How Dangerous Is Your Holster? [VIDEO]

I want to make sure whenever we make decisions on anything in life, that we make them with as much factual information as possible. In this video, I discuss two incidents in which a firearm owner had a negligent discharge due at least in some part to the holster they were using. Don’t worry, in both incidents, the subject survived and did not sustain any serious injury.

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Episode 131: After Congressional Baseball Shooting, Is It Time For National Reciprocity?

Riley and Jacob talk about the coverage surrounding the recent congressional baseball shooting in D.C. Some lawmakers are proposing that they pass legislation allowing them to be treated much like federal law enforcement and be able to carry concealed even in gun-restrictive jurisdictions like Washington D.C. We can’t help but wonder if it isn’t the time to really get serious about passing a National Reciprocity bill?! Also discussion about 3 traumatic JUSTIFIED defensive gun uses that you won’t want to miss!

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