Gun Control

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

A deeper look at the FBI Reports on Active Shooters finds that when opportunity is taken into consideration; armed citizens ...
AR15 ban

Assault Rifle Definition Challenges – AR-15s and Why You Can't Ban Them

Everyone is talking about banning assault rifles but its far more complicated to do than to say. This article explores ...
mass shooters and their guns

Background Checks and Mass Shooters, How Did They Get Their Guns?

How Did Mass Shooters Get Their Guns? Moreover, Did They Pass Background Checks? We looked at 26 mass shootings for ...
gun control is a slippery slope

Defining the Slippery Slope Gun Rights Argument

What Is The Argument? Those in favor of stronger regulation of firearms often run into the "Slippery Slope" argument from ...

Everything You Need to Know About Universal Background Checks

Of the many common rhetoric of the gun-control lobby, one of the more frequent we hear is a call for ...
Guide to Gun Law and Gun Control For American Journalists

Guide to Gun Law and Gun Control For American Journalists

An guide of American gun law, written to help journalists and others who want to understand the actual law and ...
Half Of America Allows Concealed Carry Without Any Training

Half Of America Allows Concealed Carry Without Any Training

As of 2021 half of the 50 states allow legal concealed carry without any required firearm training. Should you be ...
How Much Power Does the President Have Over Gun Control?

How Much Power Does the President Have Over Gun Control?

A key issue in this and many other presidential elections has been gun control. It seems that throughout the years, ...
Eric Holder

How The Anti-Gunners Brainwash America's Outlook On Gun Ownership

Have Americans been 'brainwashed' into thinking about guns in a vastly different way than ever before in history?  The answer ...
gun control debate

How To Win The Gun Control Debate With Facts While Remaining Calm, Cool, And Collected

Editor's Note: I'm about to show you why some of our opponent's arguments are totally wrong. The key to winning ...
How you Can Lose Your Gun Rights : Understanding GVRO and ERPO's

How you Can Lose Your Gun Rights : Understanding GVRO and ERPO's

Many, not all (and there is no way to say definitively what percentage) of the psychopaths that commit mass shootings, show some ...
The Truth About Ghost Guns, 3D Printed Guns, and 80% Lowers

The Truth About Ghost Guns, 3D Printed Guns, and 80% Lowers

Citizens and Politicians concerned about gun violence in America are always looking for new things that can be done. In ...
background checks

Untold Truths About Background Checks

How do criminals get their guns? Do background checks keep criminals from getting guns? What happens when someone lies on ...
AR15 ban

Why Does Anyone Need an AR 15 Rifle?

When was the last time you heard that AR 15 assault rifles and other weapons of war have no place ...
AR 15 magazine

Why Magazine Capacity Limitations Are A Bad Idea

There seems to be a group of people out there who are calling for capacity limitations because they feel us ...