, I felt differently. My solution is restricted access to living quarters. When it’s bed time, the only access to bedrooms is through a solid door, or windows three floors up. Alarm will alert me and provide ample time to access my safe where a superior home defense weapon awaits. Intruder better bring a door breach and some flash bangs, though even then, good luck. I don’t trust myself to NEVER leave weapon unattended. Anyone who thinks teaching kids etc. is enough doesn’t fully grasp the difference between mistake proofing and mistake mitigation. Steal the stuff downstairs, I have insurance.

      • Matt on June 16, 2017 at 5:55 am

        This right here!! A weapons owner should not be relying on their weapon alone. A weapon is last resort in every situation. Technology has come far enough to the point that we have the nice things called alarms, and even if you don’t want to use one of them, there is another, less sophisticated alarm called the dog. The last thing that should be on our mind is ending a life. I’d rather give the moron who broke into my house ample opportunity to rethink his poorly made decision to break in my house before I have to dispatch him. With the alarm and the dog in place, I should have enough time to retrieve my weapon, lock and load, and fire if the perp is making continuously bad decisions.

        • David Wagaman on April 26, 2018 at 8:12 am

          Matt if the burglar breaks your window and crawls into your home and your dog chews their face off, good luck,I hope you have a good lawyer and craploads of money to give away.

    • marc nichols on June 17, 2017 at 2:23 pm

      No children in our home, ever. Most weapons are in the safe but those intended to defend at night are in reach…my wife in her nightstand and mine the same. The untested and significant issue here is how one reacts from a deep sleep. Everything takes longer and any complication will exponentially increase the likelihood of a failure to perform satisfactorily. I worry not that we would be so slow that a perp would do harm to us with our weapons. Simply impossible here.

      If there were children in our hope, I may consider a suitable gun safe, but knowing it would put me behind the calculus. When a perp arrives at night, they are awake while we may not be. Decisions have been pre-,made and if armed, weapons are on hand or at ready. We are well behind the curve!

    • Joe on December 26, 2017 at 2:28 pm

      Glen, are you a manufacturer or dealer of the safe you referenced in your comment? If so, I think your comment may be a little biased.

      • Dal on January 31, 2018 at 8:36 am

        just thinking the same thing, don’t believe a safe would only cost you 1-2 seconds and that still could be the difference it makes.

    • Jim on January 31, 2018 at 8:23 am

      I am now 68yrs old and have carried a firearm everyday for every day since I was 18 when I joined the military so for 50yrs. Yes i place it on the nightstand every night and it is loaded an ready to go, just flip off the safety. I am a very light sleeper so the chance of anyone entering my bedroom is slim to none, especially since we have dogs. My two boys were taught from a very early age that firearms were exceptionally dangerous and they would NOT touch them, period. Whenever the grandkids come over they door to the bedroom is locked or the firearm is on my person. Safety is paramount but it does no good to have the firearm unloaded and have to find the parts to charge it and make ready to fire when you need it NOW.

    • Mike Whaley on January 31, 2018 at 11:34 am

      I am 70. Have been a police officer. There are no children in our home. We have no grandchildren or associates with small children. We do have a dog and ADT. And I do keep a loaded gun, a .357 magnum revolver, on the table next to the bed. Lord help you if you enter my home without my permission. I WILL cause your death.
      And I carry a gun if I am outside my home. My wife also. Be aware of your surroundings.

    • Harry R on January 31, 2018 at 1:32 pm

      Don’t know what world you live in but, in my instance, being 70, getting out of bed, going to another room to access the safe, working the dial, pulling up on the delocking lever amidst a clanking sound, reaching in and getting your firearm out, hopefully having one fully charged and ready for use and then prepare to defend yourself, your property ???? A few seconds difference from having one right next to you on your nightstand, ready to go?? Get your timepiece checked- it’s WAY off !! Not only a LOT longer, but now exposing yourself to danger even more, besides leaving your partner in bed(assuming two) unprotected. I like my way better- pistol with night sights right next to me.

    • Aaron on February 3, 2018 at 2:57 pm

      My wife and I were not blessed with kids, so that’s not a problem from my perspective because there are none in the house, ever. I don’t actually keep my pistol on my nightstand. I have a black cloth I lay on the floor (at arm’s length), to lay my black {holstered} pistol on top of that (black on black in a dark room), then place a pillow over that.

      If someone can get into my house, then bedroom without my waking up (bloody unlikely), they won’t find any pistol on, nor in my nightstand. As well, who would think of looking under an innocuous pillow on the floor next to the bed?!? Best of all, my prone body position allows me to simply drop my arm over the bed to reach the pistol at exact arms length, or even just roll off the bed (which is on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE BEDROOM DOOR), and use the bed concealment to hide most all of my body, then open fire from a lowered position on the floor and do it ASAP.

      I’ve talked to my wife about the possibility and said she must also roll off the bed on her side into the corner cover of the heavy dresser. That is, until she’s more proficient in shooting, which I’m agonizingly, slowly, carefully trying to teach her correctly in how to use a firearm, then use it to possibly save life and limb. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone by shooting them, and neither do I, but… [It would help to have a withering crossfire centered on the criminal.] I hope to God it never comes down to it.

      It’s ALWAYS a dicey, difficult situation to be in if you are forced to engage in a gun battle coming out of a sleeping state. There is no easy answer, other than to say 1st secure your outer perimeter well to make it difficult AND NOISY to get in house in the first place. Got dog?

      • Wayne on February 8, 2018 at 10:31 pm

        Aaron you make a good point. A dog(s) is always a good home protection method. Many thieves will bypass a house with a dog to go to one without. No one is coming in my home without my knowing it. I have five rescue dogs who live inside and none are large class. That little bit of early warning from them gives me a chance to be ready to get out there to protect my family and not have the danger come to me. As the weapon isn’t a semi, clambering a round is no concern. My .357 revolver is within arms reach and not locked up, yet not out in the open. When I’m up it’s on my belt or locked in the safe.

    • Paul Fitzgerald on February 20, 2018 at 9:50 am

      No children and a locked bedroom door and I will be gun in hand when and if he gets in my bedroom!! He won’t be walking out!

    • J.L. on February 20, 2018 at 10:15 am

      sleep on the opposite side of the bed from the entrance to your bedroom ,keep you gun under the bed if and when you hear some one in your home or coming into the room .just roll off the bed to the floor and grab your gun/ you also have the bed between you and the intruder. your out of his site while your getting armed . Lock it up or carry during the day

    • Bill W. on February 20, 2018 at 10:36 am

      Something else to consider for your “test” is the location of the safe. Unless it is on the night stand next to you, you will be slowed down getting to the safe.
      I don’t think your test results are accurate. I think most people have gun safes in closets or in the wall somewhere in the house, but not on the nightstand next to the bed.
      You need to rethink this…

    • D.A. Newton on February 20, 2018 at 10:44 am

      I think this article is skewed towards the ‘lock up the gun’ argument. IF a person can break into your home, get to your bedroom and be standing next to your bed in such a way as to be able to grab a weapon on your nightstand you are already out of the fight. He doesn’t need your gun – ANY weapon he carried would take you out. You people concerned about break-ins!! What – no security locks in your home, no alarm system? No dog? Such a sound sleeper a person can break in and get into your bedroom next to you? Forget the gun – you won’t need it, the bad guy already has you!

      For you gun experts – ever had a break-in in the middle of the night? Your adrenaline is pumping through you like a race horse – your ears are ringing from the sound of the blood pumping through you. Thinking flawlessly straight are you? You going to turn on your lights to see the safe lock? What? Everyone has their safe right next to their bed. I have a large safe – for rifles, shotgun and pistols…it’s down the hall – no magic button on the dial for split second entry. And of course your hands aren’t shaking while you’re attempting to open the safe.

      I am NOT a ‘pistol by the bedside’ advocate! I am a police riot shotgun in the closet next to the bed advocate. Even with the adrenaline, pounding ears, shaking hands I’ll hit my target if he gets to me. CALL THE COPS and get between him and your family till they show. Anybody those goes searching through his house in the dark for a bad is asking for a bullet.

      I have had an entry in the middle of the night, storm raging, and the power shut off at the panel. With years of shooting experience, 1,000’s of rounds fired on the military pistol team, qualified for military rifle team, 2nd Infantry Div. on the Z – I was scared sh!tless, shaking like a leaf with a wife and 2 kids. I learned the hard way that night, don’t take a pistol to a gun fight, in the dark, in your home and shaking like a leaf. Even you combat vets – tell me – how are you going to react when it’s your kids between you and the bad guy.

      • billyt on April 25, 2018 at 10:37 am

        Excellent! I too subscribe to the shotgun-in-the-closet, loaded but none in the pipe. The sound of a shotgun racking tells an intruder “you are in big trouble” Mine is a Remington 20 gauge, L.E.D. strobe barrel light with a pressure switch on the pump. 8 shells of Triple O buckshot in the mag extension.

        • frank's gun shop on June 3, 2018 at 3:19 am

          you don’t want to put the gun in or on the nightstand…put it on the floor between the bed and the nightstand…out of sight out of mind…except for you…..

        • Kim Meyer on June 24, 2018 at 3:55 pm

          What model Remington 20 gauge? Is it set up for a quick attach light or was that your own set up? I have a 12 gauge but I am shopping for a 20 gauge.

    • Bill Reed on February 20, 2018 at 12:20 pm

      We lived in NH for many years in the mountains Black Bears are hungry they some times crashed through windows located on the deck to get to food. , believe me my 9mm was always inches away. Of course this was not the norm but that is not the point, If locked in safe wife & I had no choice to break a bedroom window and try to get out. Chances are the Bear would have gone for the food but why chance it.

      • Connie on February 24, 2024 at 9:53 am

        Exactly my point, and I’m in the Rockies!!! Also, even having a dog didn’t prevent my Sis from being murdered in her bed… her own son!!! With all these evil and insane nut cases coming over the border, there’s more chance of them than any animal!!

    • barry on February 20, 2018 at 1:34 pm

      I am retired and no childeren are in my home, I have a dog to alert me but I keep my G-31 w/light/laser in a bed buddy at my bed side where no intruder will see it. I have practiced using it and like this method much better than getting into my combo safe, which I have as well. I do lock all my large safes at night so they can’t sneak in and use one of my guns just in case the dog does not hear them.. fat chance.. Thanks for the info as usual.

    • Chris on February 25, 2018 at 2:41 pm

      I thought it was a very well written article. What I don’t think was taken into consideration was the time that it takes to come from sleep to a basic readiness. ANY safe will take, IMO, more time to open than getting my hand on a gun on the nightstand. I don’t think you want a gun with a 2lb trigger and no safety there when you come awake slightly gorgy, but I don’t want to fool around with a safe push buttons or keys. I have a CZ Phantom 18+1 with a laser which I feel does double duty; helping me sight in a target when coming awake while also a deterrent for a bad guy.

      I am also retired without any children to consider which is another conversation. Still the tests done I don’t think give an accurate account of how long it will take to access a safe from deep sleep. When I did have children we also had a Rottweiler and my main concern was cleaning up the mess.

    • Albert M Faivre on April 25, 2018 at 8:57 am

      Mine is under my pillows

      • frank's gun shop on June 3, 2018 at 3:22 am

        “under the pillow” may not be the best location for a gun with tritium sights…

      • Ginger Apple on August 16, 2018 at 10:58 am

        I have lived alone for years without fear because my revolver is under my pillow. There is not a bullet under the hammer but there can be in a second and I am an excellent shot. No fear. No children around ever.

      • Stephen Madlink on January 11, 2022 at 10:11 pm

        You must keep your gun on arms reach while sleeping. United States armed forces code.

    • William Harrington on April 25, 2018 at 9:35 am

      As a thought, if one is willing to modify the bed frame slightly, one of the magnets made to hold the gun could be placed on the bed frame in the area most convenient to the sleepers hand when dropped down the side.

    • David on April 25, 2018 at 4:02 pm

      I keep mine between the mattress and the box spring about at the length of my reach. That means no child is strong enough or long enough to get at it and i can access it instantly even while still in the bed.

    • MM Giacoppo on April 25, 2018 at 7:08 pm

      The only one your going to injure is your family, When you put the weapon on the night stand you program your self. and you will shoot at any thing if you are startled.

    • Bob Dumon on April 25, 2018 at 7:26 pm

      We’re senior citizens with no children (or grandchildren) in our home. When they visit the guns are secured. Both my wife and I keep handguns in drawers next to our bed, but we also lock our bedroom door, so I feel fairly confident that before a bad guy could get to our weapons they’d first have to kick in our bedroom door….

    • doug on May 29, 2018 at 7:54 am

      as to pre punching a few numbers, many safes will time out requiring one to re-enter the numbers thus negating that action

    • Nick Strickland on May 29, 2018 at 8:21 am

      Strange….people put an incredible amount of time and words regarding holsters because that 1.5 seconds is SO important. Then go home and put their gun in a safe. Make any sense to you? Not me. Secondly, if The bad guy gets your gun off your nightstand and you’re still sleeping….youre finished whether he brought his own or borrowed yours. Children? Start them young and teach them responsibilities. Let them shoot. Let them see what damage a firearm can do. They aren’t stupid. Teaching them the things that can hurt/kill you isn’t hard for even kids to understand unless you raised a little a#$hole that doesn’t give a damn what you say. Then restrict them until they understand what civility and respect is.Mines staying on the nightstand. (no kids at home)
      But again… put such critical thought,research and practice into holster choice and response time,it doesn’t make a lick of sense to keep a gun in the safe at night. That’s just dumb to me. If they get to your bed and you’re still asleep….it doesn’t matter if you even have a gun. Just my opinion and it’s served me well for 60 yrs.

    • Mike on May 29, 2018 at 11:28 am

      Here’s my take on it: a nightstand gun should be DA/SA, to ensure the first trigger pull is heavier to avoid an accidental discharge. Second, any safe you use should be a biometric safe that has an LED constantly illuminating the sensor so it can easily be hit in the dark. Lasers on a nightstand gun are nice, but tritium sights are generally better and don’t give away your position; they’re also usually cheaper.

      Beyond that, you need to tailor it to your individual circumstances. In my personal case, my apartment is basically Fort Knox, with a steel door with steel frame and no windows overlooking the landing, and 4 floors up. As such, I have no qualms about simply locking them up in my armory. I’d be able to get to them long before anyone can bust down that door, and it would make so much noise that every man and his dog would hear it.

      If you have kids, obviously, security is tantamount. You could even consider a locking drawer so it can easily be locked during the day and the key left in and unlocked at night. If you attach it to your main keyring, you can ensure that you won’t forget it when you leave the house, as it will be hanging from the lock otherwise.

    • Ed Sykes on May 29, 2018 at 6:06 pm

      You have to keep in mind the homeowners emotional and body reactions such as adrenaline, fear, fear freeze, nervousness,confusion, shaking hands, fumble fingers, etc., caused by the siutuation that could cause delays in retrieving your weapon from a safe. A deatail that should be considered.

    • Charles Larry Fisher on May 29, 2018 at 7:11 pm

      You can what if ,,, any of these ideas until there no real answer. Each person

      is different, each case is different, what works for one person may be totally useless for

      another. Safety first and the rest will take care of its self !!!!

    • Russell Purkey on May 29, 2018 at 8:30 pm

      I don’t worry about aim, shaking from fear or a child getting the weapon. It’s a Pump 12 Ga Shotgun under the edge of my bed. Kids can’t pick it up much less operate it and I’m not worried about a miss either. WHO has a safe in the bedroom? Never seen it happen, most are in the closet of another less used room. What good is the weapon there?. Oh and growing up, there was always a rifle behind the Door in Dads room and kids did not touch it. Msgt, USAF, Ret. And usually the best shot on the base. Grew up hunting in the mountains of Colorado. Hunting to eat dials up your skills.

      • Connie on February 24, 2024 at 10:27 am

        Yep, same here….USAF MSGT retired. And they retrained us even more after 9/11!! My Dad took me hunting and fishing starting at 5 yo….Had to carry for my Job as well. At 73 I never expected the entire world….as well as USA to go entirely nucking futz on me. Yet here we are!!!

    • Nathan on June 24, 2018 at 10:20 am

      My wife and I have one of those holsters that hang between mattress and boxspring, and it is against the wall. Not visible, accessed easily by either of us, and when kids come visit (We are older now) we just unload it and put it away. Load it up and back in the veru unobvious holder. It is a revolver, which I believe in for simplicty. Yeah, I may be old school, but old school can be smart also.

    • Tim Jackson on June 24, 2018 at 10:59 am

      First let me say I am one that keeps my gun on the night stand, I am 69 years young and have just me and my wife so no kids to worry about and as to the person stupid enough to come into my home I like a lot of people these days have a alarm system that will go off making enough noise to wake the dead so no worry about the bad guy getting my gun before I can wake up. So I feel very comfortable leaving my ruger on the night stand.

    • IRWIN ROMMEL on June 24, 2018 at 12:03 pm


    • Keith on June 24, 2018 at 12:16 pm

      Well i know this is about getting your gun, but not one person mentioned your keys. Almost every key these days has an alarm on it, mine is ready to go on my nightstand every single night and yes i have a loaded gun revolver on a magnet hidden in very quick reach, I’ll use it too. . The key fob takes a second to push and not only you but the neighborhood will here it.. so conclusion is i have both, sleep light,no kids..I’m ready..every circumstance is different, use you head..

    • Dan on June 25, 2018 at 4:44 am

      Simply lay a magazine over top of your firearm which is on your nightstand. This simple concealment will not attract his attention that there is a firearm available and you still have the quick response time if need be.

    • doug palmer on June 26, 2018 at 4:09 pm

      How about you just set your house up to prevent a break in? You do not need a 297.00 dollar set fee and 49.99 a month fee, you can go to Home Depot tie stuff in with your smart phone boom 50.00, do not buy a sticker that they sale at all the stores that says “Security Camera in use , that tells me you don’t have one. Truly who wants to take a human life? I do not. Do not talk loud about things you own . Mount a keypad alarm buy your bed , you are not going to use a Colt AR 553 Nato for home protection or a AK 47 perhaps if some is breaking next door. A pistol grip 20 gauge with half shells will fit nice into a wall mounted key pad safe , the shell will stop in the person or a Glock Gen 23 40 with the correct ammo. Keep in mind you dont want them in house period. That Psychological Trauma will haunt your kids for ever, not to mention if you have to pull a trigger , that kind of Trauma can cause major damage. Safety and Security is smoke and mirrors with a tad bit of psychological warfare and common since , correct lighting and proper apps on your smart phone and a cheap drop phone for back up if needed. That is a lot less then the Therapy bills, and the clean up of biohazards. ALSO YOUR KIDS GO TO FRIENDS , do you know what their parents have your kids can get to? If I must I will take down a home invader , with out a second thought, I would like to think they can not get in. Doug Palmer Indianapolis In***********@ya***.com

    • DAN on June 23, 2021 at 1:02 pm

      A case of totally looking for data to justify your viewpoint. Does not contain a shred of evidence of actual data on retrieving a gun from a safe from a sound sleep during a home invasion.

    • Peter Wehrmeyer on June 23, 2021 at 4:18 pm

      I am glad that you took the time to do all the measurements tactical Tommy always wants you to wear your weapons to bed I have dogs and sometimes small children wandering around I can’t be trusted without the weapon in the safe

  2. Michael F Fanelli on June 12, 2017 at 1:17 pm

    I couldn’t leave a gun in the open. I have dreams where I move in my sleep. The access has to be something that requires conscious effort. I use a push button safe which I have had for 20 years. If I were to get something other than that, I would consider one of the many covert options which you did not mention: Hollow book, Covert Furniture, Gun Bed or something similar. I don’t think anything is faster than the gun bed headboard-even vs on the night stand.

    • Hugh on June 13, 2017 at 4:17 pm

      I think most, o r at least some, people do; but if your gun had a manual, easily removed with just a flick of your thumb, like my Bersa does, that would NOT be a problem.

    • jimmie Harold Patrick on February 20, 2018 at 10:13 am

      I have 15.5 years of law enforcement on my resume, many years ago HOWEVER…. I belive i n the gun on the night stand, one in the car door pocket, and a AR-15, 40 round clips in the trunk. If all good people were CCW then the death rate would go down, the bad guys would go some where else…..I had my first rifle at age 9, .22 rifle, first pistol at age of 17..22…..IN ALL MY YEARS POLICE AND OTHERWISE I HAVE NEVER FIRED AT A LIVING HUMAN. ……CARRY THE GUN STUPID!
      Jim Patrick – Colorado

      • Bill W. on February 20, 2018 at 10:44 am

        Here here Jim!
        Though I did have to “draw” my weapon on several occasions in my over 46 yrs in law enforcement, I too never had to fire at another Human Being. Lucky I guess…

      • barry on February 20, 2018 at 1:36 pm

        amen, carry like your life depends on it,

      • Rich in CT on April 25, 2018 at 3:12 pm

        Hats off to you Jimmie thanks for your service

  3. John on June 12, 2017 at 4:07 pm

    My weapon stays on the night stand every night in exactly the same position which negates the chance of getting the trigger in the dark. My .45 has been with me so long that I know the feel and placement in the dark. It is always in the same position every night.

  4. John on June 12, 2017 at 4:07 pm

    My weapon stays on the night stand every night in exactly the same position which negates the chance of getting the trigger in the dark. My .45 has been with me so long that I know the feel and placement in the dark. It is always in the same position every night.

    • Matt on June 13, 2017 at 9:18 am

      Getting the trigger shouldn’t be your first concern. The article points out the safety aspect of locking up vs not locking up. Not trigger control.
      As mentioned, at the end of the day, which is more likely? An unauthorized person accessing your fire arm, or a home invasion?
      If you think you are going to wake up in time to confront an invader with bullets before he has covered the distance from your doorway to bed, from a dead sleep, you’re dreaming!
      More likely a scenario is a crash in the night wakes you up and you calmly and controlled unlock a bed side safe and confront the intruder.
      No unauthorized gun access and you won’t find yourself in court having to answer why the neighbor kid is laying dead in your bed room.

      • Hugh on June 13, 2017 at 4:14 pm

        If, and I say “IF” your neighbor’s kid is lying dead in your bedroom, it’s because your neighbor was too Arrogant & Lazy to take the time to ‘Beat’, if necessary, the proper attitude into his kid. Way too many parents are too concerned with being their kid’s “Best Friend” (I see it in almost EVERY article about where a child came to harm) than actually being a “PARENT” and raising their child to be a “Productive & Responsible Human Being”!

        • Russell Purkey on May 29, 2018 at 8:22 pm

          AMEN to that Brother

      • Bill W. on February 20, 2018 at 10:49 am

        How many people have “bedside” safes? I have one gun safe…it’s not even in my bedroom.
        That said, Only I can fire the weapon I keep close but not on the nightstand where an intruder might find it before I wake up…

      • Rich in CT on April 25, 2018 at 3:16 pm

        What is the neighbor kid doing in your house in the middle of the night?????

      • Rafał Nowak on December 5, 2018 at 7:38 am

        So the neighbor kid has lockpicked or breached your front door and then your bedroom door? Then he’s a teenager at least and a young criminal.

        And if someone is lying dead even though he wasn’t a threat you are an idiot who should not be allowed anywhere near firearms. Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it. If you are going to shoot random people, better start with yourself.

        And yes, firearms should be stored safely. But instead of locking guns in a safe, you can lock them in your bedroom. A solid bedroom door with a 4 digit lock is better that a 4 digit safe. Safe protects your guns only, door also protects you from a home invader, at least giving you enough time to think before you do something stupid.

    • Hugh on June 13, 2017 at 4:21 pm

      Sorry, John . . . it most definitely does NOT “Negate” an unconscious trigger pull, just reduces the possibility. If your gun had a manual safety, THAT would eliminate the possibility.

      • ROBERT RAGUS on February 20, 2018 at 10:40 am

        None of my handguns have a safety, I keep mine holstered in my drawer . In all my life I have never had an unconscious trigger pull. If I put my finger inside the trigger guard I have already acquired my target.I have had weapons for 40+ years including my time in the Marines.I am glad you have a safety on your gun, myself and many others do not like safeties on our guns.We prefer training and using our brains as the ultimate safety..

        • Nick Strickland on May 29, 2018 at 8:30 am

          If a safety is of no concern to you why haven’t you removed the Internal safety? Lol. It’s kinda like the constant debate on trigger pull on a carry gun. Cracks me up. “I don’t like the trigger” “the trigger pull is 8lbs”, “its mushy” etc…..really? You’re NOT at the range. Your not in a match. You’ve got 3 seconds to save a life and trigger pull won’t ever be a factor.
          Carry on…..

    • John D. on January 31, 2018 at 8:01 am

      I agree. I keep everything I own locked up in gun safes, except that trusty 1911. Mine has night sights, and I have it positioned the same way every night. Cocked, locked, and those 3 little eyes staring at me. Pick it up, knock off the safety, and battle ready in a second or less.

      And yes, a home invasion is a battle.

  5. Frank Labriola on June 13, 2017 at 8:34 am

    I haven’t any children in the home so I keep my weapon holstered and in the nightstand next to me. Response time is quick plus I can’t accidently grab the trigger. I’m satisfied.

  6. Dwight on June 13, 2017 at 8:45 am

    My 45 is always under my pillow!!!!!!!!!!,love it,

  7. Frank on June 13, 2017 at 8:47 am

    Was that your child sleepwalking that you just shot in the dark?

    • Bill W. on February 20, 2018 at 10:54 am

      You better KNOW your target BEFORE you pull the trigger.
      If YOU think you might accidently shoot the wrong person, YOU have no business owning a firearm.

    • tufy23 on May 29, 2018 at 10:03 am

      Frank, gun owners with proper training don’t shoot before they identify there target. You people that think gun owners just shout anything that moves need to have your head examined.

    • Nathan on June 24, 2018 at 11:48 am

      People are not bothering to talk about the other ‘weapon’ that should be by every nightstand: A good powerful flashlight. I use a 1 m candle power spotlight.

  8. Alli on June 13, 2017 at 9:01 am

    I agree with Glenn. While demonstrating the “speed” of a safe vs nightstand option (no one apparently sleeps with one under their pillow or under a pillow on their bed). It needs to be demonstrated in a realistic manner, at night being suddenly awaken, disoriented to a degree, etc.
    That’s the only way your going to truly going to have an accurate test of whether or not safe’s are better or the night stand wins out.
    As stated by others, they’ve owned a firearm for years, they have muscle memory well trained…WHICH does make a huge difference in your response time.
    I have predators (coyotes) that I have to deal with as the intruders, waking up with a start & trying to find a key let alone shove it into a hole to open up one of our gun safe’s is a pain, not to mention if you drop it. Response time is shot. So, I can only imagine what it’d be like if it was a home intruder. I don’t keep my side arm in a safe, but at times I don’t keep it on the night stand either. But I am an early riser so if its on my night stand, then when I get up and after I get dressed, then I put it in its location. When Its on my night stand after dealing with the livestock intruders, any bullets in the chamber are already removed before I walk back into the house.
    And yes……I have kids. They’ve been educated & trained by their grandfather (Veteran), by their dad (Veteran) & by me. They know its not a toy, they’ve been taught since they could crawl not to mess with guns as was I. Visitors to our house (young or not) do not know that we have firearms, they’re not left unattended to go snooping around either.

  9. Alan Marble on June 13, 2017 at 9:01 am

    Try to visualize how long the investigation and trial will be if you make a mistake and pull the trigger in 3.2 seconds…
    on the wrong person…. because you were still in a dream state of sleep.

    • Fred Macc on February 20, 2018 at 10:59 am

      Call 911 and wait for a cop. You will make the paper. Unless you have been under extreme circumstances, you don’t know how or if you will react. Get a bad ass dog. That way you will have a little more time to react and not have some goblin standing over you when you wake up. I don’t care what the author does with his guns and limited experience, I know what works for me. There are too many variables being tossed around to even begin to justify any particular logic. If you need a gun in the dead of night and have to open and fish around in a safe for it while you are shitting your jammies, well, you will probably regret not having it close by,

    • Bill W. on February 20, 2018 at 11:00 am

      Again… If you are pulling the trigger on a target you are unsure of, YOU probably have no business owning a firearm…

  10. Royce See on June 13, 2017 at 9:02 am

    Along the same lines as you just discussed; What good`s an empty gun, it`ll get you killed quicker! On the other hand (and this is where America`s all out of wack), a weapon`s a utilitarian tool. Just like a shovel,axe, or broom.Some where along the way people lost the grasp on that part of every day life.There again they don`t teach anything about life in our schools / including tools.You have to be “ one “ with what ever you`re using. It should be second nature. John above, has it right: know the feel and placement. I`ve carried knives and guns most of the time. At 74 yrs. now i consider that. But really summing this up, i`d say it falls on the schooling system/ or lack of. Ha i think all the guys that commented before me brought up many fine points. What ever`s good for you, and me, i like the bed side board holster for my 45 and my Bowie. Thanks for listening , Royce See

    • Connie on February 24, 2024 at 10:54 am

      Thanks Royce, I was debating on this one. Anything, including you, can be a weapon! But most people don’t have a clue! Muscle memory is a fact, providing you’ve had enough training! Mine still reacts that way even after 20 years retirement! And having “ rescued” myself after being taken from my house at night and tied up, a gun is not the first thing I think of! However, considering where I now live…whatever is coming in is not human!!! Grizzlies are much more likely!!! So I’ve had to rethink all my self defense tools. There are many, and everywhere, though not in the open ( mostly). No safe after the assorted crap that’s happened to me. The size of our bears etc. is a deterrent!!!

  11. John D on June 13, 2017 at 9:05 am

    I keep my 1911 in a bed holster and not on the nightstand. It is positioned so my hand falls on the grip when I reach down for it.

    • Ron F on June 14, 2017 at 9:03 pm

      I use the same set up John D

    • bill on June 16, 2017 at 6:01 pm

      ME TOO

      • Yogi Bear on April 5, 2021 at 7:43 pm

        I too have an under the covers holster. I also have a tactical flash light with an attached lanyard,. The lanyard is across the grip on the firearm (Glock 30 .45 A.C.P.) so it will help me grab the flashlight first for target identification If I don’t know who or what it is, I WILL NOT SHOOT!. I’m 81 years old and totally believe in safety, not just gun safety. Also no kids left at home. The ARs are in a gun safe.

  12. Eddie on June 13, 2017 at 9:21 am

    We have no kids. When the grandkids spend the night, my pistol goes on a shelf in my closet the children can not access, takes me about 8 seconds to get to it. But since 99% of the time it is my wife and myself, I keep two pistols on the nightstand not holstered, and a 12 gauge behind my headboard within reach. I am perfectly comfortable with my pistols and know how to pick one up without engaging the trigger in the dark (but there is ambient light in the bedroom so it is not pitch black, I can see the pistols when I look at the nightstand). I also have an alarm system that includes motion detectors that would alert us if someone was moving towards our bedroom. A safe might be a good idea for when the grandchildren are at the house.

  13. Fred on June 13, 2017 at 9:23 am

    With NO CHILDREN ever in the house, I feel safe to leave it on the stand.

  14. Cactus31 on June 13, 2017 at 9:37 am

    I reluctantly completed the survey – not because it was a pain, or because I found it silly, but because it simply didn’t provide a way for me to accurately answer.

    I carry 24/7. Even at home, even at night. When I get ready for bed, or get dressed down, I use a Smart Carry holster. It’s soft enough to sleep comfortably w/, yet, the trigger simply cannot be pulled accidentally.

    I have small kids. Smart, curious kids, just like many of us do – I’m not willing to have an accident, and I’m not willing to compromise my family’s safety, either.

    I keep my carry weapon in me at ALL times, and any other weapons locked safely away.

  15. ollenb on June 13, 2017 at 9:47 am

    Your math in the 3 digit Sports Afield safe is wrong – the difference in 4.02 seconds and 2.51 seconds is 1.11 seconds, not 1.51 seconds.

    Other than that, this is an interesting study, which gives some useful information. At my house, the dogs will give me time to react (has been demonstrated several times, when folks just come in the drive).

    • Doug on June 13, 2017 at 12:51 pm

      Ollenb, check your math. It’s 1.51.

    • Ron on June 13, 2017 at 1:01 pm

      Look again. They were using 100’s not 60 seconds.

  16. Bill on June 13, 2017 at 9:57 am

    My weapon is on the nightstand beside my bed every night. Either my 9 mm. On my 380. On my 19 1145.whichever I feel like using that night. My home was broken into a few years ago when I was not at home. All of my weapons were stolen. I now have them in the safe. But I carry 24 seven .

  17. Steve on June 13, 2017 at 9:58 am

    I have a RFID safe by my bed. It has a bracelet that you can wear at night to open it with. I would be curious to know how that would compare to these others. Or possibly a biometric safe.

  18. Paul Noble on June 13, 2017 at 10:23 am

    I feel the point of this post is to get people to buy your gun safe. Period

    • Joshua on June 13, 2017 at 12:37 pm

      Paul, I could see how you’d think that. Please remember that, first and foremost, everyone who works for Concealed Carry Inc. is into guns and self-defense before we are into selling gun safes. We all have a permit/license to carry a concealed gun and many of us are certified firearms instructors. In other words, we are gun guys.

      This study was meant to showcase different options of how people store their firearms at night, mainly because it keeps coming up in the comments section of some of our other articles as a hot, debatable topic. We also thought this study would be a good idea because nobody else, to our knowledge, has ever done anything like this before.

      I can’t speak for the entire company for obvious reasons, but I personally didn’t get into this business (as the managing editor of this website) to get rich selling gun safes. I got into this to share my knowledge as a Marine and to help folks who are looking to start shooting guns and carry a self-defense weapon.

      While the main goal is to undoubtedly help folks out, we won’t be able to keep the lights on and conducting studies like this if we go bankrupt, so it makes sense for us to link up to products we sell to help us pay our people to keep bringing you the content we know people are dying to see.

      So no, the point was not to get people to buy our gun safe. The point was to teach people something, and we hope we were able to help do that. We appreciate each one of our readers and take feedback like this to heart. Thank you for your comment.

  19. CaptJoe on June 13, 2017 at 10:30 am

    Here is the trick. Save yourself a 21 year prison sentence taking care of yard apes and just not have the devils. No safe required.

  20. Marty on June 13, 2017 at 10:32 am

    When I was a firearms instructor many decades ago, I taught to keep the chamber of a large frame automatic empty when there were small children in the home. A small child simply does not have the strength, dexterity or knowledge to chamber a round and have a functioning weapon. If you need the weapon, it can be chambered immediately. However, properly educating a child is still very important. Like most folks, I started my daughter out with her very own BB gun at about 5. Safety was pounded into her head and the BB gun stayed in the vault when not in use. She got her own Cricket .22 when I felt she was ready for it, and now at 16, her favorite is my Sig 220. Her early firearms education kept her from being curious about weapons and to my knowledge, she never touched a gun when I was not present.

  21. Leonce LaRouche on June 13, 2017 at 11:04 am

    My Wife and I are in our middle to later sixties, my 9 mm pistol is in a drawer next to my bed, fully loaded and chambered. I can’t have it on my bed side table as I have a C-Pap machine setting there also plus a lamp. If some one was to enter my house it would take me longer to get the face mask off than get my gun out of a safe, I also have a very bright 2000 Lumen flashlight beside my C-Pap to shine in the eyes of an intruder! Being older, with heart problems, and not able to move as quickly as you do being a lot younger, I need all the advantages I can muster. I really feel these gun safes are a good idea, for people with children at the house everyday, but for us we don’t feel adding anything else to make me slower than I already am! We have taught our Grand children to stay out of or bedroom,Period! I also feel this was an advertisement to sell your gun safes!

  22. Bill Johnson on June 13, 2017 at 11:32 am

    I keep my .45 in a holster that is attached to the side of my mattress even when my kids were little they were taught not to touch my guns unless I was w/ them @ the range.

  23. Doug on June 13, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    Jacob, Excellent study and I know it was hard to accomplish and repetitive but the results are something we can actually use, so thank you. I would have liked to see a biometric safe in operation vs the other methods. My take away is that a spring loaded door would be necessary if I purchase one. I don’t have kids or visitors so I installed a gun magnet down on the side of the nightstand so the gun sits muzzle down ready to grab but not immediately visible to an intruder coming into the bedroom and I wear the gun throughout the day, morning to bed. It works for my situation but I really appreciate knowing the information you provided.

  24. Doug on June 13, 2017 at 12:47 pm

    I have to caution the people who think that instructing children not to touch a gun is sufficient. It is not and I for one wouldn’t want to bet the life of a child relative on finding out. Just watch some YouTube videos of children at playgrounds walking off with strangers, teenagers giving their address out on the internet and tests with children and guns and you would never trust their safety to strong instruction alone. Besides the danger of other kids or family members being in your home while your gun is accessible. It’s stupid not to control access to your firearm at all times, like playing russian roulette. The simple answer is just don’t do it, but like the children being told not to touch daddy’s gun, some of you will fail to heed that warning.

  25. Rob on June 13, 2017 at 1:52 pm

    What kind of holster (?) were you wearing?

    • Jacob Paulsen on June 13, 2017 at 2:15 pm

      Rob, good eyes. That is The Brave Response Holster.

  26. Robert on June 13, 2017 at 2:50 pm

    I think a lot of comments directed at children being present are off the mark about what the question was. How many of you have children come into the room after you go to bed? All of my hand guns (except my EDC which I wear 24/7) and an AR15 are locked up at almost all times. The hand guns are in a small safe and it is in the same closet the AR is in, which is locked, except when I want to go in there. I am 77 years old and NO children ever visit my wife and I. I keep my EDC on the night stand in its’ holster, always in the exact same spot. Works for me. Do whatever works for you.

  27. Jim on June 13, 2017 at 3:33 pm

    I have 2 terriers that sleep with me. If a mouse farts i know about it. My 1911 is in my night stand. If that mouse is gigantic he’s in trouble. Heaven help a stanger if they are in my house at night. We have no kids. To worry about. The safe idea is great if you have children but to me,at 62, it’s still to slow. The problem is that home invaders need to be elimnated then and there or they will be someone elses problem in the future.

  28. Steve N on June 13, 2017 at 4:06 pm

    For the person concerned that they will one day forget to lock the firearm in a safe and leave it unattended – consider putting your car keys in the safe when you take the firearm out at night to put it on the night stand. If you forget, you won’t leave the house.

  29. Rich on June 13, 2017 at 5:41 pm

    I have an in wall push button safe, that with consistent repeated practice I can access in total darkness by feel within 5 seconds (it is about 5 steps away from the bed).

    As with anything security related, you need to practice “defense in depth”. If your answer to home defense is to simply have a gun on your nightstand, you likely have some gaps in your defense planning. I have hardened my doors/windows (including the door from our basement to the living levels), have a home alarm (that is ALWAYS armed before we go to bed), so there is NO way an intruder could get into our home undetected and to our bedroom in under 5 seconds. IF an intruder were to get past those first two layers of defense, we would get our son, retreat to our bedroom, harden the door, press the alarm panic button that calls law enforcement, and then shelter in place (with our defense weapons at the ready).

    I’m not going to try and get into a “religious” war with anyone, you have to do what is best for you, your loved ones, and your personal property. But again, my point being, practice defense in depth. Most of us are not in law enforcement and shouldn’t pretend to be.

    All the best..

  30. Scotty Gunn on June 13, 2017 at 6:52 pm

    Gun magnet behind the nightstand. Fast and no one knows where it is. (until now). The night sights glow so while laying in bed I can zero in on it, but it is in a natural reach spot and lots of practice has created the muscle memory thing. Once a week, I wipe it off, to shake off dust bunnies,etc.
    No kids ever in the home, so not a big issue there. I would never do this with kids. They seem to find stuff fast that they shouldn’t.

  31. Lou on June 14, 2017 at 3:52 pm

    Good job, gives us all a lot to think about.
    I think the answers are getting more warning time. Driveway alarms, door alarms / chimes, motion sensor, motion sensor lights, a dog ETC. Ask yourself, a friend, a police officer how would they break into my house . Slow the bad guy down, give yourself more time.
    I heard of a person who put flood lights in facing the bedroom door and a light switch at the bed.
    I have no kids in the house but if I did I might think about locking the bedroom door if that was practical.

  32. David Rollins on June 14, 2017 at 8:05 pm

    I have a pistol safe bolted to my nightstand. At night I just leave open the drop down holder and my 92FS is readily accessible.

  33. PETE OSTERGARD on June 15, 2017 at 4:57 pm

    I don’t have any children in the house but I do have a couple of Scottie dogs that alert me to the slightest sound. I keep my 9mm on the night stand, locked and loaded. Anybody wandering into my house will not wander back out. Fumbling around in the dark with a safe or lock box can and quite surely will get you very dead.

  34. Ben Bucceri on June 15, 2017 at 7:08 pm

    A lot depends on your individualized situation. In my case I keep the gun on the nightstand, not in the nightstand drawer.I am single and there are no children living in my house (I put the gun in the safe when the grand kids come over). The reason I keep it on the nightstand is that my bedroom is in the back of the house and faces the backyard. Over my back fence there’s a “greenbelt” that a bad guy could use to climb my back fence and do me ill very quickly. So I need the gun in quick reach. If they come in through the front door or a front or side window, I’ve got some additional time to get ready. The type of gun also should factor in, so I my case I use a snubby DA .38 revolver.

  35. Michael on June 15, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    When my son was small even though he knew how to shoot, the gun was on the nightstand at night and regardless of what was going on, Christmas, weekend, whatever, the very first thing I did come morning was lock my gun up in the safe. Why? My son always had friends over and even if THEY knew how to shoot, a gun laying out is too tempting to be played with. Especially with boys. As for Glocks being stupid, that’s true, but I’ve never seen any smart guns yet either. Maybe they exist and I’m not aware of it. The truth is, there’s no perfect answers to this simply because every home situation is different. Obviously if there’s small kids around, firearms need to be secured in whatever form is necessary. Children can be hurt or killed just by stuff under the sink in the bathroom or kitchen. Nothing is ever said about things like that, it’s only firearms. It’s as if firearms just go off on their own so we better lock them up like we do a criminal. Please understand, however you do things in your home is the way it should be. Each of us has to decide what’s best for protecting our home and family, whether it’s a bad guy or a loaded firearm. How I do and did things may not work for someone else and that’s fine, I did what worked for me. The truth is, bad things can happen that doesn’t have anything to do with a gun. Kids fall, they choke on things, drink things they shouldn’t, on and on. We’d all like to have a totally safe home, but life says otherwise sometimes.
    Best wishes to everyone and stay safe,
    Michael Truhett
    U.S.C.G. Veteran
    Semper Paratus ??

  36. Jess on June 28, 2017 at 6:47 am

    The presence of children in the home is the highest weighted element here. NO amount of training is going to change the fact that a child is still a child. They will always act like a child, have curiosity, want to impress others, etc. And they have friends. Which, as far as gun training, is a complete unknown. So if children are in the home, keep the gun locked up or on you.

  37. Russ B on July 23, 2017 at 9:36 am

    Very interesting tests and conclusions, but I find it hard to believe that we’re talking 1-4 seconds difference but for the sake of respect I will except your numbers.
    I will make one comment; in your test with the firearm on the nightstand or in the drawer I personally would not get out of bed putting my back to the danger? I would simply reach aim shoot

    I don’t have children and if I did I still would choose drawer or mattress holster

  38. John on December 28, 2017 at 11:08 am

    One thing not considered is have the gun hidden, yet readily available; such as between the mattresses, under a pillow, etc. 2 biggest things discussed were bad guys getting your gun, or kids. Bad guys aren’t gonna get your gun if they don’t know it’s there. Putting multiple guns throughout the house. My CCW instructor pointed out the importance of this! You never know what part of the house you’ll be in if a bad guy enters. Having a number of guns spread out and well hidden is a huge tactical advantage over a bad guy.

  39. David on January 4, 2018 at 3:05 pm

    Let’s address the shotgun in the corner over beyond the nightstand ready to rock. Handguns are for the yard.

  40. George Fiore on January 4, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    Keep it where you’re comfortable. For myself and my wife? On the nightstand.
    The ones we aren’t carrying are in the safe. No little ingrates running around unattended in this house. Ever. The dog would give me plenty of advance notice but I use plenty of responsible gun owner sense and my situation requires no need for my weapon to be locked up when sleeping.
    End of story.

  41. Victor on January 31, 2018 at 8:27 am

    I’m 68 years old, handicapped and my wife is 70. Neither of us have any children. I u gun in the bedside holster that hangs behind my night stand out of sight. EVERY morning it goes in a hip holster at 3 o’clock.

  42. Sean Willson on January 31, 2018 at 8:37 am

    As I have no children living with me and no reasonable expectation of having children in my home I keep weapons stashed in various locations in my home. I do have pets, both cats and a dog, who roam the house at night. This is an issue that was not brought up. A cat can quite easily knock a loaded gun to the floor which can cause an unintended discharge. That is why my guns don’t sit out on a table of any sort.

    I would like to see you run this scenario with a biometric safe. I would be very interested in the results. My hypothesis is that the times would not be much different than the Sports Afield with three digit combo.

  43. Barry Thomas on January 31, 2018 at 10:15 am

    Bought a biometric safe,thought it was a good idea. Well it would not work EVERY TIME! I reset the print several (8-10) using different fingers and it would not work EVERY TIME. Built myself a nice nightstand with the drawer in the bottom section. 2 1/2 inch skirt around top with a magnet to hold my 9 MM in position. I also have several hide out guns in my house.

  44. Harold on January 31, 2018 at 10:16 am

    A short barreled shotgun does not fit under my pillow.

  45. David A. on January 31, 2018 at 10:25 am

    Since getting my permit, I carry, all of the time. All of my other weapons are locked up at all times. The piece on me may not be the ideal response to all situations, but it is far better than none and ,yes as a gun owner I feel responsible that all my weapons can never get into the wrong hands. Kids are curious and no matter how well you think you have hidden weapons, it’s just not good enough. I was hospitalized and it was a comfort knowing that my weapons were safely locked up.

  46. David A. on January 31, 2018 at 10:33 am

    I completed a lethal weapons training course and know my legal responsibility when it comes to my weapons. There 2 things about kids that make this so important to me. #1 they are curious and smarter that you think. #2 Their brains have not developed to fully understand the repercussions of their actions, playing with a real gun to them may seem a lot like the violent video games they play. Better safe, than sorry.

  47. James Friedman on January 31, 2018 at 10:48 am

    I’m a senior citizen, Retired US Navy & Retired Law Enforcement. I live alone and mine is in the drawer of my bedside table. During the day it resides on my hip.

  48. Big Sarge on January 31, 2018 at 12:01 pm

    I have a mossberg shockwave (14 in. Barrel) with an over the shoulder sling adjusted to hip level. It has a green laser, and a bright flashlight (can strobe also) mounted on it. I load it and my attached sidesaddle with double aught buckshot. It is in a safe when I’m not at home and easily accessible when I am. I have an alarm system and a 160lb Cane Corso Dog to warn me of intruders. I believe I’m well armed.

  49. Ron Bunge on January 31, 2018 at 12:31 pm

    Mine is on my nightstand and my two dogs will alert me to any break in

    • frank's gun shop on June 3, 2018 at 3:26 am

      speaking of lasers…one of those super bright types [that pilots always worry about]…may function as a defense weapon in its own right…

  50. Martin on January 31, 2018 at 12:37 pm

    I have a simular situation. I am a 79 year old single 6 year Marine Veteran. I am also a commisioned security officer and lic to carry. If I had children or my grandchildren were viditing, all weapons will be LOCKED UP. Otherwise with my roommate being 100lbs of hair and teeth GSD by my side nightly I get instant warnings of all strangers approching my condo. I prefer to keep my 357 revolver under my pillow on the other side of the bed, ready to go. I also have 12 gage coach gun at the side of my head board.

    • Dogman Royce on June 25, 2018 at 3:50 pm

      My GSD only weighs 75 lbs. but she spars with a heavy trashcan every morning just for badguy practice.

  51. Normand Doyon on January 31, 2018 at 12:46 pm

    The one thing no one mentioned is the fact that at night you are in your PJ and usually under covers and not laying on top of a bed fully dress. Getting out from under the covers take a few seconds. I keep my weapon on my night stand fully loaded and a round chambered and safety on. I am a retired Navy Vietnam Veteran 100% disabled and hard of hearing so I depend on my wife to wake me up if we have a break in. we have a signal she gives me so I know we have a break-in. When I wake up I am fully awake and aware of my surrounding.
    I have always kept my weapons in the house fully loaded and one round chambered.
    I watched the video but like most of the above comments agree not realistic.

  52. Strobe on January 31, 2018 at 2:03 pm

    I simply cannot believe that some people are making the argument “you might be too sleepy to open a safe, so grab a loaded weapon”.

    If you don’t think you will wake up with a clear enough head to push 3 buttons and flip a switch, please refrain from gunfights.

    Also, let me take the “what if’s” out of this argument. I have been woken from a deep sleep with the need to pull my firearm. It was in a bedside safe, 1911 with the safety on. I had no problem popping the safe in the dark, drawing the weapon and clearing the threat (the “intruder” turned out to be a raccoon. He was let off with a warning).

    Put your gun in a safe if it’s unattended. If you are unconscious, it’s unattended.

  53. Mikial on January 31, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    We have no children, we sleep in a room with a locked and barred door, and we keep our guns loaded and on the nightstand when we go to bed. When we are awake, our guns are within inches of our fingertips, both when we’re inside the house and when we’re out. When I’m not home my wife takes her Beretta 92 into whatever room she is in. I carry at work going to the store, when I watch TV, BBQ or mow the lawn. I understand the whole secure the guns issue, and when we’re not at home any gun we’re not carrying is secured. But the whole idea of having your home defense weapon locked in a safe at night is just plain stupid.

    • keith neville on January 31, 2018 at 6:46 pm

      i agree with mikial our bedroom door is not locked we do have dogs , our safe is in the basement alot of good they’ll do me there at night ours are on the night stand the rest of the time its on my side i carry 24/7 only time i dont is at work im not permitted there

  54. WRXish on January 31, 2018 at 8:59 pm

    Everyone will of course make their own choice about this, and thanks for posting your approach and your reasoning for doing so. I have no kids at home and fairly large house. I keep most of the guns locked up in a safe but I carry one on me when I am dressed to go out, and keep one on my desk and one on my bedside table at all times. Basically they are there because they are at opposite ends of the house. If I am surprised by an intrusion before I am dressed and carrying my primary weapon, I have one close by I can put my hands on. They all stay loaded at all times. Anyone who comes in my home knows the score and they behave accordingly. Small children are not invited. If by some remote chance they were actually find their way into my home its easy enough to pick up the guns and lock em up.

  55. Ronzola on February 1, 2018 at 12:05 am

    I have a bookcase head board and no kids. I have a gun magnet on the top of the bottom shelf. It can’t be seen while standing up, yet falls right to hand when I reach for it, whether I’m standing by, or laying in bed. It’s my carry gun so it is never left unattended.

  56. 3030win on February 1, 2018 at 1:31 am

    I keep two on my nightstand. The Judge is loaded with two 000Buck and three ARX.The PT709 is loaded with 9mm ARX +Ps.
    My daughter lives here but she’s 37 years old and has her own .380.
    I’m unlikely to be surprised by a burglar since my three mid-sized dogs (all rescues and pretty territorial) would be raising so much Hell they would wake the dead.
    Oh, my wife has two on her night stand. One Ruger LCP .380 that she also carries, and a Rossi .38 both loaded with ARX.
    Don’t intend for a burglar to get another chance at “plying his trade”.

  57. Mike on February 1, 2018 at 8:47 am

    Educate and train the kids, then have them keep a weapon on their nightstands as well.

  58. SSG_Rick on February 1, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    This choice, as with ALL choices gun related, are a personal one. No two people are going to approach this the exact same way. As for me, my pistol is on my belt holstered during ALL my waking hours everyday PERIOD. It’s like my plastic I never leave home without it! As for night time hours the weapon is on a stand directly next to my bed either cocked and locked or round chambered hammer down on ALL my double actions. All of my pistols will fire as soon as I pick them up and squeeze the trigger or flip the safety catch. I’ve been carrying (in one way or another) since I entered the Army in 1972 & have extensive training with every weapon currently in use by me.

  59. Linn Deuell on February 1, 2018 at 8:22 pm

    I have a holster that hangs over the edge of the box spring, between the bed & night stand out of sight. It has a thing that goes between the mattress & box spring for support.

  60. Tony on February 3, 2018 at 1:25 pm

    One thing I haven’t seen in any of the comments is, how quickly do you think someone who had broken into your house will get to you? Assuming you hear the initial entry, do you really think someone will head straight to your bedroom in a dead run? Probably not, unless they’ve been there before and know you keep a firearm at the ready. I just ran(pun intended) a couple of tests. For me to get from my front door to my bedroom and open the sliding door, it took about 6 seconds. During the day. In a house I’ve lived in for 16+ years(so I know the layout). And I have a fairly small house. From the back door it would take longer simply because there’s more stuff in the way. I’d like to think I’d have a bit more time dealing with someone breaking in to an unfamiliar place in the dark. But I’m curious to hear others’ thoughts on the matter.

  61. KeepEmSafe on February 15, 2018 at 10:49 pm

    I compromise between locked in safe and loaded with safety off. I sleep with my handgun under my pillow and no round in the chamber. Leaving a firearm in the open on the nightstand gives an intruder the advantage because they can physically see it if they manage to get to the bedroom without me hearing them, plus safety concerns already mentioned. I have a bright tac light installed on the tac rail as another safety feature to blind and confirm my potential target. I have targeted my kids on a couple occasions with the tac light when they are sleepwalking or getting a drink of water in the middle of the night. No round goes into chamber until I have a confirmed target. I have practiced the round cycle to the point chambering is under a second. This works for me. To each his own.

  62. Josh on February 20, 2018 at 9:49 am

    I own two “Speed Vault” safes by Gun Vault. One is mounted to the side of the headboard post and the other is mounted on the inside leg of my office desk. When the push button combination is entered, the vault swings down, presenting the handgun grip first and shines a small LED light on it. The light goes off in 5 seconds but it can be toggled on or off in case you don’t want a light activated.

    It is by far the best bedside gun vault I’ve ever owned, and I cannot imagine wanting to downgrade to anything else. The idea of NOT having your gun secured in a safe when it isn’t on your person is, in my opinion, criminal.

    • Josh on February 20, 2018 at 9:54 am

      I should also note that inside the safe, I use a trigger sheath, like the ones made by ClipDraw. The last thing I want is to be squeezing off an inadvertent round in the haste and confusion of an actual break-in. The sheath keeps a finger away from the trigger until the gun is properly in the hand and is being drawn out of the safe.

  63. Chuck on February 20, 2018 at 10:05 am

    I’m older and my wife and I have separate beds because of each other’s comforter. I sleep with mine!!

  64. John Miller on February 20, 2018 at 10:37 am

    I live with my dogs only and they will wake me up as they are chewing on the bad guy. I also have my 1911 on the nightstand with thumb safety on so if I did grab it by the trigger it won’t go bang. When I set my gun on the nightstand I always lay a folded newspaper over the top of it so it’s out of sight that way if the bad guy did get by the dogs and got to my bedroom he would not see the gun on the nightstand,only the newspaper.I also keep the door to the bedroom locked with one dog in the room with me and the other two roaming the house during the dogs ar all big German Shepards.Other than my 1911 all my other guns are all secured in a big heavy gun safe. When it comes to little handgun safes on the nightstand all the ones that give you Quick access are electronic and when it comes to protecting my life I will not trust it to batteries and electronics.

  65. Jesse warren on February 20, 2018 at 10:47 am

    I may not be the best source but I have carried concealed every day since leaving the army. I am 70 and very agile and fit. My kids are grown and living their adult life. We all carry every day the minute before we walk out the door. In my case it is just me and the dog. There is a safe and holds mostly rifles including my prized Stoner. Yes the Glock or FN is on the night table. I have invested in hidden safes so my finger print opens access in several areas of home. I see no reason that the night table us wrong, in my case.

  66. Terry Welch on February 20, 2018 at 12:17 pm

    The article (As some have indicated) does not include biometric safes. Perhaps when a new study is done that can be included. Like another responder noted we were broken into when we weren’t home. In our case two long guns and two pistols were left behind. It got our attention. After some time and budget change we installed an active alarm system for all Windows and doors. I
    expect to know that a home intrusion is underway in time to be awake enough to safely retrieve our weapons from nightstand or biometric safe. Thanks all for the discussion. TJW

  67. Jim Flowers on February 20, 2018 at 12:22 pm

    My I wife and I both have a loaded .357 Mag in our night stands. Our nightstands that have a hidden drawer. Open the bottom drawer, then open a second drawer for access. The main reason we chose this furniture from Ashley Furniture.

    We have no children living with us. When grand kids come to visit we lock both gun in the safe.

  68. Tommy Lawrence on February 20, 2018 at 12:37 pm

    I have a 12 yr old daughter. I have taught her gun safety since she was 6.I do keep a firearm on my nightstand, and here’s why : I have a gun safe with a biometric lock. It doesn’t ALWAYS accept my fingerprint on the first try. Now , if you figure in panic, adrenaline, possible groggyness, etc, your talking 6-8 seconds. I also have 3 German shepherds. I figure that would buy me some extra time, but how much ? If the intruder has a gun, not much. My nightstand gun is also my everyday carry weapon. So there is zero chance it will get left there. I carry a full size 1911 colt commander. Plus, I am not going to take a chance or gamble my family’s life on how much time I’ll have. Dogs barking at 3am will definitely wake me up. Thay don’t bark for no reason. BOY SCOUT MOTTO : BE PREPARED.

  69. Jesse on February 20, 2018 at 12:38 pm

    Why a hand gun? A short barreled shot gun with no round in the chamber is better. Younger kids usually can’t chamber the round, and the sound of chambering a shot gun is universal. That should be enough to scare off any intruder. Plus, do you really want to get into a gun fight in your house?

  70. jthilbun on February 20, 2018 at 5:26 pm

    I keep a .45 on nightstand with round in chamber and safety on. I have night sights that I can clearly see from my head position. Gun goes in same place every night. I have developed muscle memory by repeatedly grabbing the gun in the dark. The night sights give me a focal point so I go right to grip. I can certainly beat the time shown in table to get “hot”. Only time it changes is when grandkids stay the night, then gun goes in Gun Vault next to my end table. I find it very easy to push correct buttons in dark. It’s not as fast as gun on night stand but the additional 1.5 seconds helps me sleep better knowing the kids are safe. Of course we have many cameras with alarms surrounding the house, and extra security at each entry point. There’s no where in my house where I can’t reach a gun in less than 5 seconds. These are all in Gun Vaults.

  71. Mikial on February 20, 2018 at 7:49 pm

    No kids at home now, so my wife and I both have a loaded handgun on our nightstand. Too much can go awry in the night when you are awakened by someone crashing though your back door or window, or worse, your bedroom door. Trying to dig your gun out of a safe in the dark while someone is bearing down on you with a gun, knife or baseball bat is a formula for a violent and messy death. And really, I never locked my home defense pistol in a safe when I had three kids at home and not once did any of them ever try to get to my gun because I taught them to shoot at a young age. They grew up understanding guns, respecting them, and being able to use them.

    If you are not competent enough to have a loaded gun on your night stand, then by all means surrender that 2 to 3 seconds or more to get you gun into action. And frankly, it’s going to probably be more like 5 seconds or more. And having been in a couple of exchanges of fire in my life, 5 seconds can be a lifetime . . . literally.

  72. Charles Holley on February 21, 2018 at 6:38 am

    Under my pillow works for me.

  73. Mark on February 21, 2018 at 7:50 am

    We live in the woods, have no kids in the house. I can’t rely on a 911 call. I have a safe for my long guns but I keep my handgun on the nightstand as I have done for years.

  74. Robert Beirne on February 21, 2018 at 10:13 pm

    I tell you what…. my dad NEVER locked up his guns. He flat out told us that if we EVER touched his guns, we’d be better off dead than getting caught. My dad never hit me once in my life, but, he was a no nonsense kinda guy. He was an unmovable rock on certain things. Five kids, none got shot. Why? Because there were rules and boundaries that were held and maintained as they pertained to far lesser infractions that caused the consequences for touching guns without permission absolutely unthinkable and terrifying. I’m not saying my parents were all rules and consequences, but they didn’t repeat themselves and whatever punishment they deemed appropriate, happened. No wiggle room, no warnings. Today, nobody wants to discipline their kids and they all want to be their friend. Why don’t we talk about bad parenting instead? I’m willing to bet everything that 100% of those 600 deaths were children with people who didn’t maintain solid rules and boundaries. In fact, going into my parents bedroom without express permission, especially if they weren’t in there, let alone going into dads closet, was unthinkable. Gun safes are for people with lots of guns, or, parents who lack the ability to enforce rules and boundaries. So be a dad, not a friend, and

    • pt on February 25, 2018 at 12:28 pm

      I AM 78 YEARS old!! My parents taught us NOT TO MESS WITH OR GET GLOSE TO GUNS!!!!!! I was 6 when dad took me PUT GUN IN MY HAND !!! told me to repeat rules!!!

  75. Michael Lefort on February 22, 2018 at 7:08 am

    I have always had a gun out at night. When my son was old enough to understand simple commands. I told him, “This is a gun it can hurt you, don’t play with it.” He didn’t play with it. As he grew I showed him every gun I own, from black powder to AR 15 and he’s only had one accident, which taught him that I was right all along; and that he shouldn’t touch my guns unless I’m there to supervise. I heard the shotgun fire one day and jumped up and ran across the house praying he hadn’t blown off any of his limbs. He stood there looking surprised and said,” I had it pointed at the floor and I guess my finger hit the trigger.” I took the shotgun from him and unloaded it, then spent the next half hour drilling him on gun safety, just like I had ten years earlier. He is now the possessor of a model 60 Marlin .22 I gave him to hunt squirrels and rabbits. He hasn’t had another accident. I haven’t either.

  76. Willybill on February 23, 2018 at 10:17 am

    Just read the comment from Mike. He says it all. If you don’t like it, you are part of the problem. Gizmos and gadgets won’t fix stupid. They do add to the economy though. Kinda like “turkey loads” for turkey hunting. My God, you’d think turkeys were bull elk from the adds for special “turkey loads” and even “turkey guns.” Great marketing but anybody can whack a turkey with a standard load of #4’s and ANY shotgun. “Buy a safe and save your kids.” How ’bout “Be ready and shoot the bad guy and save your kids?”

  77. Roger on February 25, 2018 at 10:16 am

    I was in law enforcement for over 32 years and raised 4 boys during that time period. I have never owned a gun safe and probably never will. At times we would have 6-8 long guns and a couple hand guns in the gun cabinet, unlocked. All four of the boys shot every gun I owned, and their to of course. They shot at a bottle of water so they would know exactly what that weapon was capable of doing. Not once did I have a problem with any of the four boys getting a firearm out of the gun cabinet without permission. We lived in a rural area and did not have “neighbor kids” that came to the house. My hand gun is in the top dresser drawer with a full magazine and empty chamber. I Live in the country and have an outside dog and an inside dog. Outside dag has two different barks, one for animals that are getting to close and another for anyone that happens to come on the property – anytime. The inside dog does not bark when the outside dog barks but let another unusual sound get to his ears and he lets loose. Once he barks I can be up and have the gun in my hand and a round jacked in and ready to fire if a couple seconds. Intruder would have 2 door to come through to be in the house. Another completely different situation than has been mentioned. Most that I have read appears like they are all city dwellers.

  78. Daniel Hamilton on February 25, 2018 at 10:46 am

    My son is grown. He has his own house. Every occupant here is an adult. The guns that are NOT needed for home defense are locked up in a 400+ lbs gun safe.
    Our bedroom is in the back of the house. We have two dogs, both of which sleep in the living room. Every entry point into the house is in the living room. Any intruder has to deal with two barking dogs before they can gain entry to our bedroom. We leave a low level light on that has enough light to illuminate the room.

    There on my nightstand are two 9mm pistols. The primary house weapon is a S&W M&P, with Trijicon night sights and a tactical light mounted on it. It has one in the chamber and a 17 round magazine with Federal 9MS, 147gr, JHPs loaded in it.

    The second pistol is my carry gun, which I carry all day, every day. It also has Trijicon night sights and it is loaded with the very same ammo as the primary gun.

    We keep a lit salt lamp on the nightstand. It’s low light, but enough light to make the guns clearly visible. My way may not work for everyone, but it works for us.

  79. Undershaft on April 5, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    My carry gun always is carried — in a holster on my belt — whenever I am awake, up, and dressed.

    Otherwise, at night, the loaded night sight equipped 9 mm. Glock and a fully charged extra magazine are in a quick opening safe at my bedside . . . not because any children are in my home but because one is not likely to be able to focus and think clearly immediately upon awakening. That, however, becomes possible in the brief period it takes to press in the correct sequence the three buttons it takes to open my safe — something I practice doing in simulated circumstances at least monthly.

  80. Kitty on April 5, 2018 at 4:49 pm

    I just checked my Stack-On brand nightstand bedside safe. It has a telephone-style keypad with a customizable combination. I currently have it set on a 4-digit combination, as I have my 4 and 9-year-old grandchildren in my home often, although I think it can be set to a combo with as few as just 1 digit. To open the safe, first I push the combo buttons, then a have to rotate a knob 90 degrees. My handgun, a Taurus Polymer Judge is always in the exact same position in the safe, perfectly set for me to reach it and pick up the weapon with just my strong hand. It took me about 3 seconds to go from locked safe to gun-in-hand. I never have unlocked guns in my home, unless they are on me. And I have locked and loaded handguns in safes, on every floor of my home.

  81. Fred on April 5, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    My wife sleepwalks on occasion. She’s ended up sometimes disoriented in another room of our house, and at other times she’s ended up in our kitchen and fed herself. All the while asleep, and with no subsequent memory of her actions. Me? I’m a heavy sleeper, so no way am I leaving my nighttime handgun out and unlocked. It’s in a quick-access safe on my nightstand, and I can easily go from locked safe to the gun in my strong hand in about 3 seconds.

  82. Sgt. L. Bjergo on April 6, 2018 at 1:50 pm

    I have a glock 23 .40 S&W. I was testing an appendix carry holster similar to the Brave Response. Since it has it’s own waistband, I left it on at bedtime. (I was curious to see how comfortable it would be during sleep.) It was VERY COMFORTABLE. I slept peacefully all night. You see, I too was concerned about the possibility of somone else obtaining my weapon. This is an option that may be considered.

  83. Rey Reyes on April 25, 2018 at 9:22 am

    A 70 year old woman gets pulled over by an officer of the law. He asks her if she has any weapons. She tells him she has a 9mm in a shoulder holster, a 45 in her center console, another 9mm in her glove compartment and a shotgun in her trunk.
    He asks her what she’s afraid of, to which she replies, not a damn thing!

  84. Ira on April 25, 2018 at 9:28 am

    My wife and I live in a 2 story house in a so-called gated community (part bushes which can easily be penetrated) and our bedroom is on the 2nd floor. We sleep with a small dog, have no small children, and have a few small nightlights in the bedroom and a flashlight on my night table. I have trained at Front Sight multiple times and now instinctively keep my finger away from the trigger until I am ready to shoot at an identified target.

    My solution is a concealment clock on our dresser (on my side of the bed) with a Glock and a round chambered in case I would forget to rack in the heat of the moment and also not to give away my position. My long guns are all in a gun safe down the hall. This “Glock in the clock” approach might not work for everyone but it works for us.

  85. Rodney on April 25, 2018 at 9:46 am

    Myself believing in ones own accountability of ones actions and believing safety is No. 1
    In the case of anyone’s actions, some of the opinions of others can be swayed by their environment I believe. Just like our idiot and out of touch representatives in government.

    Maybe I shouldn’t say idiots, because that’s not true in a lot of cases, most really. But our thinking can be I guess swayed by the environment in which we live, or life experiences we have experienced in every day life or historically in ones life.

    Plainly some are more paronoid. I say this not in malice or condescending, but simply meaning ones living environment or from what they have personally witnessed.
    If say one person’s environment they experience either as a witness, or personally attacks, or harm of themselves or others in their city or town, they would naturally be more inclined to take more risky measures for proper safety.

    Then one who has not much personal experience dealing with first hand violence or attacks or actually seeing it, they may be more inclined to believe that extra measures of safety are warranted.

    Simply ones experiences in life I believe sways their opinion on this and many other issues we all deal with..,..

    The thing we often forget in our slanted opinions and surveys is we all living in this nation of freedom should have the right to do things we fee we need to in order to feel safer.

    The kicker here is along with these freedoms we enjoy, comes ones personal responsibility for their actions…..and the ensuing consequences of those choices and actions.

    • Jacob Paulsen on April 25, 2018 at 9:48 am

      Well said Rodney!

  86. Bubrick Stephen on April 25, 2018 at 9:58 am

    I have a full size safe in my closet and a Gun Box (safe) on my night stand.

  87. Sal on April 25, 2018 at 10:02 am

    I truly appreciate the article. The problem I have found with such so called training information is that they rarely get it all right. It should be broken down more. One for who lives alone, who has no kids, who has a good watch dog etc. Assuming we all know or have heard about the adrenaline rush, the safes that were shown are a joke. Many people can’t do the simplest things under stress, let alone enter a code in a safe. As for the gun being grabbed off the night stand, two points. If he is able to get that close, you are already screwed. The gun should be on the side of the night stand or mounted to the bed rail, out of sight. A round in the chamber.. When I get up, my sidearm goes with me, on my belt. It you are not legal to carry, then you secure it as your circumstances dictate.

  88. James D Elliott on April 25, 2018 at 10:05 am

    As a Deaf gun owner, all the remedies that hearing people do or have in relation to their guns don’t fly with me. I carry crossdraw. I also always keep my gun holstered. Whether it is on or off of me. My rule for having a gun – #1 always protect your weapon. That means you know where it is at all times and that the only person who will have access is You.
    I had a gun instructor who never allowed toy guns in his home. He trained his kids starting at the age of 3 that guns are not toys!
    I keep my gun where it cannot be seen but I know exactly where it is.
    Secondly, I don’t live with Fear! If anyone breaks my space, then my Warrior response kicks in and I am totally Fearless. That’s important, to define your breaking point of space, no matter where you are.
    The best alarm is a strobe light. At Gallaudet University we have strobe lights and they are very powerful. They will awaken even the hardest sleeper to a threat. And you can make them silent if you want or as Gallaudet does, blasting at 100+ dB.
    And lastly, do your practice of having a gun out of the Love of your Heart.

  89. George Flynn on April 25, 2018 at 10:22 am

    Time shouldn’t be an Issue if you have an Alert Dog. I Still keep it on the Nightstand and I’ll know if a Deer is walking past the house LOL

  90. Lanny Berke on April 25, 2018 at 10:33 am

    You didn’t discuss the thumbprint safe. A friend has a thumbprint safe for both him and his wife. What are your thoughts.

    • Jacob Paulsen on April 25, 2018 at 10:36 am

      Lanny, good observation. I don’t own one. I suspect it might be a tad faster than the 3 combination keypad but not significantly so as it takes a moment for the system to scan the finger.

  91. Scruffy Buck on April 25, 2018 at 10:59 am

    I love the debate. I keep mine magnetically attached to the headboard leg on my side. No kids are in our house visiting or otherwise. We have ADT and 3 dogs, but should our house be entered our dogs would be petrified and under the bed lol. Nothing ever goes as planned in emergency. Mine is fully loaded .357 revolver, flick safety, push wife onto floor, no worries of tap, rack, bang just bang and repeat as needed. Our bedroom all the way down hall so if you enter my home uninvited, most likely I will be sitting on end of bed waiting on you and I WILL SHOOT YOUR A**

  92. Subaru Guru on April 25, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    I have been carrying now for several years and have adopted the bedside table approach to home security. I almost never have children in my home, and when I do, I have ample warning to secure all firearms in the safe. Other than that, I keep one on the bedside table 24/7. Its always loaded and chambered with an extra clip at the ready should it be needed. I live in the country where the first responders are more than likely going to arrive after I am dead if I dont act. If they breach the doors and get as far as my bedroom, they mean me personal harm and will pay the price simple as that. No remorse.

  93. ParalysisByAnalysis on April 25, 2018 at 3:49 pm

    The point that you’ll have ample warning to extract your weapon from a safe if someone is breaking in is a persuasive point. BUT it presupposes that no one has “toopidly” left a door or window open thru which a crim could sneak silently, cutting down your prep time to a few seconds.
    OTOH (big time!) is that if your uninvited guest has snuck in that quietly, he may just pick up your 1911 and use it to awaken you in an unmannerly fashion. Or contribute greatly to the eternal length of your sleep.

  94. Michael on April 25, 2018 at 4:56 pm

    1st of all, read this!

    “How many home invasions are there in the U.S.A.?
    According to U.S. Department of Justice,
    1.03 million home invasions occur each year
    between 10 am and 3 pm.”

    Now admittedly, we live in a childless home, having said that …
    I use a .25 auto for night protection in my custom, 5th wheel, trailer home.
    Reason being, the .25 auto is less likely to be lethal
    if a round strays.
    Also, it’s low recoil makes it ideal for accuracy in the
    dark at night in the tight spaces our trailer home.
    Granted it’s a 40 ft., 1 bedroom model,
    so it’s roughly equal to a 1 bedroom apartment.
    With only my lady & I in the home (Dogs excluded),
    we’re both aware of the pistol’s locale and have an
    operation of execution worked out incase of intruders.
    She, like myself, is trained in weapons safety
    and is proficient with firearms.
    My night time gun placement is very safe yet sneaky.
    I cannot, or, won’t give away where the placement is, but, I will share an idea for readers…

    Distraction is a key element to not only “NOT” killing the intruder/intruders,
    but to aid in their capture as well.
    A panic button sets off blinding, L.E.D., strobe lights in the bedroom
    and livingroom of the trailer home.
    This ensures the intruders will be blinded from both directions.
    While the lights are flashing, a siren blasts at 110db.
    This is effective in disorienting the intruders, buying us precious seconds to
    aclimate and acquire the pistol.
    By this time the intruders hopefully will have fled the way they came,
    to avoid police and neighbors.
    Oh yeah and also fleeing to escape our 2 dogs!

    Back to the gun.
    In your home build a gun gutter hidden along the side of the bed frame that
    will securely hide your weapon.
    No need for locks etc., as no kids are in the home.
    If you do have kids?
    Put a thumb print ID chipped lock on the panic door of the gun gutter.

    Wife’s on the 911 ASAP!
    An alarm service isn’t a viable option in our home for obvious reasons.
    It’s a trailer with 2 dogs moving freely about the home at night.
    Well, that’s our bed-side, gun strategy. Sort of, as I cannot give away
    my real secrets.
    In closing:
    A gun safe is never a good idea for home protection after it’s dark
    and you’re asleep.
    But, as I’ve posted here, there is always something that can be done.
    Safely too.
    Moreover, my lady & I both, conceived these ideas, in hopes of preserving
    our lives and the life of the intruder/intruders.
    Contrary to belief, no state will ever allow, any of us to successfully defend our home and lives while killing the burglar in the process.
    Cops hate being upstaged and will nab your shite and release your
    success layout to the press while you sit in jail awaiting
    Wifey to bail you out for discharging a firearm in city limits
    and other charges that may come with city ordinances that frown
    upon shooting intruders.

    (Leftwing Libs always sit on town councils just for your assistance. LoL! Not.)

    Almost forgot, never, ever, put an intruders safety over your’s!
    If that much compassion is in your mindset?
    You may wanna re-think even owning a gun.
    Hesitation’s a killer!
    Yes, a killer.
    I hope my posting here was informative yet helpful.
    The ideas I left here work 100%, if performed with confidence.

    1 last thing:
    Always practice or drill with your significant other a couple times a year
    to be ready for home a home invasion or burglar.
    Remember, home invasions usually are violent & can be lethal so be
    prepared to face being outnumbered ok?
    With proper planning, preparations and practice, you and the Wife
    should be able to defend the home until Cops arrive.
    Oh..hey. never give Cops a reason to confuse you with the perps.
    Once the situation’s secured?
    Make sure you do not approach the Cops armed.
    If your weapon was fired, do not unload it or remove the magazine.
    You’ll wanna preserve the crime scene 100%, so evidence supports your
    report to the Cops upon arrival.

    God bless America!

    • David Wagaman on April 26, 2018 at 8:28 am

      Michael you should also keep a ball bat handy in case you piss them off with the .25 auto !

  95. William Braddock on April 25, 2018 at 5:05 pm

    I am a retired law enforcement officer who was on the job for 37 years. I worked narcotics, the felony repeat offender program and as a persons crimes detectives (homicide, robbery,rape). My life has been threatend by criminals who have attempted to kill me at my home, so for me this is not a hypothetical discussion. I also spent a year in combat as an infantryman and most assuredly slept with a loaded gun.

    I have a dog, an excellent alarm, motion activated lights and camera’s, and the same Browning Night Hawk 9mm that I carry every day lays on my dresser at night, chamber loaded, safety on. All other options leave me more vulnerable than I am willing to be

  96. Sharon on April 25, 2018 at 5:41 pm

    I respect everyone’s opinion, but we have no young children in the house, we have an elaborate alarm system (because we live in the country), and we have a 65# black mouth cur who sleeps in the room with us and would attack anyone who came in the room. We both keep loaded weapons in our headboard for easy access and feel totally comfortable with that.

  97. Don Harmon on April 25, 2018 at 6:11 pm

    Terrible mistake! I lost my beautiful 9 mm Browning Hi-Power, kept in a nightstand, during a daytime burglary with no one at home. The investigating police officer told me that burglars usually strike in the daytime, when no one is at home, and their first checkpoint is the night table. 9 out of 10 people thinking of home defense keep their pistol there.

    Now? I keep my pistol under a heavy piece of bedroom furniture, invisible, but easy to extract. And yes, I do practice from time to time to be sure I can extract it quickly and ready it for immediate action.

  98. Normand D. on April 25, 2018 at 7:02 pm

    I watched your video and read most responses and no one mentioned that you were fully cloth. Now if were talking night time you are wearing PJ or something else and you are also under the covers and not on top of them.
    Tossing the covers off you take a little time plus getting your feet out from under the covers also takes time. To me your video makes no sense. I keep my weapon on my nightstand loaded and a round in the chamber with the safety on. I am 77 years old and when I wake up I am fully awake Vietnam training I suppose. I have a dog and she is my early warning. I have also purchased a Light defender tactical laser with green light and a blinding flash light with Stun Gun. I pray that I will be able to protect myself and wife and she is able to use these items also.

  99. George Gombos on April 25, 2018 at 7:13 pm

    I believe the Hornady safe is the best safe for a quick opening 4 codes 3 steps and it pushes the gun to present to your hand in about a sec. visit midway sales for a visual

  100. Boogie on April 25, 2018 at 7:59 pm

    My S&W airweight .38 backup is in a holster, Velcro’ d to the inside of my nightstands door.. crossbreed holsters, look into their “last ditch” holster… and my wife’s bersa thunder .380cc rests comfortably under my pillow at night.. we have a 9yo son that shoots and respects weapons better than most l.e.o’s I know, he knows exactly where they are, what they can do, and how to use them.. during the day, the .38 goes with me to work (state l.e.o.), and the bersa goes with the wife as her concealed carry..

    Whenever there are other children around, they are locked up, or we carry them on us, and because there are multiple other weapons in our room, it’s locked and 100% off limits.. in the past 5 years, I have made enough arrests to make plenty of enemies, and because my job is a political position, my address, my personal information, all of it is readily available online.. I’m well known, throughout the area. They would have to be suicidal to even consider breaking into my house, period.

    Bottom line here is, people are going to do what works best for them, it’s that simple. Training, doesn’t matter. The arguments against which method is better or safer, don’t matter.

    That’s life. The, you’re gonna shoot your face off crowd, needs to learn how guns work before commenting. Stop leaving guns in bedside drawers, lock it up if you aren’t going to carry it when you leave home.

    I do not work for crossbreed holsters, nor do I receive any compensation for pushing the brand, but again I fully recommend their “last ditch” holster , it can be mounted in 100 different ways and places, it can be mounted to a vest and worn under your uniform shirt as a backup, it has been my go-to all around holster since I got it..

    And for gods sake, leave one in the damn pipe! You wake up to some unknown person, laying on top of your lived one about to do god knows what to them, that empty “click” sound will haunt you til the day you die, assuming you live thru the experience.

    Stay safe. Protect your loved ones. But do it safely! Use some damn common sense out there folks! And always, watch your 6.

  101. missourisam on April 25, 2018 at 8:12 pm

    My 1911 goes on as I dress in the morning, and come off at night. During the night it is under my pillow. The door to the bedroom is back lighted by a nite light, and the weapon has nite sites, plus every door is protected by a barred safety door. If any two burglars get past the 200 pound Boer Boel they will be begging for medical aid for. As best the university can test his bite strength is
    800 pounds plus

  102. Rick Erdman on April 26, 2018 at 8:22 am

    I no longer have any children in the house but when I did, there was always a firearm in a very handy position by the bed. It didn’t have to be a hand gun and many times it was a loaded 12 ga with the magazine loaded and action open. Grab gun, close pump, ready for whatever!

    My kids were very well educated in firearms safety and I never had problem one with any of them trying to access a gun.

    Now, with no kids around, I keep my handgun in a quick access drawer next to the bed, one in the pipe and safety engaged. The 12 ga is just 18 inches away from the drawer and my security system (a Boxer/Rottweiler and Pittie/Rottweiler) are more than adequate for the task. Anyone dumb enough to enter my home at night may be wishing the they had encountered the gun and I first rather than my big boys.

    I agree with those here who believe that the idea that it will take WAY more than 3.5 seconds of delay to access a gun safe in a nighttime home invasion scenario.

    I’ll stay with my “tiered” security system. Dogs = In yer face! 12, ga = Up close and who needs to aim? .40 S&W = A little farther than the 12 ga and need to aim but……, still on the property and pushing the issue? No problem 30-06 and 7mm Magnum will reach out 500 – 800 yards.

  103. Arizona Don on April 26, 2018 at 10:27 am

    The perfect combination is a dog and a gun on the night stand. A dog can act as an alarm system and a delaying tactic. We have three big dogs and a 357 and 12 gauge greener (18 ½ inch barrel) next to the night stand on my side of the bed. Like wise on my wife’s side and she knows how to use them. I am both ex-military and ex-law enforcement. If someone is stupid enough to try to burglarize me there will be a very high price to pay. I expect they will not try twice.

  104. Frank Vazquez on May 2, 2018 at 1:29 am

    All right, so many opinions I might as well comment. I am going to approach this from a different angle. Regardless of one’s training, the use of a safe or exact location and position of your pistol, round in the chamber or an empty chamber and safety on if your weapon has one, there is one simple question that takes first consideration. What is the point of having a firearm if you are going to keep it put away in a drawer, cabinet or safe? In regards to children in the house, they need to be educated in gun safety and what to do in an emergency. In this case they should know what to do if there is an intruder in the house and the family can run some practice drills an scenarios.

    This the same point made about having a dog trained for protection. For the sake of convenience, some people make the poor decision to keep the dog quiet and locked up in a room, a kennel or whatever rather than refer to their training and education on how to handle and utilize the dog, all in the name of convenience or for social concerns. If you limit liability and responsibility by being lazy then you’re wasting your money on a trained dog and reducing your security. You’ve made a resource or tool ineffective and it’s all counter productive to your goal to be safer.

    I would think that if a pistol presents too many problems and raises issues of concern such as your children’s safety then maybe a stungun or a taser might be a better choice. Of course a shot of pepper spray or mace, maybe a devastatingly painful strike from an expandable baton or a slash from a knife could be followed by one going for a pistol the same way that you’re dog might neutralize an invader while you arm yourself, turn on lights and/or call for help.

    For some people, certain strategies or gear work and not so for others. In any case one has to make a choice and then handle things responsibly. I wouldn’t let fear of having my weapon or weapons taken or used against me stop me from being prepared should an intruder invade my house. Again, training, strategy and planning should guide your actions and behavior.

  105. Skip T on May 29, 2018 at 7:23 am

    I have no Children in my home. All but my EDC are locked in the safe. At night my EDC goes on the nightstand when I get up in the AM it’s back on my person. Works for me

  106. Mike on May 29, 2018 at 7:46 am

    I can’t even remember if I’ve commented on this article previously (it seems to keep popping up in my email). However, I do keep a loaded Ruger 9E on the nightstand.

    – No children in the home (ever)
    – Weapon checked every night before bed
    – Weapon placed in exact same position/orientation every night
    – Safety ON
    – German Shepherd on duty

    Likely the only change I will make in this setup is to purchase one of Crossbreed’s bed holster setups (

    It takes the weapon off of the nightstand and secures it in a holster that surely must negate ANY possible danger of mishandling in the dark?

    I sleep pretty hard and the time involved with waking up, getting out of bed, finding the gun safe (no room anywhere near my nightstand for one), entering the combo or activating bio-metric access, possessing the weapon AND THEN addressing a threat seems much too long to make that weapon a solid solution for defensive use.

    If kids were in the house, totally different scenario. For my wife and I, this works effectively and safely.

  107. Gene Wood on May 29, 2018 at 8:04 am

    I taught Hunter/Firearm safety for 20 years and never had an incident with my students or did any of the other instructors who I worked with,seeking to instill in the minds and hearts of all the young students,the safety factor of firearms. I did not read all the comments (too many) but I came up with an answer to the nightstand firearm. Many of these semi-auto’s work on the slide feature,and work very easily. My solution to this matter is this: you can leave the firearm on your nightstand (unloaded),but keep the clip under your pillow for quick loading if need be. That weapon,should it be picked up by a child/or an intruder,is totally useless if the clip is not in it,and it takes so little time to jam the clip home and jam one in the chamber. Time yourself….just make the firearm completely useless until you have to load it…..

  108. Mike on May 29, 2018 at 8:13 am

    well we don’t have children, but when I was growing up (55 now), my dad had loaded guns everywhere in the house. I don’t go quite that far, but I have a 12 ga shotgun and my Glock next to me when I sleep, both loaded, however there isn’t one in the pipe on either. I also have two terriers that sleep with us, and ADT. What I would like is safety doors throughout the house but that is a lot of money.

  109. Max Johnson on May 29, 2018 at 8:25 am

    My wife and I are both in our seventies. My wife is also handicapped. My weapon is by my bed when I sleep. Input it there when I go to bed. Remove it when I get out of bed. My family knows if they come here during the night they call before arriving. Also, when anyone else stays overnight my weapon is secured, out of sight.

  110. Dan on May 29, 2018 at 9:33 am

    I want fast access, but not so fast that I’m still asleep, and not sure of my target. People have been proven to be unreliable in their judgement when startled awake. I use a small safe with a keypad next to the bed. If I can get it open I’m probably alert enough to respond to a threat and not shoot a “friendly”.

    • frank's gun shop on June 3, 2018 at 3:41 am

      once shared a motel room with my cousin and his son on a road trip to pocono…got up during the night to use the bathroom and as I walked past the foot of his bed I suddenly realized he was sleeping with a gun in his hand…YIKES!…created a bit of a dilemma..should I wake him…or quietly go about my business and hope for the best?

  111. barbuto on May 29, 2018 at 9:52 am

    This is all about location , location, location If you have the misfortune to live in New York, like I do. You had better have a safe for the gun. THE REASON: New York requires that you PROVE that you retreated away from the threat and you had NO OTHER CHOICE but to use deadly force. I remember when my parents retired to Florida. The local sheriff came around to introduce him self…his parting remark to my mom was ” just remember…if you shoot some one…they must be on your property….you all take care now”…My mom was so scared she asked me if I could bring down one of my guns for her for self protection. My dad never liked guns and was a pretty tough so and so…but when Dad was not home, my mom was scared. So, its location, location location. IF you are in a state that REQUIRES you to retreat first and use deadly force last…a safe will show your intent. IF you are in a state where all you need do is to have the perp on your property…I guess you are pretty free to do as you like…..

  112. SteveL on May 29, 2018 at 11:45 am

    Guess there are many combinations to this. I have under bed drawers in which the one directly under me holds a Springfield XD Mod2 45. At 66yr old no kids in the house, no grand kids and six dogs, five huskys one of which is more shepard than husky I have plenty of time to rack the slide and well practiced at it. Every situation is unique mine is mine, but, not the only right one. My safe is in another part of the house which is inconvenient and full. Wife also carries an XD Mod2 45. Probably not a prime target for a break in!

  113. ChuckB on May 29, 2018 at 2:47 pm

    In years gone by I kept a loaded shotgun under the edge of my bed, safety on. (no kids) I loaded it with a progressively more powerful load in the shell starting with rock salt or rat shot and in each successive round the ammo gets more powerful. rat shot to bird shot, bird shot to buck shot, usually with a slug in the last position. The first round will not likely cause serious damage to anything including what’s on the other side of a wall. At which point most robbers would hit the bricks showing “assholes and elbows”. If he/she sticks around to fight it out, it would take several shots before the gun would likely kill with a single shot. Lots of time, noise, and freedom for the perp to run, while keeping him/her too busy to take accurate aim. Plus they will be easily identified by the little red spots all over their body when they appear before cops.

  114. Larry on May 29, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    My first line of defense is my dog. If someone comes on my property he will certainly let me know and I can tell if its someone he knows or a stranger by his bark. Locked and bolted doors are the second line and if they are not deterred by that then the third line wont be pretty or just a warning. Safety first is always best but different situations call for different measures. What works for me might not work for you but being safe is always a must no matter what. I have taught all my children and grandchildren plus my great grandchildren about firearm safety. I have seen my greats practice safety with their toy firearms so I think safety and training is one of the best tools a gunowner has to ensure things go well.

  115. Dennis on May 29, 2018 at 3:49 pm

    No kids, no wife (phew) keep my SR45 with clip in, just need to charge. Living by myself it is a comfort. Front door within 25 ft of bedroom. Keep it dark as a closet, my night vision is still A-1, ok maybe A2. Better than trying to swing a shotgun around.

  116. DaveW on May 29, 2018 at 4:14 pm

    My father was a counterintelligence agent, beginning in WW II as a guerrilla on Leyte in the Philippines, and on through until he retired in the early 80’s. No matter where we lived, he had a Colt hammerless .380 under the edge of the mattress. Both my sisters and I were thus raised around weapons, and we learned how to properly handle and shoot everything from pistols to rifles. I spent 20 years in the Navy, where I shot competitively with both military and local civilian shooting clubs. My two sons were subsequently raised around a variety of weapons, learning to properly handle and shoot them, and today are teaching their children in the same manner. Training, situational awareness, and more training take the “what if’s” out of the equation. Far too many people have a weapon available but do not have the knowledge, training, or skill to properly respond to a threat, whether they have a weapon under their pillow, in a drawer, or in a safe. I am confident in my abilities to protect my family and property.

  117. Carl Smith on May 29, 2018 at 6:19 pm

    It might just be me but I have never in my life ever went from Alpha Sleep to instant alertness in under 2.5 seconds.. Think about waking in the AM after 8 hours of solid sleep. How many people bounce out of bed fully alert and ready for combat? I’m betting only the recently returned front Line Combat soldier suffering from PTS. Second point is I live in a tiny house (1100 sq ft ) and I can cover the distance from the most remote door to my bedroom in a little under 4 seconds.( 6 seconds if you count just opening the door and then sprinting to my bedroom) and I know the layout in the dark. The result is the locked safe is analogous ” to the police are only minutes away when seconds count”. I have a Vault for all my guns with the exception of my Desk 38 Special, my vehicle 45 Colt Revolver and my 9mm CC weapon 13 round with spare magazine. I have had my door kicked in and was confronted by armed LEO’s before I realized the alarm was going off. They raided the wrong house. The Good news is I’m still alive; the bad news is the replacement door I was provided for a replacement would make a lousy surfboard. The four hinge solid wood doors I installed all now open out instead of in and have a method I devised to eliminate pulling the hinge pins to remove the door. I have increased the entry time to minutes instead of seconds and I can now exit my home in the case of Fire by kicking the door out if necessary! If you would have told me to do this 10 years ago I would have laughed you out of the house. It’s 2018 and I have every intention of being the last man standing in my Castle.

  118. Tom on May 29, 2018 at 9:09 pm

    I have no children at home, so I really don’t have a problem with keeping my guns away from children. And another thing I think you should have, is a dog sleeping in the room with you. No one is going to be able to get in my room without my knowledge. I have in fact 2 dogs in my room, just when someone gets out of their car in my driveway, my two dogs start barking, so there is no way that I will ever be surprised by an unwanted visitor. Also I keep a gun with one in the chamber under my pillow, so i don’t think I will ever be caught unawares. But even if someone were to get into my bedroom, I keep my gun under my pillow on the far side of the bed away from the door to my room, without the safety on.

  119. Ben on May 30, 2018 at 3:38 am

    The reality is, quick access to your gun and the fortitude to use it decides the outcome of your safety. But, if you have kids, that’s a drawback and the safe is a good idea.

  120. Papa D on May 30, 2018 at 8:16 am

    I have kept a gun on my nightstand going on 40 years and will continue to do so. My gun safe is across the room and contains the guns that I don’t readily need. My children were raised from a very early age about firearms and their use / dangers. I never had any worry that they would go near them , unless directed. They are grown now and gone from the home. They own their own firearms and have their own children. We have never had an AD nor ND in our home. Raise your children responsibly, be safe, but do what you think is best for you and your family.

  121. Meathead on May 31, 2018 at 2:16 am

    My Aunt awoke around 3:AM and there was a black man standing at the foot of her bed. She had a .38 revolver under her pillow. She put three rounds into the man and he never, ever had the chance to rape another white woman.

    Ease of access is ALWAYS the key because 1 or 2 seconds can mean life or death.

  122. Jeff Degenhardt on June 24, 2018 at 10:06 am

    Interesting that a 2.5 second is considered acceptable when you advocate storing a gun in a safe, but a fraction of that isn’t acceptable when someone asks if they should carry with an empty chamber or loaded chamber.

  123. Mort Leith on June 24, 2018 at 10:28 am

    In the South (you know,, FREE country), we train kids at a very young age how to shoot and hunt,, that way they know that guns are NOT toys.

    And the dog ALWAYS lets you know if there is an intruder around so no worries re a criminal getting your gun before you do.

    And it isn’t professional to write clearly biased articles trying to sell gun safes.

  124. William L Ramsburg on June 24, 2018 at 10:39 am


  125. Bruce on June 24, 2018 at 10:50 am

    Did you consider leaving the gun on the nightstand, unloaded, but a full clip in? Young children don’t have the hand strength to pull a slide back enough to load it. Wouldn’t that be worth a look? It takes much less time to pull the slide than to get into a safe doesn’t?

  126. Bob on June 24, 2018 at 11:32 am

    Most home invasions occur during the day when the alarm is off. gun on the night stand does nothing for you when you are in the kitchen or in another room. Keep a gun located in every place you send time.

  127. Larry on June 24, 2018 at 12:31 pm

    Years ago I purchased a pressure release gun lock where you can pre-set the pressure it takes to get the lock off the trigger guard. When the lock is on the trigger guard (this is on a S&W revolver) you can’t pull the trigger or pull hammer back. The only thing you can do is open the cylinder, but when you need the weapon for whatever reason all you have to do is push a button on the side of the lock and it is instantly off and you are ready to fire. The pressure on the lock is adjustable so you can set it if kids do happen to get hold of your weapon they can’t get the lock off rendering the weapon safe, but if you need it most adults are strong enough to release it and be ready. The problem is I’ve never seen one in the last 40 yrs. I wish I could purchase about 3 more of them.

  128. Jim C on June 24, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    I didn’t see many bad answers. I have had long guns since I was 10 years old . I now, have a pistol and do not completely trust myself leaving it ready to fire. I would have to put a round in the chamber, which I have trained myself to do. A bad guy turns pretty mild when he hears you chamber a pistol.

  129. Kara Gage on June 24, 2018 at 1:59 pm

    I MAY HAVE MISSED IT! However, I’m pretty sure they did too! I teach that you NEVER have “easy” access to your gun while you sleep! Not on a nightstand, a magnet etc. A grandmother kept her gun on her nightstand. In the middle of the night she her heard someone fidgeting with her doorknob. She grabbed her gun and fired. She killed her 10 year old granddaughter. She had forgotten she was spending the night. You’ve got to WAKE UP! Put in a quick access safe, the bottom drawer of the nightstand…where it’s a little “difficult” but FAST! You must WAKE UP!

  130. Dlh on June 24, 2018 at 2:35 pm

    The title is a bit misleading. There are gun storage safes, which can be cumbersome and inconvenient, then their are quick access mini-safes intended for point of use locations, such as bedside. The intent of the article would be better served if the title and subject matter focused on, ‘Secured vs Unsecured’, defensive firearms intended for emergency response. There are some very good and reliable quick-access mini safes on the market and work well to mitigate safety concerns for those who have them. I have 2, his and hers. Does not slow us down. I also have a mini safe in my vehicle for when I can’t carry and must leave it behind.

    Dave Hamilton
    37 year LEO
    4 years USMC
    Firearms structor and Rangemaster
    Defensive Tactics Instructor

  131. R. LANGE on June 24, 2018 at 3:55 pm

    Bedroom door has a deadbolt. Dog sleeps in the room in front of the door,
    P12-45 locked and loaded on the nightstand. Any attempted entrance would be noticed in plenty of timw

  132. Edward on June 24, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    I am 69 years old and there is no one in the house except for my wife and myself. My firearm is on the nitestand next to me. For the bad guy to get it, he would have to come thru the wall.

  133. Jim on June 24, 2018 at 4:50 pm

    All of your so called time it takes to address a invader in your home does not show how long it actually take with someone who had to put on glasses to see, so in theory the times need two categories with and with out glass to be correct.

  134. OddDave on June 24, 2018 at 5:26 pm

    If you sleepwalk it might be a really bad idea to have a gun on the night stand. Other than that go for it.

  135. David Folsom on June 24, 2018 at 5:33 pm

    Typical altercation involving a firearm is decided in 3 seconds. Sound asleep in the dead of night and I hear someone in my home is NOT the time to be fiddling with a safe. An XD-E on the side of the bed, de-cocked with safety and a round chambered on is how we sleep. I have the “safety off” in muscle memory, but combo the the safe takes conscious effort. The XD-E is a great choice for anyone with kids, just in case you have a seizure, black out, or get hit with a rock, it will take your 3 year-old a few minutes to figure out how to shoot it.
    To each his own.

  136. Terry Hughes on June 24, 2018 at 5:50 pm

    Thank you for this study and detail record keeping. I keep my VP9 in a 2 digit gun vault combo safe, magazine in round in battery. It takes me 2 to 3 seconds to retrieve my defense pistol. My Belgian will greet the uninvited person/s providing me a few additional seconds before I make an assessment. Hopefully it all ends peacefully with local police escorting the criminals away in cuffs.

  137. Mo Better on June 24, 2018 at 6:26 pm

    I’ve carried a firearm every day since Uncle Sam handed me one in 1968, 50 years this year. I have two handguns on the floor next to the bed every night, a Ruger Redhawk .357, 8 serious rounds of purposeful dissuasion, followed by a New York re-load, a Smith & Wesson Governor with 6 .45LC rounds. That should be sufficient to deter any middle-of-the-night evildoer. I do think it is important not to overestimate how much time you would have to react to a home invasion, even in a large home it only takes a few seconds to go from the point of entry to the bedroom if familiar with the layout, and most alarm systems have a built-in delay, so it is possible to be at a disadvantage.

  138. Joe Rhodes on June 24, 2018 at 10:04 pm

    No kids in home. Holstered gun on nightstand. It, phone, and glasses go with me when I leave.
    Pants have keys, billfold, knife, and belt ready to pull on.

  139. Keith B on June 25, 2018 at 4:29 am

    I believe if an intruder has the balls to invade your home knowing you are there (or most likely are there), he is going to already have a handgun himself. Believing this, I have no intention of intruder beating me to my handgun, and like to believe I am good enough to not let this happen (that’s why I train and shoot often, I believe most scumbags don’t train), but if in the off chance he does beat me to my gun, what difference does it make whether he uses his gun or mine on me? At least I had a chance. Of course now you have the issue of another stolen handgun in circulation, but that is another story..

  140. Keith B on June 25, 2018 at 4:33 am

    (amended) I keep my handgun under my pillow, have for years. I believe if an intruder has the balls to invade your home knowing you are there (or most likely are there), he is going to already have a handgun himself. Believing this, I have no intention of intruder beating me to my handgun, and like to believe I am good enough to not let this happen (that’s why I train and shoot often, I believe most scumbags don’t train), but if in the off chance he does, what difference does it make whether he uses his gun or mine on me? At least I had a chance. Of course now you have the issue of another stolen handgun in circulation, but that is another story..

  141. Phil on June 25, 2018 at 5:30 am

    There is a “bed” holster that can be bought. It is a holster with a flap on it that fits between the mattress and box springs. I use this instead of keeping a gun on a nightstand. Retrieving it is easier, faster, safer, and more “concealed” than having a gun on a nightstand. I would suggest that these be used as you always know where the gun is. On a nightstand the gun can slip away, be pushed away, fall on the floor, etc. especially is your are foggy from waking up or having an adrenaline rush.

  142. Scott Mcculloch on June 25, 2018 at 5:42 am

    My back door is less than 20 ft from my bed. I keep my EDC under a pillow next to me, chambered and in my holster safety on. No kids in my place. If its not under the pillow its on my hip. I have another attached to the back of my nightstand chambered and ready to go. There have been breakins in my neighborhood and people hurt. I take no chances and stay alert and prepared.

  143. Mike on June 25, 2018 at 11:51 am

    It’s dark. Someone is coming into your home or, worse, coming into your bedroom — you didn’t hear them until then.

    You’re not going to have 3 seconds to punch in the combination or turn the wheels, in the dark, to the right combination.

    There is no good answer to the competing interests of (a) security for children and others in the home and (b) security from the miscreant in your home seeking to do you harm.

  144. Ted J on June 25, 2018 at 9:06 pm

    I have three gun safes. Primary holds my long guns and most handguns. I have a clamshell style secured in my truck for when I’m carrying away from home and need to secure it, and lastly I have another clamshell style mounted to the side bed frame directly below me. I have practiced in the dark with a key and can access my gun in under 5 seconds. Is that a long time? In my head, yes. However, I have two young girls at home, and while they will grow up around firearms and be trained they are also young children who are curious and, I know it’s hard to believe, sometimes disobedient. I found it refreshingly honest that the author realizes that while dogs may be supremely obedient, children aren’t. I will take a couple extra seconds and peace of mind over a faster access any day, especially when friends of my kids are in the house. In my opinion, anything less is dangerous. That’s just me though, and if we didn’t have kids the story would probably be different.

  145. no-no-bad-dog on June 25, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    How many children can rack a round on and empty chamber Springfield XD 45 ACP ? Don’t be stupid with your family’s safety.
    I do agree with gun safes for the bedroom with small children.
    I don’t have a round chambered in my 45 that is on my nightstand. When my home security alarm SCREAMS, I will rack a round, get my high lumen flashlight, tell my significant other to call 911 and wait for the bastards to burst through my closed bedroom door.
    It will suck to be them.

  146. JOHN JOOSSENS on June 28, 2018 at 9:08 pm

    Carry gun under pillow always when not in use. Comes off my body and it goes in a active retention holster. Night stand has extra mag pouch, telephone,, tactical lite. Have noisy dog, hardened doors motion lights around house, security signs.window stops. As much as 30 plus minute response time, so try to be self sufficient, single…no minors, or grand kids. If firearm not on body is locked in hidden safe. Plus 12 gauge riot pump o buck shot in hidden head board,

  147. George Minga on August 16, 2018 at 10:49 am

    If you have young children I can understand locking it up. This argument also falls under do you keep a round in the chamber or don’t you? I always keep a round in the chamber safety on, and if my weapon isn’t on me it’s on the nightstand next to me. Of course I don’t have small children at home anymore. I tried to teach my children from a young age so to respect again and to never pick up a gun so I guess your sense of security would depend on how well your children behave you or do they? The only answer I can give is all of my children are teenagers now and then never were shot nor did they shoot anyone else with any of my guns when they were little.

  148. Paul Reinhardt on August 16, 2018 at 11:03 am

    Your conclusion relies on the safe in which your gun is stored to be ON your bed and unlocked to get the retrieval times you mention. Get serious. I have no minors in my home so keep gun in nightstand.

  149. David Thomas on August 16, 2018 at 11:09 am

    I’m surprised that nobody else has come up with the same solution to this problem I have. I mounted dual flood lights in the hallway outside my bedroom, motion activated. One is aimed downstairs, one at the head of my bed. Upon activation I can go to the foot of, or to the other side of my bed without looking towards the light. I have more time to grab my pistol from the nightstand and prepare myself than the blinded intruder does. I live alone so it’s foolproof.

  150. Paul Hillar on August 16, 2018 at 11:16 am

    As an instructor I say, whichever way works best for the “individual”! I will also say, if it says “Sports Afield” on the safe, I’ll NEVER buy it! They’re DICK’S!

  151. Steve Carroll on August 16, 2018 at 12:18 pm

    Now that people have the numbers they can make their decision based on their circumstances. Thanks, Jacob.
    As for me, there are no kids or grand kids.
    Our bedside tables have a 3 inch wooden rim around the bottom putting our handguns, held by magnets, completely out of sight and easy to access.
    As easy and fast as having the weapon on the night stand but out of sight.

  152. Mastro on August 16, 2018 at 12:49 pm

    Loaded .40 in my nightstand. No kids. Good doors with deadbolts, alarm, large dogs.

    When my 13 year old nephew stayed with us I took the slide off and a cable lock thru it. I take the gun with me or put it in my downstairs safe when workmen come.

    If I had kids around (mine or others) I would get a safe- might get one in the future.

  153. Eric on August 16, 2018 at 12:56 pm

    First, the test is NOT real…being awake vs. in a dead sleep and hearing something will invoke very different reactions. The test shown above states 2.04 seconds between a safe and night stand – and the tester I’ll bet was awake and knew what needed to be done as opposed to being in a dead sleep and having to assess the event so they could react…you would be wise to add at least 2 seconds to your reaction time.

    But, just for Stuff and Giggles, assume its in a table top safe…Test it…how long would it take YOU to get from an entry point to your bedroom – most likely a door with one door-banger and one or two followers…about 2 seconds? If so, you’re on the edge between dealing with the intrusion with a gun or becoming a statistic.

    In my youth and military trained I fast and very accurate but today some 50 years later, still somewhat fast but not so accurate from a dead sleep and accuracy is EVERYTHING as you will most likely only get one shot.

  154. Allen Cain on August 16, 2018 at 1:49 pm

    My option of choice is the IdentiLock which is a biometric trigger guard/lock. Yes, I do own a Glock and YES I do keep one in the pipe BUT I never place my finger on the trigger until ready to shoot. With this lock you grab your gun normally and place your finger as you would if placing it next to the trigger on the guard but you contact a scanner pad which reads your fingerprint and immediately drops the lock off leaving your finger positioned next to the trigger guard. You can already be aiming your gun as the guard drops.

    I have had safes including the Hornady RFID type and do keep a shotgun in the bedroom closet in one of these also. Had a Hornady RFID RapidSafe next to my bed before I bought the IdentiLock. Now the Glock is in the bedside nightstand drawer.

    Of course nothing is perfect. An intruder, who crept by my dog (highly unlikely) could get to the gun and beat me with it. I can live with that.

  155. Harris Johnson on August 16, 2018 at 9:26 pm

    I live in a rural area but with good access to the sheriff’s office. Past response times over 30 years have been 6 min, 7 min, 10 min, and 7 min. Motion detectors all around house and garage all wired to a light in the bedroom. I used to keep my weapons in a safe, but when three people were attempting to break into garage my wife had called the sheriff before I could get the safe open. Since runniing around with a pistol in hand when deputies show up might be bad, the crooks got away when my noise alearted them to run. Now I keep my defensive pistol (with a LASER) nearby. Recently motion detectors alerted me and the single intruder rapidly left the scene when he noted the little red spot dancing around his area. Fortunately for him, he never got inside.

  156. R C Long on August 17, 2018 at 2:42 am

    MSG (R)RC Long,

    Weapon under pillow bad idea magnet to bed frame or night stand that can be reached easily is a safer option and there are holsters that are made to fit on the bed itself. The best defense is to install safety doors that are external doors that come with a metal frame with deadbolt lock and door lock. it takes about one hour or less to install and can be painted the color you need. The cost can be between $165.00 to $200.00. Most bad guys don’t like coming in windows unless they are very big and can be entered without noise. Training children at a young age the dangers of the weapon and strict laws about handling them without permission. Take them to the range as soon as they can safely handle the weapon, this will get rid of a lot the curiosity. Weapons should be secure when you are not at home with locking them up, gun locks are placing the magazines or speed loaders in a secure area that you can get to. Not everybody can afford a alarm system but most can afford a good dog. .

  157. David Folsom on August 17, 2018 at 7:24 am

    I question the response times. To be accurate, the person should be sleeping soundly, and timer starts with the sound of a smashed window. Fumbling with a key or combination while half-awake but in full panic would be a real test, and everyone would have a different result.

  158. John R on August 17, 2018 at 7:58 am

    Why did you get out of bed? You can shoot from the bed. In your scenario the suspect is in your room. By getting out of bed and then taking aim, you are increasing the shooting time response. I would shoot from the bed, get rounds on target and then get out of bed.
    When it comes to children in the home, train them along with your significant other. My children were taught by age 4 to not pick up a gun, to just leave it where it was. By age 6 they were taught how to shoot with BB guns. By age 8, they were on 22 rifles.

  159. James on August 21, 2018 at 6:20 pm

    It’s holstered and back-strapped right under my pillow. Got kids or other less than trustworthy folks coming over? We need to apply common sense here as I’m sure we all do when expecting guests. Calling many, many of us here ‘stupid’ because we have secured our firearms—and maybe our lives—serves only to add fuel to the gun haters’ efforts to REQUIRE us to lock guns up except when actually venturing out with them.

  160. paul peter on May 7, 2019 at 10:57 am

    I sleep with a revolver under the next pillow next to me no kids wife sleeps in another room I can fire from the bed in a second or less. I think revolvers are best no racking the slide just pull the trigger.Even if you toss in your sleep you cant fire unless you pull the trigger. I also have a clip behind the night stand which I can hang the holstered gun hooked on the clip out of sight but may take a little long to present. this works for me

  161. Barry on May 7, 2019 at 11:39 am

    I live in a high crime area, and am a senior citizen w/ no children in the home. my wife and I both keep our guns in bed holsters next to us. They are loaded w/ no safety on the guns. they have lights and lasers on my gun and she just has a bright flashlight. they can not be seen if someone gets past the dog barking to see the holsters under the covers.

  162. Goa on May 7, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    As a child, we grew up with guns in the guns racks of our bedroom walls, Long before tigger locks/guards were ever thought of. Talking about Dumbing down the people! We were TAUGHT by our parents, they were NOT a toy. We had toy cap guns for that to play C & I. Guns are and always will be a TOOL. No different from a hammer, which is used to kill more people than guns or a table knife, again higher usage to kill.
    Gun cabinets, unlocked, at my grandparents were not to be touched without ASKING first, no matter what age you were, including my dad.
    As a young child, we were TAUGHT how to carry the rifles/shotguns while hunting, our lanes of firing & NOT to cross over your hunting partner. Older, my state required anyobe under the age of 16, Must take & pass the NRA’s Hunter Safety Course before you could get a hunting license.
    Today, they build furniture which can conceal weapons out of site, but actived quickly. Just watched a headboard deploy a shotgun quickly without leaving the bed.
    A weapon without a round in the chamber hax been proven useless time and again. Just like the officer, you’ll pick up the weapon and pull & Nothing.
    Racking a round, just notified the intruder you have a weapon too & YOUR LOCATION.
    Most people will stovepipe it, being stressed, now you are really up the creek.

    Lots of choices out there, magents to place it in or around the sleeping areas. Yet, it cannot be understated, TRAIN your children. All of my friends know I carry, no problem.
    Hundreds of years and no problems having the firearms load in the homes.
    People WITHOUT training are the Unsafe, no brains/trains who give us all a bad name, besides MSM Propaganda trying to disarm us, so we too can be like Venezuela. Who are pleading with us, NOT to give up OUR Right to keep & bear arms. While some of our Congressional members have forgotten…The Supreme Court already ruled on this matter, and the 2nd Amendment, Shall Not Be Infringed.

  163. Larry Eccleston on May 7, 2019 at 11:02 pm

    I’m 77 and sleep in an upstairs bedroom. My wife passed away 2 years ago and since then I keep a fully loaded Dan Wesson .357 under the covers next to me. It doesn’t give me the comfort she did but at least if I hear a commotion downstairs I can be ready. I have bad feet and can’t walk well without shoes. So if I need to investigate it will take me a little time to get going. I also sleep in the nude so I probably should grab a robe. I would hate to scare the intruder to death.

    With all this I don’t want to spend additional time trying to open a gun safe. When you are under pressure it might take a couple tries to get the combination right.

    I have automatics but I feel the double action revolver is safer in that you have to cock the weapon or squeeze rather firmly on the trigger. It is not going to fire with incidental contact.

    If I had children in the house I would certainly use a different strategy. When I was very young my little brother found my father’s .32 revolver in the top dresser drawer. It was loaded and he actually pointed it at me and squeezed the trigger. Fortunately my father always left an empty chamber requiring a second squeeze. After the first squeeze I screamed and my father was up the stairs in seconds. I never saw the revolver after that but I presume it was still around.

  164. Jerry Aveta on May 8, 2019 at 1:56 am

    Jacob, This post is {edited by moderator]
    Take a little longer and do a video where you are really asleep and panic, fear, and Adrenalin kicks in! Then you can show me actual response times! The rest of this time consuming crap is useless! Go get an inside dog that will bark when someone comes close to your home, giving you more time to react! No kids, no safe, less time to react!
    Dog barks in the middle of the night? Something is not right!
    Get a grip and do a really good video and oh, by the way, what safe company do promote?

    • Jacob Paulsen on May 8, 2019 at 7:11 am

      Jerry, I’m sorry you felt the video had no value for you. I realize and made it clear in the video, that this is NOT illustrative of actual response times. It is only meant to show the RELATIVE difference in response times between the different methods of safes and storage. As to your comment about safe companies I’m not sure I understand your question “what safe company do promote?” There are a lot of great companies out there that sell safes. If you feel a having a safe is the right thing for your home and situation I’m confident you can find a great option that works for you, we link to several we like in the above article.

  165. Griff Nelson on May 8, 2019 at 7:01 am

    You did the test wrong, and you did it stupidly. When lying in bed, with a gun under the pillow, or atop the nightstand, or placed somewhere within reach, I would NEVER jump out of bed prior to garbing my firearm. And I DAMNED sure wouldn’t turn my back on the intruder!!! Sheer stupidity! I would, while still under the covers, grab my firearm, point it in the direction I expected the threat to come from, and only then would I start to get out of bed, all the while keeping my eyes, and firearm, trained in the direction of the Threat. To do otherwise invites disaster.

    • Jacob Paulsen on May 8, 2019 at 7:06 am

      Griff, very fair point and thanks for the comment. In some cases, as with most of the safes there is no way to open them without getting out of bed. If I ever retest I will run the variations that don’t require getting out of bed without getting out of bed. Cheers!

  166. Gi Morrison on May 9, 2019 at 1:54 am

    I’m a 63 year old single woman living in the rural south. No kids. Been handling long guns since age 7. 20 years of practical pistol as well as “thinking”. Have a magnet on my bed frame, pistol is out of sight but at hand. Most folks don’t think about magnets holding a gun, but they do very well both at home and in a vehicle as well. Would welcome comments/criticism. G Morrison

    • Gi Morrison on May 9, 2019 at 2:18 am

      Gi Morrison again. I also have a very nice Chesapeake. Bay Retriever…non aggressive type.

    • Matthew Maruster on May 9, 2019 at 10:17 am

      God bless you ma’am and thank you for sharing.

  167. Douglas L Self on August 28, 2019 at 11:02 am

    A great and well-reasoned assessment as to where to routinely store your weapon! Me, I keep it on my night stand, but I’m a 60 y.o. man whose kids are grown and gone. However, IF the grandchildren come over, then into the safe the hardware goes, as the little, CURIOUS scamps have a way of being FASTER and somehow OUTWITTING yours truly!

    As for the issue of a home invasion/burglary, that’s why one invests in a decent security system, to alert to when someone’s at the door, or a window is breached, and so on…having the tablet ALSO on the nightstand, unless I hear something that alerts me to an imminent threat, rather than instinctively go for my Ruger, I turn the screen on which by default has all the windows for all the cams, so I can get an idea of what’s up and know what to investigate. Like any other “tactical” situation, the key is to not panic, and my son, whom installed and designed it, and I have PRACTICED with it, so I don’t have to familiarize myself at 3:30 AM when something “goes bump in the night”.

  168. Walter Williams on April 24, 2020 at 11:11 pm

    Have in nightstand drawer open with gun in holster.

  169. Antonio on May 14, 2021 at 12:46 pm

    My children can’t get into our bedroom. The master bedroom door is locked at night. So why not keep it on the nightstand holstered while asleep? Between locked doors and alarm, no intruder will get to the nightstand before I do.

    • Jacob Paulsen on May 14, 2021 at 1:59 pm

      What about cognition? A gun safe would ensure you cannot access and deploy the gun unless you are fully awake and able to correctly interpret your environment. There are many instances of gun owners mistakenly grabbing a gun in a half-awake / half-asleep state and doing something regretable.

  170. Marie on June 23, 2021 at 12:46 pm

    Get a dog he will give you love and the 3-5secs needed to get to your gun.

  171. Melody M on June 23, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    I would like to see comments and tests on BioMetric safes

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