Bloomberg’s “Wear Orange” Anti-Gun Campaign Flops
If you didn't dress yourself up like a tangerine on June 4th, 5th and 6th, well, you're forgiven. No one paid much attention to the call that people dress in orange to “demand a change” regarding “gun violence.”

Pictured are some of the WearOrange 2021 participants shared by the organization's website.
What is the WearOrange Campaign?
Wear Orange Weekend is apparently one of the sacred holy days for genuine anti-gun people. The weekend festivities are supposed to honor victims and survivors of “gun violence” and included virtual events from across the country.
Billionaire activist Michael Bloomberg and his pet organization Everytown for Gun Safety (EFGS) supported the weekend of anti-freedom fun. The EFGS website encouraged those who wanted to participate to:
- Mark your calendars with a reminder to #WearOrange on June 4.
- Post to social media reminding everyone in your network to do the same on June 4.
- Encourage your mayor to declare June 4, 2021, as Gun Violence Awareness Day in your city or town.
- Determine the way you can #WearOrange at home: think about chalking your sidewalk, turning your porch light Orange, placing a homemade sign in your window, or anything else that lets your community know how you feel about the crisis of gun violence.
The Fun Just Got Started:
As fun as all those recommendations sound, you are supposed to do more if you really want to make a change. Those were just recommendations to warm up for the big day of June 4th. On this day, true devotees of the gun-control propaganda are to do what all true social justice warriors of our age must do.
Dress up and post a bunch of selfies and self-affirming comments on social media.
In case the followers weren't sure how to properly behave, EFGS recommends that you:
- Wear Orange: On June 4, 2021, wear or hold anything Orange (a pin, a scarf, an orange, or be creative and hold up any Orange item in your home that strikes your fancy), take a selfie, and share it via social media with the hashtag #WearOrange.
- Make a dedication: One of the most powerful parts of the campaign are the online dedications users post to share why they’re taking part. Examples include: “Today, I will #WearOrange…”
- “because gun violence in the era of COVID-19 is even more lethal.”
- “in honor of my beloved son, Jordan.”
- “because I’m a hunter, and I know gun safety saves lives.”
- “because organizations like [xxx] continue to make a difference and reduce gun violence in my community every day”
Now I am sorta' old fashioned, and this type of fun-filled weekend extravaganza doesn't interest me. Even with pitches from “celebrities” John Legend, Julia Roberts, Netflix producer Barak Obama, I was hesitant to relinquish my common sense and jump on the bandwagon. It was a difficult decision, especially when Country Music Television (CMT) and MTV went all in for Wear Orange. However, ultimately I decided not to follow Taylor Swift on this one.

We're pretty sure Maj Toure of BlackGunsMatter didn't wear orange on June 4th.
Some “Gun Violence” Statistics:
The “wear orange” website stated that over 100 lives are lost to gun violence every single day. They aren't lying. And for the intellectually lazy, this statistic alone proves that people killing other people with guns is the national health crisis the media says it is. However, let's dig slightly below the surface to get a better understanding.
In 2019, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported 39,707 deaths with firearms as a causal factor. The total includes accidents, homicides as well as suicides. The numbers work out to a rate of 12.1 deaths per 100,000 people. If we consider that roughly half of this total is from suicide, the ratio drops to approximately 6 to 6.5 per 100,000. Suicide is a significant problem, don't misunderstand the previous statement. But to conflate suicide with homicide isn't precisely accurate.
Automobile accidents killed 37,595 people in 2019. That works out to 11.5 deaths per 100,000 people.
How do overdose deaths stack up when compared to firearms? CDC reported 70,630 deaths for a 21.5 per 100,000 rate.
In the same year, 2019, the CDC reported 75,797 poisoning deaths! That is a rate of 23.1 per 100,000, nearly double the figure for firearms.
June 4th festivities weren't reserved solely for anti-gunners. A California Judge called Roger Benitez celebrated the day by ruling that California's “Assault Weapons Ban” violates the Second Amendment.
People must take the time to research the issues they speak on. Please don't take what any media outlet writes (including us) as gospel. Seek out publications that cite their research and numbers. Attempt to find the truth, and don't be bullied into jumping on the latest social justice bandwagon even if it allows you to feel sanctimonious.
Oh my, Bloomberg has egg on his face. I love my 2nd amendment rights! 🟠
Thanks for the statistics. Are there any numbers for what percentage of the “gun violence deaths” were justifiable homicides, that is, people defending themselves?
Great piece! The left will always rely on an ignorant and emotional base. You know, the useful idiots.
Thank you for everything that you’ve done and continue to do for our beloved republic. God bless
Bloomberg is a very savvy businessman. But do not conflate and confuse talent in one area to mean he is savvy in all areas.
This is the same man that spent several hundred million to be President and did not get five delegates.
He, like many in his world is an anal controlling Son of a Jumbuck. People like him are extremely dangerous and cannot be allowed to amass national power over our lives. Ignore him at your own peril.
As I always do, I wore my EDC rig
Furthermore, more than 6,000 Americans use their firearms defensively to prevent crimes, EVERY DAY! [CDC Survey.]
Sorry Nanny Bloomberg. Now go back to your safe space with your paid armed guards.
Wow, the first thing I thought of with “wear orange” and “guns” was the requirement that big game hunters wear orange while in the field hunting. I took it as a pro-gun, or at least pro hunting idea.
I did not know. Sorry (not). Orange is a good color for targets.
No reports available for the tens of thousands of deaths caused by planned genocide ( parenthood)
Sorry Mikey! Foiled again!