Top 5 Best Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permits
Not all state's concealed carry permits are created equal. Your state's permit may not provide you with reciprocity in the states you visit most. So why not get a non-resident concealed carry permit. Yep, they exist.
So here is a list of the top 5 states that we think offer the best non-resident permits:
*The below article has been updated with current information about Virginia's changes and broken links fixed.*
I think it is prudent to speak about the best non-resident concealed carry permit issuers. This way, you can maximize your ability to defend yourself with your gun while you travel.
If you conduct a quick internet search, you will find a lot of junk information out there. And to be fair, some good stuff that I feel isn't as condensed as what I am about to give you.
My Ranking Methodology
First, a lot of these “best” lists, include states like Tennessee and South Carolina. But, while they may be good to have a non-resident concealed gun permit in, you have to adhere to strict rules, such as owning land or having a job there.
Additionally, if you live in Pennsylvania as I (no longer) do, you're likely not driving to TN for work every day.
So, to compile this list, I only include states where you can get your permit in the mail without actually needing to physically go, or adhere to strict laws.
So without further ado…
Here are the top 5 best non-resident concealed carry permits that fit those criteria:
- Arizona
- Utah
- Virginia
- Florida
- New Hampshire
Arizona —
How Easy To Get?
Any existing permit or virtually any in-person firearm safety class qualifies. The cost is only $60 sent via mail.
How Wide Reaching is Reciprocity?
There is a reason why Arizona is one of the go-to out of state concealed carry permits for folks like you and me. It's far-reaching, as you can see, and easy to get because it can be done by mail. For more information on how you get a non-resident Arizona CCW, click on that link.
Utah —
How easy to get?
It is easy to get a Utah permit. The first step for folks is locating a UT certified trainer, which can be found on their website. They do require that extra bit of training, but it can be done in your home state.
How wide-reaching is reciprocity?
Utah is a great state to have a non-resident concealed carry permit in, just because of the number of states you can carry a gun in with it. Check out their website for more info.
Virginia —
How easy to get?
Because of a recent change in Virginia, there is some confusion about non-resident permits. You can still get your Virginia non-resident concealed carry permit. However, as of Jan 1, 2021, they don't accept online training to meet the training requirement. You can still take in-person training and get your permit by mailing in.
How wide reaching is reciprocity?
Obtaining a Virgina non-resident permit is now a little harder, but it is still a decent state to get a non-resident concealed carry permit in. This is because it offers up a decent number of reciprocity states.
Florida —
How easy to get?
Can be acquired by mail, can take up to 90 days to get. Furthermore, the cost is not high, right around $100.00. Check out this website for more info and to download the application for a non-resident Florida concealed carry permit. Florida requires all applicants to submit proof of training.
How wide reaching is reciprocity?
If you find yourself vacationing in Florida from time to time, and many folks do, this is the only non-resident concealed carry permit from this list that is accepted there.
New Hampshire —
How easy to get?
You can acquire your concealed carry permit through the mail if you're a non-resident for the cost of $100. And, as of 2016, you no longer need to prove that you can carry a gun in your home state. This is great for states where you don't have to (or cannot) get your license/permit to carry a gun. Here's more information on non-resident CCW permits for NH.
How far reaching is reciprocity?
The New Hampshire concealed carry permit should likely be the last resort for you unless you absolutely need the ability to not prove that you have a permit in your home state. The New Hampshire non-resident permit used to be a good choice for folks who would visit Pennslyvania and were living in the northeast part of the country. However, there are some changes to PA law. Important to note is that, Pennsylvania no longer accepts non-resident permits from any state.)
If you Travel I Highly Recommend:
We spent a lot of time putting together this incredible resource for gun owners. The Concealed Carry Gun Tools App works with Android and iPhones and is completely free. It has a full legal rundown for every state's gun laws, reciprocity maps and so much more. Please consider checking it out.

The App is available for Android and iPhone and is FREE.
Did I miss anything? Which non-resident states do you have a permit to carry in? Let us know in the comments below.
A great compilation. Since reciprocity changes all the time, (over 70 recorded changes last year alone) its good to also get additional permits just to protect yourself from changes. I have 4 permits currently and 2 of them don’t provide me with any incremental reciprocity at this time… but that could change in any moment and I’m glad to already have the plastic in hand.
Re-check the costs you list for Florida…
Initial License Fee . . . . . . . .$ 55 (non-Resident)
Fingerprint Processing . . . . . 42
Total . . .$ 97
With Tax . . .$119
Plus a set of fingerprints (digital preferred)
And two passport photos (digital preferred)
If you have digital fingerprints and photos, you can apply right on the web site.
In my area of Minnesota, the Sheriff’s office will take the photos and fingerprints — for $15 each.
So that raises the total price to $149.
Not terribly expensive, and it gives me 7 more states than my Minnesota permit alone.
It is my understanding that Florida does not accept digital fingerprints for non-residents.
Asking for everyone, what two licenses are those that have no incremental reciprocity?
Joseph Burwood
Does Delaware accept non resident florida license?
I live in PA and want to be able to carry in Delaware
I am a PA resident with LTCF (ccw) permit. I applied in person for my Florida permit after doing the live fire course there. Approved and received in 33 days. I was told there is no non resident Florida permit. My permit does not say non resident, and also does not have my address on it. Also spend time in Delaware.
I live in MD and wanted to carry in Delaware. I got both Utah and Florida permits by mail. Delaware accepts both of those state’s non-resident permits I took both classes in MD and mailed the applications and documents. Got Utah permit in a about month and the Florida permit in 3 weeks.
Most of the states that show reciprocity with New Hampshire have Constitutional Carry for residents and non-residents alike. It appears you only pick up three states with a New Hampshire License.
I had one years ago when they were only $20.
I do not need governments permission to protect myself. No matter what that protection is.
Your words are good and true, my friend. But as a Las Vegas resident, over the past several years I have seen the LVMPD shoot and kill two veterans who weren’t threatening them at all. One guy was a West Point graduate, reserve Lt Col who had a CCP and was called in to the cops by a Costco cashier who claimed he was brandishing a weapon in the store, when he had just reached for his wallet and she caught a glimpse of his gun. He was shot down in cold blood outside Costco by a trigger happy cop, when he had no weapon in his hand, only a cellphone. The other veteran was off his meds, disoriented and in his car, stopped, unarmed, when he was killed by multiple gunshots for no reason at all. A CCP is protection most of the time, and CCP insurance is recommended also. But I haven’t carried here in LV because I don’t trust ALL of our police officers to do the right thing ALL of the time. Best regards.
you stated the guy walking out of cosco didn’t even show his firearms and still got shot by a trigger happy cop so why would you not carry it doesn’t make you any safer by not carrying just have your cellphone in your hand and still risk getting shot.
Do you think disarming the police is a good idea. You cite one incident but fail to give an accounting of all the circumstances (details of this case. Since you don’t trust ALL of the police, do you trust some, and how do you know who’s a bad cop? So then, all cops are potentially killers. What to do? Are there criminals who use guns? Who kills more people, gang-bangers,etc.than cops do? Criminals with guns do by the widest margin. And they carry unlicensed guns.
Do you do the right thing all the time? I think you are the type who would de-fund the police until they are out of business.
I have read myself into a reply that chapped my rear so thoroughly I can hardly contain my demeanor or self worth to a point if I was able to in act instant karma this is the one and only time I would pray that it so be! Do I personally believe all police are bad? NO!!! Are they all human beings yes! They are “ALL” just like you and I… If put into a mindset right from the start about a situation at hand.. Focus,Mindset ,Adrenaline along with the minutes less and or more to the location..With made mind racing thoughts that it is up to you to do your upmost best to save and protect this or anyone person from any harm can make such a situation go from bad to inconceivably tragic!! Not only will officer or officers involved to this unspeakable incident everyone else indirectly or directly to the subject involved is going to suffer psychological!!! Some more than others depending on there own predispositional psychological mindset!!! To walk away saying better them than me is not good at anytime for an officer to as serve and protect the public from harm!!! That means the perpetrator and the bystander or bystanders! This should be the from the start to all have the best chance to come out alive overall… No one’s life should hastily be taken “by any man at any cost” with out the morality and for thought of the preservation of all life in the situation presented to me or my fellow brethren and sisters sworn to protect one and all good or bad… To whom raise you up and lay forth the ability to be so righteous as to take another’s life with out at first offering up thy own!!!
This is one of the most horribly disjointed rambling mess of a response I’ve ever heard.
Go scream that in DC. lol
Good luck with that. Enjoy your time in prison.
Try living in a state where it’s next to impossible to get a resident permit because they are issued by local jurisdictions, and California doesn’t honor ANY non resident permit. Time to move to a state that respects the constitution.
I currently have a California CCW permit . 8 years. A good cause statement is required, (not fear for your safety). Lots of paperwork and forms, to fill out, interview with CCW investigators, class and range qualifying required. FBI background checks, fingerprints.
Riverside County CCW deputies, are extremely respectfull and helpful to applicants in this county. Their help and respectful attitude has not changed in 8 years. Quite remarkable.
John Dockery
As you set in jail, if caught, get back to us with how your idea is setting with you.
I have a resident CT permit and both a NH and FL non resident permit. Both non resident permits took less than 3 weeks to obtain once paperwork was submitted. When I applied for the NH it required my CT permit. The FL permit required fingerprints and a copy of an NRA certificate of pistol training. It is also surprising as to how many states honor a CT permit but CT does not reciprocate.
Yup, we are in an ass backward liberal would up here in New England. I’m in MA and amazed that i am landlocked with the exception of VT.
Yeah. Like illinois.
As an instructor, they have CC but allow no non residents except about 5 states. And come January 1, 2023, a new law goes into effect in which the police will not be able to lock any one up except for a few charges unless an immediate threat. Even 2nd degree murder wont be able to. So if live in Illinois better get a permit to protect yourself, your going to need it.
Resident permits issued by the following states will be recognized in Maine, and Maine permits held by Maine residents will be recognized in these states:
Alaska – Yes (must be 21 or older)
Delaware – Yes
Florida – Yes
Georgia – Yes
Idaho – Yes
Kansas -Yes (must be 21 or older)
Kentucky – Yes
Michigan – Yes
Missouri – Yes
Nebraska -Yes (must be 21 or older)
New Hampshire -Yes
Oklahoma – Yes
Utah – Yes
Virginia – Yes (must be 21 or older and possess government issued identification)
JRME, Maine doesn’t recognize any non-resident permits so the above maps are accurate on that count. Thanks!
Try going to the Maine web site before you post lies. Maine will recognize any State permit that recognizes there’s. Its written in plain English.
Bob, I assume this site from the Maine State Police is official enough:
As you will see if you check it, Maine does NOT honor any non-resident permit.
“Pursuant to 25 M.R.S. 2001-A (2)(F), Maine will recognize a concealed handgun permit issued by another state to its resident if that state recognizes Maine’s resident concealed handgun permits.”
So, since the above is a discussion about the best Non-Resident permit I can only confirm that Maine law will NOT recognize any non-resident permit including those from the 5 above states.
The only problem with that, Jacob, is that Maine doesn’t require a concealed carry permit at all. See
In general, any US citizen i over the age of 21, who is not a prohibited person, can carry a pistol in Maine without a permit.
That is true but permit reciprocity still matters. For example, the federal law prohibits guns within 1000 feet of a school unless otherwise permitted by the state. In Maine, while anyone 21+ can carry concealed without a permit; a valid permit is still required to be within 1000 feet of a school. So there are a lot of reasons why we don’t put out reciprocity maps that just show any state with constitutional carry as honoring all other permits because they don’t. Maine still feels the need, despite allowing permitless carry, to selectively choose what other state permits they are going to honor.
Page is no longer available.
Hmmm… wonder why?
Which page are you referring to?
This is about 5% factual
Please report on Washington resident permit supplemented with an Idaho Enhanced carry permit. It covers Colorado and New Mexico as well…all the western states except Oregon and California.
Everyone scratch austin off of your list, it is just like Commiefornia. i have The Commonwealth of Virginia as a non resident LTCC weapon, but will renew with Florida
I have Illinois resident and Arizona non-resident. Planning on getting Florida non resident.
Florida honors Arizona
Florida doesn’t honor the Arizona non-resident permit. Florida doesn’t honor any non-resident permits.
That is 100% correct, FL does NOT (repeat ‘not’) accept non-resident permits. So say you have an Idaho driver’s license and a non-resident concealed permit from say Arizona, FL will NOT honor that AZ permit. If you have an Idaho driver’s license and an Idaho CWP, then FL will honor it.
My suggestion: get a FL permit, it is easy, valid for 7 years, can be done online (mostly, if you prefer), and it is not LEO-issued.
FL permits are issued by non-law enforcement (which is awesome), it is issued by Dept Agriculture. You see, whenever you have Law enforcement (i.e. Sheriff of county) issuing CWP licenses, they immediately link the carry license to the DL info (that is the case in Idaho, for instance, where the CWP license number is same as driver’s license number – they are linked!). In Colorado, even in conservative counties, many sheriffs were entering the CWP (Concealed Weapon permit info into the CRIMINAL database as “CWP permit holder”. It was not until Rocky Mnt Gun Owners sued that did not stop. We are not sure if CO removed previously added names of CWP licensees into criminal database… my guess? No, these owners were tagged forever by corrupt sheriffs because CO has become the California of the Rockies.
Given that NLETS allows officers to search databases for permit holders, at least in a place like FL, you do have the permit obviously linked.
Keep in mind that Statewide LEO are being ordered to target cars with license plates of pro-gun states. Maryland was harassing FL driver’s and searching their cars (illegally) assuming they had a gun in vehicle. Oregon and WA State were ordered troopers to mass at the Idaho border and search and harass Idaho plate vehicles and look for “guns brought into their state without their own state permits”. CA was harassing NV and Utah tags… Illinois was targeting Indiana and Ohio cars. It never ends. Keep in mind if you are from a red state, the moment you cross into a blue state, you are their enemy and will be treated accordingly.
I am very familiar with the “non-profit” NLETS and its databases, but my understanding is that as of 2022, they do not have a “license plate-link” to permits. It is only during stops that officers can search (query) their databases and search.
One strategy is to get out of state permits, so when office searches your say Utah driver’s license and queries the UT database for gun permit, your AZ and FL permits will not show up on their search (at least for the time being). Keep in mind the abuses by Dementia Joe’s cronies will continue…. The Framing Bureau of Innocents was trying to “audit” Missouri’s CWP holders and state attorney generation stopped them. So this issue is only gonna get worse if state legislatures do not act to keep these records private.
So was I right
Some of what your saying is nonsense.
NV has a fairly straight forward non-resident permit process. That state’s permit is recognized by many states.
Rich, I could be wrong but I believe Nevada requires you complete the class in Nevada and apply in person which would disqualify it from our above list.
Both of the things you said were true when I got my NV. out of state permit.
So, I filled out the list of resident and non-resident permits, confirmed my subscription and … nothing. Where is my free reciprocity list? Is this a scam to get subscriptions?
Milt, I’m honestly not sure what you are talking about. If you need a reciprocity map you can go to this page and get one. No subscription, personal info or email address is required: Just put in your state and click “Show Map.”
I have a TEXAS non-resident permit (now LTC, or License to Carry). Have had it for about 20 years. It is not easy to maintain this license but it’s good for 5 years now and no intermediate training required. Complete background check and fingerprinting as well as shooting at the range required. Here’s a kicker: last Nov 30, the state of New Mexico, where I have resided for 43 years, made ALL non resident licenses not recognized for New Mexico RESIDENTS. VISITORS from other states with a license and New Mexico reciprocity, may carry for up to 90 days. So New Mexico has rescinded its reciprocity for everybody who lives here. Seems a bit discriminatory to me. There is a small effort to change it back but the Dept of Public Safety is deaf on the matter.
Why is the second amendment the only one I have to be licensed to use????
So maybe this is a stupid question, but I live in NC…I can carry in almost states. Why would I need a non-resident permint?
Rosario, you really don’t need one currently. The NC permit has amazing reciprocity and you really don’t stand to gain anything by adding any of these permits.
I think the same goes for my Arizona resident permit. None of the non- resident permits offer any benefits that I can see.
Please correct me if I am wrong. I have a TN Resident CCW, I believe that I have reciprocity in all but 13 states, and it appears that adding any of these Non-Resident permits will not change that. It looks like, even with adding ALL of the 5 above, I still could not legally carry in those same 13 states. Is that right?
You would add the State of Washington which does not honor your TN permit but does honor the UT non-resident permit.
Tennessee Enhanced and Idaho Enhanced permits are some of best and most widely accepted across the red and purple states across the USA. All blue states like IL, Oregon, WA State, NY, CT, NJ, etc all have their own permits which are reserved for the 1%ers and people who make huge donations to certain blue politicians.
Even after the Supreme Court has ended the “show cause” requirement for applying for a permit in blue states, you will face harassment by LEO, political prosecutions, and enormous burdens to apply and get a permit for that state.
We are moving into a point in this country where if you want any Constitutional protections against political prosecutions and protection of basic 1A and 2A rights, you have to move to a State that honors the Constitution.
Ps. I do not recommend “constitutional carry” in Blue states. That is asking for arrest, sanctions, punishment, and search warrants in your home post-arrest to confiscate al your guns. The political climate in the USA is crazy right now.
If you must live in Oregon or WA State or NY or IL, know your rights are restricted and you will need a permit specific for these states. Expect abuse, searches, harassment, and headaches to exercise the same rights free peoples in Utah, Idaho, FL, TX, and etc take for granted and enjoy everyday.
I took the tutorial or training for Virginia , they said I passed . They told me to pay them . I did , it was charged to my credit card . They got the money . That is last I heard from them . This was a few months ago . They got paid , I got squat !
Roger, who is “they?” The state doesn’t provide the training so you took it from a private third party. It wasn’t us (at least I couldn’t find an order from your email address in our system). I suggest you dispute the charge on your credit card from whatever company you paid.
It takes at least 100 days to pass all their checks….
Am I reading this correctly that a NH nonresident permit will be honored in Pennsylvania?
Hi, thank you for this information however, can you kindly point out where it states that the PA will accept NH non-resident permits? In the reciprocity agreement it states “the citizens of the state of New Hampshire and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”.
Harry, here are some sources to reference: (this one is particularly compelling since it shows that Utah is honored in PA but WITH residency restrictions while NH is listed only as honored and does not show any residency restrictions.)
The reciprocity agreement says “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will recognize valid New Hampshire permits to carry concealed firearms by valid permit holders while said permit holders are present in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”
I have six nonresident ccw permits, they are; Utah, Arizona, Florida, Maine, Connecticut and New Hampshire. New Hampshire was the quickest and easiest to obtain, with Connecticut taking the longest to obtain. My goal is to obtain a NYS non resident ccw permit therefore I will not have to depend on HR38 passing the Senate and being signed into law.
Jerry there is no such thing as a non resident permit in NYS. You must be a resident to obtain a permit in NY. Reciprocity here is basically non existent as well…
Justin – Someone told me today that as a NYer I could get the VA and then UT non-resident permits in order to bypass NY laws and permits.
That sounds incorrect to me.
If I am a NY resident then I have to have a NY permit in order to own a handgun in NY, correct?
You are correct. You certainly can go and get the VA or UT permits but they don’t help you in any way so long as you are in NY.
Jacob, as a Mass resident that currently has a CCP, what State in your opinion would be the best to obtain for maximum coverage of the country?
Given that NH is a bordering state you might consider the NH Permit. It is the only non-resident permit that will give you reciprocity in NH so if you travel there at all you should get their permit. As to getting reciprocity with as many other states as you can I would suggest the Florida permit.
I am an Arizona resident, Colorado does recognize an Arizona CCW permit. I checked the site this morning.
Ross, thanks for your comment. None of the above 5 mentioned non-resident permits are valid in Colorado. The maps reflect as much. However, Colorado DOES honor the Arizona RESIDENT permit. Here is a link to the Colorado Gov site where you can confirm:
I took an online training course for a Virginia non resident permit. I paid $65 and passed with flying colors. My certificate was sent via e-mail with my name printed on it but when I printed one off my name was not on it. I printed 20 in a row.No name. Is this thing good or did I waste my money to a scam artist? I HAVE SENT E-MAILS ASKING FOR AN EXPLANATION BUT TO DATE ,NO REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!! got any suggestions? I also have all my paperwork ready to send to the Virginia State Police but I am afraid I will look like an idiot if this training certificate is bogus.
Bill, I would contact the company you paid the $65 to and ask for a refund and/or see if they can resolve your issue with printing. We also sell an online class for Virginia for only $39. If you get the refund from the 3rd party you can buy ours and pocket the difference…
Where can someone go to locate your online course
Where can I access the $39 on line VA class?
All the relevant links and information are above on this page where Virginia is discussed.
I am a part time Florida resident but spend most of my time in NJ. I have non-resident permits from Arizona, New Hampshire and Florida. I’m curious about South Carolina and reciprocity with Florida. I understand that it only applies to Florida “Residents,” but doesn’t say anything about whether part year is enough, and what documentation should be carried if you are not a full time resident. I can purchase a handgun in Florida, because I own land there and reside there some of the time. As I understand it, Florida does not distinguish between resident and non-resident, but you must use your current address as listed on your DL. Any insight would be appreciated.
I just checked with our instructors in Florida. They confirmed that the Florida permit residency is determined by if you have a FL Drivers License or if you can prove you own property in Florida. It might be worth calling SLED (South Carolina Law Enforcement Division) and asking them what they would like to see as far as documentation goes specifically for their state.
I just checked and it appears Colorado no longer recognizes any Non Resident permit issued by any state.
Where did your see that? It isn’t true.
It is true !
I’m with Jacob on this one. It is not true!
Colorado still honors Oklahoma Resident Permit. In fact there are 33 States that Colorado honors the CCW permit from.
All of this is dependent on having a resident permit in your home state, correct?
As a NY resident I couldn’t simply get a VA and UT non-resident permit and then be able to legally purchase a handgun and carry it… right?
I’d love an easier process, since my county in NY is about an 18 month process and requires 4 references within my town.
Not the case Andrew. Sorry! NY does not honor the Utah or Virginia permits. Getting either does not grant you the legal ability/authority to carry in New York and does not mean you can forego any other firearm related licensing that may be required to buy, own, or possess a firearm in NYC.
I live in ky and am wanting to get my ccw would it benefit me any if I got ant other’s and if it would what one should i get
Thanks for information, I have a Florida, Utah, Connecticut, Arizona out of state permit. I’m looking to add Virginia and New Hampshire.. Looks like HR 38 is a no go..
I am a Ohio resident and currently hold a Virginia non-resident CCL. How do I go about getting a resident Ohio CCL?
Take a class from an Ohio instructor. I’m a little bias but I recommend looking here:
Thank you.
As a New York State resident, and I receive my Utah Non-resident concealed carry permit,
and have access to the 36 states I’m reading about, do I have to pay permit fees for each of those states, either initially or when my Utah Non-resident permit renews?
Marc, you only have to pay fees for the Utah permit because it is the only permit you are receiving. Think of it like your driver’s license. When you get or renew your DL you only pay for it in the state that issues the permit despite it being honored by other states. Of course if it was really like a drivers license it would be valid in all 50 states… 🙂
That’s not a requirement I’ve ever heard of, Marc. To my understanding, you just pay your Utah fees and that permit is good in all states that reciprocate with Utah. Thanks.
Thank you Jacob and Joshua.
One last, say I am visiting a state like NC or VA, for a week or two, can I then apply for a conceal carry permit in those states, and then purchase a hand gun in that state?
Understanding that I cannot bring back to NYS.
I dint want yo pay the fee for an Oklahoma and I was considering going through Arizona or Virginia, but was told those werent recognized by the state of Oklahoma. Was I told wrong ?
The detail is wrong but the point is still valid and here is why. Oklahoma law requires that a resident of Oklahoma obtain an Oklahoma permit. So someone from Hawaii with an Arizona permit can carry in Oklahoma but someone from Oklahoma with an Arizona permit cannot.
The above best five non-resident permits for New Hampshire is no longer valid in Penn. and your “red” map shows that, but the following language needs updating cuz it’s no longer valid:
The New Hampshire concealed carry permit should likely be a last-resort for you, unless you absolutely need the ability to not prove that you have a permit in your home state.
Then again, if you live in one of the north eastern states like MD, NJ, RI, CT, etc., and find yourself traveling to PA on a semi-regular basis, NH is one of only two non-resident states honored by Pennsylvania.
The above best five non-resident permits RE New Hampshire is no longer valid in Penn. and your “red” map already shows that, so the following language needs updating cuz it’s no longer valid:
The New Hampshire concealed carry permit should likely be a last-resort for you, unless you absolutely need the ability to not prove that you have a permit in your home state.
Then again, if you live in one of the north eastern states like MD, NJ, RI, CT, etc., and find yourself traveling to PA on a semi-regular basis, NH is one of only two non-resident states honored by Pennsylvania.
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Thanks for this. I forgot that I had made that statement. I live in Pennsylvania so you think I’d remember. I’ll try to get that updated today at some point.
P.S. Go to the Penn. Attorney General website to download the latest 2018 reciprocity agreements, including for Penn. and New Hampshire. Penn. only accepts “resident” licenses or permits at this time.
Arizona does not show Florida as reciprocal, but Florida shows Arizona. How can this be?
Bob, Arizona honors all permits. It doesn’t discriminate at all. Florida only honors permits from select states and even then ONLY honors resident permits. It isn’t a two way agreement and that is actually fairly common.
As someone who has a CWP and who travels frequently, I have made it my practice to pull up the state regulations for each state I travel to, or thru, before I start my trip. Even states that have reciprocity with mine have differing nuances of the law, and they change. For example, if I am stopped by a LEO here in Montana, I am not required to show my CWP (it’s a good idea if you’re armed, but not required to unless asked). I frequently travel to Nebraska where you are required to produce your CWP if you are armed and are stopped by law enforcement. Just take the time to check, folks. It can save a lot of grief later.
The only one on that list that gets me states that my WV permit doesn’t get is Florida, but it only adds Florida to my list.
I don’t understand the logic. If you buy the gun in NC and can’t bring it back to NY where you gonna keep it. You need to have it in a safe place when it isn’t physically on your body?……
Guy, I assume from your question that you are a resident of NY? If that is the case then first we have to assume you are talking about a long-gun/rifle. It is illegal for a resident of any state to purchase a handgun in any other state. So if you buy a long gun in NC and want to bring it back to NY then you just need to be cognizant of the laws that govern how you can transport a long gun in NY and then follow the laws that govern potential registration should you be in NYC.
Sir, the law.states if you can’t legally buy a gun in your home state then you can’t buy a gun in any other state. If you are authorized to buy a gun in your home state then you can buy a gun in another state. I’ve done it. They will ship it to a dealer in your home state and you just go pick it up. That law is to prevent people from going to another state to buy guns when they are not authorized to buy a gun in their home state.
It’s simple and makes perfect sense. If you have a non resident concealed carry permit, you are authorized to have a weapon in that state and the states that recognize that state permit. As a NY’er, who lives within the 5 boroughs, you have to have a permit to posses a handgun and rifle/shotgun. Outside of the big city you don’t have to have permit necessarily to have a rifle/ shotgun but do for a handgun. Also NYC doesn’t recognize NYS premise permit. If you legally bought it in another state and don’t have a NY permit just pray you never have a home invasion or it’s a sticky situation.
It is true !
I disagree that New Hampshire the last-resort non-resident CCW of choice. It is by far the easiest to obtain of the five mentioned here. It gets me the three states that I visit that my Maine resident permit does not cover, VT, OH and AL. If it covers the states you are likely to visit, especially in conjunction with your resident CCW, it should be considered your FIRST choice.
Regarding Maine’s constitutional carry, I advise carrying with a permit if possible. There are places where you can carry with a permit that are off limits without one, including state and federal parks. Also, without a permit you must immediately disclose to a Law Enforcement Officer that you are armed. That could turn a traffic stop or fender bender into a bad situation. If you use your gun, the optics of having a permit are better. Even if you are only tried in the court of public opinion, having the permit looks better than not.
Which state is the best one to get non-residential permit
Well that depends on what states you travel to. A personal decision to be sure.
Currently I have a NY, PA, and a FL permit.(NY being my residence) My wife and I travel often and from what I understand I can travel into SC so long as my pistol is secured in a lock box in my RV or tow vehicle? As well can you recommend any other non resident state permits? What about DC?
Joe, click on “Laws” in the main menu of this website to get a legal overview for SC. To see the combined reciprocity of your permits click “Reciprocity Map” in the above menu. DC doesn’t honor any out of state permits but I do believe they issue permits to non-residents so you can apply for a DC permit if you meet the qualifications.
As a Washington resident, I’m looking to add Oregon and Idaho Enhanced non-resident permits which will cover all the states I drive to and through with the exception of CA, PA, NY. IL allows me to carry concealed as long as I am inside my vehicle, so that’s a plus. Colorado still a bit confusing. Denver’s a bit like Chicago, but I think it’s ok to open carry in the rest of the state for non-residents.
Idaho has 2 permits, a standard permit with limited reciprocity, and the enhanced permit that is only issued to Idaho residents.
Jacob, is the “Online Concealed Carry Fundamentals Class” you offer recognized by Arizona as “adequate documentation” for training purposes? IOW, does AZ recognize your course as sufficient to apply for non-resident AZ?
AZ doesn’t recognize any online video training as sufficient to qualify to apply for an AZ permit. That said, and this is going to sound crazy, you could in theory take the online class, apply for and receive your VA permit, and then use a copy of your VA permit as “adequate documentation” for AZ’s permit application.
I am glad I scrolled down in previous years comments. This is exactly what I plan to do. I got my va permit and thought the same process as you posted.. I’m hoping your correct.. I do not see why not.
Just received my az ccw in mail. Total time mailed there and back to nj was 2 weeks. Jacob was correct they took a copy of my va CCW as training proof.
I have a SLED SC permit because I own property there and pay taxes, I have a Georgia resident permit, Florida, Arizona and Virginia non resident permits. I’m looking for
a Utah Instructor now and I want to get a Pennsylvania non-resident permit. I just
like to collect permits because I travel the country as an NRA Law Enforcement
Firearms Instructor and Range Safety Instructor.
I want to get my non resident permit from NH because I am currently 19 in Ohio and can’t get a Ohio ccw. Will the NH ccw be valid? What states is the non resident for NH accepted and what states have a age limit set for at least 21?
I live in Florida but I am not a citizen. Is it possible to get your CWP for work specific requirements?
LTC, note that for “work specific requirements”, often a regular carry permit is not sufficient. For example, armed security guards would need a “Class G” license. You do not have to be a US citizen, but you do need to be a permanent legal resident alien.
I have a Illinois resident carry permit.
Planning a trip East and wanting best permit available.
Looking at PA for week stay and the concealed carry reciprocity map shows NH non-resident is not recognized.
Having a time contacting PA for a permit but appears to me to be only option at this time.
If you have a permit in your home state and either a permit from the state that you are going to and/or that state has constitutional carry then you can legally transport a firearm in your vehicle through states that are “impossible” to get a permit in. The firearm must be unloaded and in a case in the trunk but can be transported through the state. This federal law alone makes getting one of these permits worthwhile. Just do not loiter in those no permit states.
18 U.S. Code § 926A. Interstate transportation of firearms
Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, that in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver’s compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.
(Added Pub. L. 99–360, § 1(a), July 8, 1986, 100 Stat. 766.)
Thanks Rich for adding that comment. For anyone looking for more in-depth info on 926A here is a great resource
This always confuses me, if I have a resident permit for South Carolina where would I find out what other states recognize it? Why would I want multiple non resident permits?
Need a permit for Louisiana I have pass the course and went to the gun range and passed what do indeed to proceed to the the concept permit
Thanks for this article! I didn’t even know this was an option. Currently, I am unable to even get an appointment to renew my permit in OH. They told me June 2021 is the earliest, LOL. Screw that. I will just get a non-resident permit. Problem solved.
I am still confused…Living in PA where there are no time slots available online till 2027 to apply for ccw permit. Can I get one in one of those 5 states you posted?
Because Illinois doesn’t recognize anyone’s permit/license, if your lucky enough to be from one of the 6 states. Then get your Illinois CCW.
I am from Texas, one of the 6 allowable states that Illinois allows to get a Non-resident Illinois license. Without it a I wouldn’t be able to carry in Illinois or Minnesota.
So if your one of the 6 states and go to Illinois. It’s worth the time and trouble.
If I’m going to travel from Washington state to Boston/NYC, I realize my permit here covers quite a bit of my drive. But once you get to the northeast, especially New England states, it seems like they won’t honor it, nor the Utah permit I was thinking of getting. Along with WA and UT, what would I need to be covered in as many northeast states as I can be? Thanks for the info.
Adam, I realize you may have already taken your trip, having asked your question 2 months ago, but in any case, here’s what I can tell you. As long as you have a valid permit in the state of origin and your destination state, you can transport (but perhaps not CARRY) your firearm anywhere in the country under the provisions of Article 926A of the Firearm Owners Protection Act. This is a federal law that supercedes the restrictions of any state through which you’ll be travelling. There are specific requirements that make you “legal” under this law, so be sure you’re in compliance. (The specifics can be found elsewhere on this Web site or you can Google it.
As for your destinations, I can’t speak with certainty about Boston, but you will find it next to impossible to get a carry permit in NYC. Even NYC residents can’t easily get them, if at all, so DON’T carry your weapon in the city if you’re visiting there. Even a NY State permit doesn’t allow carry in the city. A huge no-no. Can’t say if Boston will be the same – a MA non-resident permit might allow you to carry in Boston, but you’ll have to check. A call to the MA State Police would almost certainly be worthwhile.
As for the rest of the Northeast/New England states, there is no one permit that will grant you carry permission to all of the others. Connecticut, for example (where I live, unfortunately), doesn’t honor permits from ANY of the other 49 states and several other NE states are the same. It can be both confusing and frustrating, for sure. Definitely time for nationwide reciprocity!
All true wdmarsh. I transported in my bags and (Absolutely) no ammo. When change residence from Puerto Rico to Florida. Just follow the guide given by the Airline. In my experience the counter receptionist wanted a peek to assure it was in the hard box and key locked. I stay alert (moving the the baggage carousel promptly) all the way through until I had possession. The only worry is thieving.
Sirs, you need to add Texas to that list of best non resident CCW states.
Are Nevada nonresident permits recognized in Illinois?