Suppressor Ownership

Summary for Suppressor Ownership

Alabama:   Lawful
Alaska:   Lawful
Arizona:   Ownership lawful.
Arkansas:   Lawful
California:   Prohibited
Colorado:   No state restrictions
Connecticut:   Lawful
Delaware:   Prohibited
District of Columbia:   ownership of any class III item (including suppressors) is unlawful
Florida:   Lawful
Georgia:   Lawful
Hawaii:   Prohibited
Idaho:   No state restrictions
Illinois:   Prohibited
Indiana:   Lawful
Iowa:   Lawful
Kansas:   Lawful
Kentucky:   Lawful
Louisiana:   Lawful
Maine:   Lawful
Maryland:   Lawful
Massachusetts:   Prohibited
Michigan:   Lawful
Minnesota:   Lawful
Mississippi:   Lawful
Missouri:   Lawful
Montana:   Lawful
Nebraska:   Lawful
Nevada:   Lawful
New Hampshire:   Lawful
New Jersey:   Prohibited
New Mexico:   Lawful
New York:   Prohibited
North Carolina:   Lawful
North Dakota:   Lawful
Ohio:   No state restrictions
Oklahoma:   Lawful
Oregon:   No state restrictions
Pennsylvania:   Legal if all NFA requirements are met.
Rhode Island:   Prohibited
South Carolina:   Ownership lawful.
South Dakota:   Lawful
Tennessee:   Lawful
Texas:   No restrictions
Utah:   Lawful
Vermont:   Lawful
Virginia:   Lawful
Washington:   Lawful
West Virginia:   Lawful
Wisconsin:   Lawful when in compliance with federal law
Wyoming:   Lawful
While Concealed Carry Inc strives to maintain legal reference information updated on this website; you as the reader and gun owner are responsible to do any and all necessary research and consult with a local attorney before making any decisions. Concealed Carry Inc is not liable for any misinformation, inaccuracies, or actions taken based on this information. We are not attorneys and this information is not legal advice. If you see any information you feel is outdated or incorrect please contact us.

Legal Summaries for all 50 states are available free on our site and mobile app.