Posts Tagged ‘gun’
How Dangerous Is Your Holster? [VIDEO]
I want to make sure whenever we make decisions on anything in life, that we make them with as much factual information as possible. In this video, I discuss two incidents in which a firearm owner had a negligent discharge due at least in some part to the holster they were using. Don’t worry, in both incidents, the subject survived and did not sustain any serious injury.
Read MoreIntroducing the VP9 A1 Pistols From HK – VP9F & VP9K
These are known as the VP9 A1 series of guns with a slew of new features and updates to the now decade-old VP9 lineup. These two new guns are available in two models known as the VP9F and VP9K.
Read MoreHow Concealed Carry Good Guys Don’t Get Shot By Responding Police
I have on several occasions ended up in long discussions with other professionals and law enforcement officers about the concept of CCWers getting OR NOT getting shot by responding officers…
Read MoreThe Status and Styles of Secure Storage Gun Laws
Last week Governor McKee of Rhode Island signed into law an update to the state’s secure storage gun law. Also this year Colorado updated their secure storage law to extend…
Read MoreS10E4: Your First Gun and Why I Now Carry an HK
Today, Riley Bowman and Brian ‘Doc” McLaughlin discuss tips and recommendations for selecting your first gun…or selecting the best gun for you even if it’s not your first purchase. We’ll discuss all of the various factors that you should consider and hopefully help you avoid some of the mistakes we’ve made.
Read MoreS8E14: The Gun Doesn’t Matter Like You Think it Does
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster talk about a recent article “Pistol Skill: How Good is Good Enough?” and discuss the relevant importance of equipment compared to skill. What level of skill does a concealed carrier need? What level of skill should we strive to achieve?
Read MoreS8E2: “Can it be Used Against Me?” with Don West
Today, Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen sit down with Don West, National Trial Counsel of CCW Safe, to discuss common ideas that people have about what can and cannot be used effectively against a person in a defense trial. Tune in!
Read MoreBuying Guns as Gifts – Legal Concerns and Best Practices
Where this is the case, the recipient of the firearm (even in the case of a gift) must obtain a state background check before taking possession of the firearm. Most states however, still have no regulation around the transfer of a firearm between two private parties
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