How Prepared Are You For A Medical Emergency? [Surprising Survey Results]
Some time ago, We asked some of our customers to complete a survey assessing their ability to intervene in an emergency trauma incident. The results surprised me, and I think…
Shot Timer Survey Results
So, I guess the news is officially out, at least to some degree. The news? We'll be releasing a shot timer that has the potential to shake up the timer…
Home Burglaries Turned Robberies and Violent Crimes [Infographic]
It doesn't take any research for most of us to intuitively know that our homes are common and serious targets for criminals everywhere. All the same a look at the stats may alarm even the most paranoid among us.
Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]
A deeper look at the FBI Reports on Active Shooters finds that when opportunity is taken into consideration; armed citizens have an extremely high success rate at saving lives in Active Shooter events.
A Data Driven Approach To Analyzing Campus Carry
Dear American Higher Education Professors and other Faculty, The world of Academia consistently pushes back against any proposal that would legally allow a college/university student to carry a firearm concealed…
Keeping A Gun On The Nightstand
If you have been in the industry for awhile you may have been subjected to the debate surrounding “keeping the firearm on the nightstand” for quick access in a middle…
300 Negligent Discharges Study: The Shocking Results
Recently Concealed Carry Inc. undertook a massive study about one of the most dangerous and unfortunately common issues that faces firearm carriers. The issue of negligent discharges.
Survey Results: Gun Owner Legal Preparedness Poll
In July 2016 USA Firearm Training conducted a poll among it's email subscribers and social followers. The purpose of this poll was to discover how many gun owners have gone to the effort to find a gun attorney and to better understand what common concerns gun owners have about gun laws.
[Infographic] How Prepped Are You For When SHTF
About two weeks ago we invited all of our readers to take a short survey about their own level of preparedness. We all know what we should be doing to be prepared for an emergency but its interesting to have a sense for how well one is doing relative to others in our community. The below infographic illustrates the responses from the survey.
[Infographic] The Crimes and Disasters Most Likely to Affect You
This decade seems to have given rise to a great “prepper” movement in the USA. Survival and prepping blogs are shooting up and we are all working on our bunkers. Good preppers…