Campus Carry – University and College

Green = Concealed Guns permitted by State Law
Grey = Concealed guns permitted by State law but schools limit locations/who carries
Red = Concealed guns not permitted by State law
Yellow = Schools decide weapon policy
Blue = Concealed guns permitted in locked cars in parking lots ONLY

Summary for Firearms at Colleges

Alabama:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy
Alaska:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy
Arizona:   Guns may be in vehicles on school campuses. As to campus carry, schools individually decide the weapons policy
Arkansas:   Concealed guns allowed by law on public campuses for Enhanced Permittees only, but schools limit locations/who carries.
California:   Concealed guns on campus prohibited by law.
Colorado:   Firearms permitted in vehicle only and when vehicle is not occupied the firearm must be within a compartment and the vehicle must be locked
Connecticut:   No firearms allowed on any state colleges or university. Private colleges may decide their own policy.
Delaware:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
District of Columbia:   Firearms prohibited
Florida:   Concealed guns allowed only in locked cars in parking lots
Georgia:   Those with a valid permit may carry concealed any handgun which the licensee is licensed to carry on real property of a tech school, vocational school, college, university, or other post-secondary education institution EXPECT when in the following place which are not allowed:
buildings or property used for athletic sporting events, student housing, preschool or childcare space on the property, any room or class related to a college or career academy, any room or space used for classes in which high school students are enrolled, faculty/staff/administrative offices or rooms where disciplinary proceedings are conducted.
Hawaii:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Idaho:   Concealed carry allowed by law
Illinois:   Permittees may have a firearm in the vehicle but this is subject to college specific policies. Concealed carry on campus prohibited by law.
Indiana:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Iowa:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Kansas:   Concealed guns allowed by law, but schools limit locations/who carries
Kentucky:   Concealed guns allowed only in locked cars in parking lots
Louisiana:   Concealed guns on campus prohibited by law.
Maine:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Maryland:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Massachusetts:   Concealed guns on campus prohibited by law.
Michigan:   State law prohibits firearms in dorms and classrooms only. Individual schools may have their own restrictions. In 2023 Michigan State University's ban on firearms was upheld in court.
Minnesota:   Public postsecondary educational institutions are not authorized to prohibit the lawful carrying or possession of firearms by members of the public who are neither their students nor their employees. See Minn. Stat. § 624.714, subd. 18(b)
Mississippi:   Concealed guns allowed by law, but schools limit locations/who carries
Missouri:   Concealed guns on campus prohibited by law.
Montana:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Nebraska:   Concealed guns allowed only in locked cars in parking lots
Nevada:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
New Hampshire:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
New Jersey:   Concealed guns on campus prohibited by law.
New Mexico:   Concealed guns on campus prohibited by law.
New York:   Concealed guns on campus prohibited by law.
North Carolina:   Concealed guns allowed only in locked cars in parking lots
North Dakota:   Concealed guns allowed only in locked cars in parking lots
Ohio:   Forbidden unless permitted or you are in the process of locking it in your car
Oklahoma:   Concealed guns allowed only in locked cars in parking lots
Oregon:   Concealed guns allowed by law, but schools limit locations/who carries
Pennsylvania:   No general firearms prohibition that applies to colleges and universities in PA. The law allows each institution to decide what rules to implement. However, many state universities lifted complete bans they once had in place. Instead, permit those with License to Carry Firearms to carry, at least in some places on campus.
Rhode Island:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
South Carolina:   Allowed inside an attended or locked motor vehicle and is secured in a closed glove compartment, closed console, closed trunk, or in a closed container secured by an integral fastener and transported in the luggage compartment of the vehicle.
South Dakota:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Tennessee:   Firearms at colleges are NOT allowed for visitors or enrolled students. You can keep them in the car, but they cannot be carried by visitors or students. Faculty and Staff can carry, but must be approved by the college in order to carry. Once approved, there are places and circumstances where they can’t carry (like meetings with your managers, performance appraisals, etc.)
Texas:   Concealed guns allowed by law, but schools limit locations/who carries
Utah:   Concealed carry allowed by law
Vermont:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Virginia:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
Washington:   Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
West Virginia:   Concealed Carry on public "higher education campuses" with permit allowed. School may have their own restrictions at stadiums, daycare facilities, secure areas, offices, and a few other places.
Wisconsin:   Concealed guns allowed by law, but schools limit locations/who carries
Wyoming:   Any college or university facility is off limits without written consent of the security service of the college or university
While Concealed Carry Inc strives to maintain legal reference information updated on this website; you as the reader and gun owner are responsible to do any and all necessary research and consult with a local attorney before making any decisions. Concealed Carry Inc is not liable for any misinformation, inaccuracies, or actions taken based on this information. We are not attorneys and this information is not legal advice. If you see any information you feel is outdated or incorrect please contact us.

Legal Summaries for all 50 states are available free on our site and mobile app.