KSG Armory’s Lexington Holster – Painstakingly Designed For Comfort, Concealment and Performance

The Lexington Holster from KSG Armory is a new offering from the established holster-making company called KSG Armory.

The holster company called KSG Armory has been around for years, and earned a favorable reputation for their quality and purpose-built holsters. Their newest holster combines the best qualities from two of the most popular holster designs, the Halcyon and Kaery, and is called The Lexington.

KSG Armory Holster Lineup—

KSG Armory makes sidecar holsters, light bearing holsters, two clip and single-clip holster designs. I particularly like my Lexington Holster pictured below. That one is for a P365, and has an extended length, which is a must for comfort and concealment with sub and micro compacts. Here is a post explaining why the extra length is beneficial in these cases. In it, I discuss why carrying a larger gun can sometimes be more comfortable and easier to conceal.

I also really like that they use Discrete Carry Concepts clips, as these are the industry standard and the best clips I've used. They also offer soft loops if you like those. The holster has a removable foam wedge that you can adjust and place just how you want it. This device is critical for comfort and concealment when carrying in the appendix inside the waistband (AIWB) position.

The holster is highly adjustable, and I selected the mod-wing, which I like because of its adjustability.

KSG Armory's Lexington Holster Development—

The Lexington's designed evolved through a careful study to addresses the problems uncovered in so many other holsters. In fact, the two most cited reasons people don't carry their gun every day are, it isn't comfortable, and they can't conceal it well. Both of these issues are almost always due to a poorly designed holster.

To explain how The Lexington addresses the problems in other holster designs. Riley put together a thorough video we are calling: Explaining Major Holster Failures. These failures are easily overlooked, but create major issues in the long run. However, KSG Armory pays special attention to address all of these in the design of every holster. You can see that video below.

I know it's tough trying to figure out which holster to buy from all the options out there, especially because well designed holsters are not cheap. It would be great if you could get a sample and test out a bunch of holsters to see which one you like best and return the rest. KSG Armory's return and warranty policies are tops in the industry.

screenshot from the KSG Armory website.

They offer a 60-day no questions asked return policy, and a lifetime warranty on every holster.

If you've struggled with holsters that seem to be designed by people who don't actually use them every day, consider checking out KSG Armory's holsters.

For full disclosure, last year, Concealedcarry.com bought KSG Armory Holsters. We moved manufacturing to our warehouse and hand make each holster in Colorado. I know the products and attention to detail in design and production of these holsters. I'm not plugging KSG Armory holsters because our company owns KSG. The reason for the post is to let you know about a product I use every day, and believe is exceptional.


If you're interested in learning more about the Lexington or the other products KSG Armory offers, head over to their website KSGArmory.com

About Matthew Maruster

I follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the eternal co-equal Son of God. I currently live in Plain City, Ohio with my wife and daughter. I served in the Marine Corps Infantry. I was a Staff Sergeant and served as a Platoon Sergeant during combat in Iraq. After I was a police officer at a municipal agency in San Diego County. I have a Bachelors's Degree in Criminal Justice from National University.


  1. Matthew Maruster on May 26, 2023 at 9:57 am

    Sorry, KSG Armory doesn’t make a holster for the gun/laser combination you describe.

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