The 4 Best Glock Handguns For Concealed Carry

Choosing a handgun for concealed carry can be difficult. However, if you have narrowed it down to Glock but are not quite sure which model to select, I have some help. I've listed 4 Glock models as the perfect choices for a concealed carry everyday carry (EDC) gun.

Glock handgun shooting

The Best Concealed Carry Handgun?

Why Glock?

If you have honed in on a Glock, you probably already know that the company's handguns have a well-deserved reputation for reliability. Additionally, there is no issue finding aftermarket products such as sights or internal parts because some components are similar across model lines.

Determining What is a Reliable EDC Concealed Carry Handgun?

Glock handguns are extremely easy to repair when a component fails. Additionally, you won't have a problem finding a quality holster manufacturer who covers every Glock model.

Note on Optics:

I am a huge proponent of using a red dot optic on your handgun. This post is not about the benefits of red dots, but I mention this because, with Glock, you have a couple of options concerning mounting optics.

Glock manufactures their handguns with the MOS (Modular Optic System) designator. Not all optics manufacturers use the same mounting hole patterns in their products. The shooter may not know which brand or model of optic they want to use when they buy the gun, or they may decide to change to a different brand after purchasing the gun.

Some gun manufacturers selected a specific optic footprint that encompasses a couple of different optic companies. Others like Glock have gone with a universal system that utilizes different plates to use any optic you want. In my opinion, this is a weakness Glock should address.

Some people have noticed an issue with Glock's MOS system, where the mounting plate sheers off from the slide. This usually ends up with the optic smacking the user in the face. I don't know how statistically prevalent this is or if it will happen to your firearm, just that there are some reports of it as a failure point.

If you know which optic you like, my recommendation is to purchase the non-MOS version and pay to have the slide milled to direct mount your optic. This comes with its own problems. First, as mentioned, you have to select a particular footprint. Second, average turnaround for a reputable optic cut is around a month. So obviously it's a longer process than just buying the MOS version, and the overall cost could be slightly more than just buying the MOS version. However, if you can wait and can afford the slightly higher overall cost, an optic mounted directly to the slide is preferable.

Okay, so enough on optics, let's get to the guns.

Number 1 on the List, the Glock 19:

Glock 19

Let's start with one of the most popular Glock handguns, and frankly, one of the most popular pistols for concealed carry.

The Glock 19 is chambered in 9mm and has a standard capacity of 15 rounds. As a result, it fits perfectly into the ‘compact' category with a 4″ barrel and an overall length of 7.28 inches.

The G19 is so ubiquitous that I often use the G19 specifications in handgun reviews, so the reader has something familiar to reference.

You can pick up a 5th Generation Glock 19 for around $600 without any haggling. The MOS version is going to run around $150 more.

You can't go wrong with any generation Glock 19 for concealed carry. I may have bias though, because I carry one as my EDC.

Number Two, the Glock 45:

glock 9mm

Don't let the name fool you; the G45 does not shoot a .45 ACP round; it also is chambered in 9mm cartridge. The Glock 45 has been on the market for roughly four years now and is quite popular.

Essentially, the G45 uses the same 4″ barrel as the G19. However, the grip length is slightly longer (roughly .4 inches), which provides some benefits.

First, the added length of the grip provides a larger grip surface area. Shooters with larger hands appreciate the added grip space. Additionally, the size brings the standard capacity from 15 rounds in the G19 to 17 rounds for the G45.

The longer grip length also produces a different feel and balance to the gun. This site has a great way to compare the G19 and G45 with photo overlay visually.

Both the standard G45 and G45 MOS are priced similarly to the G19.

Glock handgun comparison

Third Selection is the Glock 17:

glock 17 9mm

There was a time where the thought of concealing a “full size” G17 pistol was crazy talk. However, since then, I have seen holster design come to a point where concealing is not only a possibility but a reality for everyone.

Here is a third 9mm firearm on the list. If you've noticed a trend, it isn't by mistake. I carry 9mm for my EDC and find it an outstanding balance of capacity, availability, price, and ballistic performance. That's my opinion, but you carry the caliber you trust.

Let's get back to why the G17 is on the list.

The specs show the G17 is the largest gun on my list. Its barrel is 4.5″ and sports a half-inch longer slide. It sounds like a lot, but in reality, it isn't.

Because it has the same grip length as the G45, the G17 boasts the same 17 round standard capacity and all the benefits of the longer grip.

The added weight of a longer slide helps a bit with recoil impulse, and a slightly longer sight radius tends to be more forgiving. I have actually found G17's at a slightly cheaper price than the G19 or G45.

Last But not Least, the Glock 48:

glock 9mm

The 9mm, Glock 48 is unique, as it is the only single-stack on the list. Because it is a single stack, its standard capacity is 10 rounds. In addition, the G48 has the same essential dimensions as a G19, except for the grip thickness. Thus, it is essentially a single stack Glock 19.

The narrower grip appeals to some people with small hands. I find it easier to manipulate the controls on the gun, such as slide stop and magazine release. I have small hands, and while I find the G19 is just fine, if there were a gun on the list I might switch to from the G19, it would be the G48.

The gun is inherently lighter, and that its capacity is 10 rounds makes the whole package lighter. Some people may appreciate a more lightweight gun for carrying reasons, but the 10 round capacity is on the low end of my criteria for an EDC gun's capacity. With the development of 15 round, after-market magazines, the G48 is much more appealing.

The G48 price seems to fluctuate more than the other guns on the list.

And I'm not sure who buys a Glock for its appearance, but for whatever reason, someone can purchase the G48 with a silver-colored slide. I prefer the black slide, but whatever.

Final Thoughts:

There are lots of reasons to like Glock pistols for EDC. If you have a Glock and want to learn how strip it down and perform a safety check, follow this link to this post I did a few years back. It's on a Gen 3, so there are some small differences, but nothing considerable. Some opponents of Glock complain about the lack of an external safety. The included link talks about the reasoning behind the choice of an external safety on your carry gun.

Additionally, if you're wondering why the G26 sub-compact or the G43 didn't make a list, here is the reason. It's not that these handguns aren't great options for concealed carry. I narrowed it down to these 4 simply because a larger gun is not only easier to shoot, but also to conceal if you have the right holster and gear.

Once you narrow down the firearm, the next most important thing is holster selection. Please don't skimp out on the holster, because it is so critical not only in comfort and concealment, but safety! Check out this online course on how to choose the best holster for your needs and purpose. The course will save time, grief and wasted money on holsters that you never use.


About Matthew Maruster

I follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the eternal co-equal Son of God. I currently live in Plain City, Ohio with my wife and daughter. I served in the Marine Corps Infantry. I was a Staff Sergeant and served as a Platoon Sergeant during combat in Iraq. After I was a police officer at a municipal agency in San Diego County. I have a Bachelors's Degree in Criminal Justice from National University.


  1. Matt on September 23, 2021 at 5:16 pm

    I still roll with a g26 or 27. I just like them. But the 48 is great.

    • E. Smith on September 29, 2021 at 8:00 pm

      I can only assume this article was written for men. As a petite woman (5’ tall, 98 lbs) I’d have to disagree with the statement that these larger guns are easier to conceal. I carry a G43 and it’s just barely concealed. I have an awesome holster btw and have used all the tricks to tuck the grip etc. I’ve tried to conceal my husband’s G48 and there’s NO way that’s gonna work!
      The good news is, Glocks are awesome and everyone should be able to find one that works for them. Stay safe y’all.

  2. Tyrone Slothrop on September 23, 2021 at 11:02 pm

    A larger gun is easier to conceal than a smaller one? In what universe is this true? I have a G26 and a G21. The 21 makes me look like I’m pregnant. It stays home.

  3. Christopher on September 25, 2021 at 6:50 pm

    I also feel larger guns are easier to conceal, because there is more muzzle in the waistline. The sub compact guns tend to tip too much in the waistline when carrying appendix. I switch off between appendix and 4 to 5 o’clock. I conceal my Glock 17 at 430 with no issues.

  4. Yitzhak on September 27, 2021 at 3:04 am

    Glock 43X MOA with Shield Arms 15rd Mag Gen 2 is the optimal EDC of Glock. Add to that Seismic 185gr HP rounds and you are covered

  5. Keith on September 28, 2021 at 5:16 pm

    My G26 is very easy to conceal, if I don’t roll with that, I go with my G23.

  6. Pat W Chrisman Sr on September 28, 2021 at 10:28 pm

    I have no problem concealing my Glock model number 27 in my belly band or my side holster. I find anything bigger than my 40 Cal Model 27.

    #1 they won’t fit in my belly band.
    #2 unless it is winter time my shirt will not completely conceal anything bigger.

    That is only me that I am talking about, I am not judging or insinuating that anyone on this page does not have their own opinions want’s and likes. I would just like to say thank you for teaching me that people can conceal bigger pistols. And for letting me share my opinion on what I feel is safe for me to conceal.

  7. Charles on September 29, 2021 at 7:26 pm

    Glock 26 in 9mm and Glock 27 in0 S&W are also good choices and are more compact than the writer’s choices.

  8. Lee Flack on September 29, 2021 at 8:19 pm

    I really like my Glock 17, 19, and 45. But find that without an outside garment, even with some of the best holsters on the market, they are just too large to carry concealed. As my always go to EDC weapon, I carry a Glock 26. It can be easily concealed, and all in all, just a great weapon, Too bad you did include it in your list.

  9. John W McCarty on September 29, 2021 at 9:03 pm

    Also there is a company that makes 15 round mags for the 43x

  10. Randy Jones on September 30, 2021 at 1:57 am

    Before I get crucified, I own a G19 and a G17, shoot them both regularly. But the best Glock for self-defense I have found is one of my 1911s, preferable the double stack 9mm (yes, I’m getting old). It’s not that the Glocks aren’t decent firearms, but I got them after carrying the 1911s for 35 years and the Glocks don’t seem to point as naturally, which means I am not as accurate as fast as with the 1911s. Glocks are lighter and with a grip glove fit me fairly well. They are accurate, easy to strip, clean and reassemble. If I would have been raised a decade later, I might feel better about them. To each their own.

  11. frankjbonazza3 on October 13, 2021 at 10:05 am

    Sig 365x with Holosun 407k V2 for me. There is no Glock that competes with it. Not without $$$ hundreds of dollars of aftermarket parts. Never owned a Glock and never will. The grip angle is wonky, and as previously mentioned I would t ever purchase a pistol that needs a bunch of upgrades just to be not as good as the competition. Glocks are either huge or blocky, fat, or are bigger than the competition, but have abysmal capacity. Finger grooves/ deleting finger grooves doesn’t count as innovation.

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