List of my 3 Favorite EDC Gun Belts for Concealed Carry

Are you looking for a belt to use with your concealed, everyday carry (EDC) handgun? I'll direct you to some gun belts that I used and have confidence in recommending.

Top Gun Belts Reviewed:

I am a fan of using a purpose-built belt for concealed carry. Carrying a gun requires using a gun belt that does more than hold up your pants. A good gun belt provides support and spreads the extra weight. In addition, a belt designed specifically for concealed carry will be more comfortable and can even affect how well you conceal the firearm.

gun belt reviews

Because you've found this post, you either have been told about the benefits of using a gun belt for concealed carry and need recommendations on a belt; or you're looking for a new gun belt and like to do some research before you spend your hard-earned money. Either way, I'm quite confident that you will not be disappointed with any of the belts on this list.

EDC Belt Company – Foundation Belt

The foundation belt from the EDC Belt Company is the belt I have reviewed most recently. It is one the top of my list because it seems to be the one I wear the most these days. It is a low-profile belt made of reinforced nylon scuba webbing for rigidity. It fastens with Velcro and currently comes in two colors.

The minimalistic “buckle” produces no extra bulk and is excellent, especially for carrying in the appendix position.

foundation belt gun belt

What makes the belt unique is that it combines the structure of a gun belt with the flexibility of a regular belt. The rigidity provides support for the gun, as well as comfort. It isn't the stiffest belt on the list, but it is definitely strong enough for every day inside the waistband (IWB) carry.

Here is the full review of the Foundation Belt from EDC Belt Company.

Kore Essentials – EDC Gun Belt

Kore Essentials makes an excellent gun belt that doesn't look like a gun belt. If you want a stiff gun belt, this one is for you, as it is at the top of the list in that respect. The nylon webbing belt looks clean, but if leather is your thing, they have you covered. You can configure your belt by choosing from several different buckle styles and colors.

A cool feature of the Kore Essentials gun belts is that they use a ratcheting buckle so you can dial in the adjustments in 1/4 inch increments for comfort. Kore Essentials is a fashionable yet rugged choice for a gun belt.

Click here for the full review of the Kore Essentials EDC Gun Belt.

Blue Alpha Belts – Low Profile Belt

Blue Alpha Belts is a company that has a solid reputation for producing quality duty gear. I love their low-profile nylon gun belt. Like the Foundation Belt, the low-profile belt is minimalistic with a simple polymer loop for a buckle. The buckle is solid, and there is no concern that it will break.

Low Profile EDC Belt

When I travel on a plane, I like wearing this belt, because it uses no metal. So I don't take it off when I go through security and haven't had an issue.

Here is my review on the Blue Alpha Belts Low-Profile Belt.


I could mention other belts, but then this post wouldn't be my top THREE choices. But, again, I use all the belts I listed here and have no problem recommending them to you. All the companies have fantastic customer service and are American businesses.

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About Matthew Maruster

I follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the eternal co-equal Son of God. I currently live in Plain City, Ohio with my wife and daughter. I served in the Marine Corps Infantry. I was a Staff Sergeant and served as a Platoon Sergeant during combat in Iraq. After I was a police officer at a municipal agency in San Diego County. I have a Bachelors's Degree in Criminal Justice from National University.


  1. Kyle Spisak on August 24, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    I previously carried 3’oclock with the core essentials edc belt.

    However I have recently switched to appendix and the kore had a little bit too big of a buckle for my liking.

    I now carry with the Supreme Appendix belt from NexBelt. I was genuinely impressed by the low profile of the belt. It feels like I don’t even have a belt on, but my gun and pants aren’t going anywhere! It’s great.

    Ps. Matthew I figured out the appendix game and it’s great! I knew I had won when I walk into the living room and ask my girlfriend “where’s my gun?” And she scoffs and reaches for my 3 o’clock but nothing was there!
    Should have seen her face when I revealed where the gun was! (12:30 appendix) even she knew the game had changed! Haha.

    Thanks for all your help!

    • Matthew Maruster on August 24, 2021 at 6:59 pm

      Awesome news! trial and error my friend. Once you get it figured out, you’re golden! And thanks for the recommendation on the belt! Great hearing from you!

  2. mark-3231 on August 28, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Do you have any real belts to recommend? I can’t walk into an office wearing professional attire and any of the super-casual belts pictured here. Black, for starters, preferably leather.

  3. Kyle Spisak on August 28, 2021 at 10:56 am

    Yes Mark,Kore Essentials x3 gunmetal belt. They have black tan and brown. It’s leather and can be used with business attire but still can be used to carry a gun. Operates on the ratcheting system which is 100x better than the traditional holes.

    I use the X3 gunmetal belt (gunmetal referring to the material of the buckle) for work where I tuck my shirt in. It’s a super nice belt and no one suspects it to be a gun belt.

    Good for strong side carry, not so much appendix but can be done.

  4. Kyle Spisak on August 28, 2021 at 10:59 am

    If you’re carrying at work I recommend an appendix set up with ulti clips to your pants and the belt over the ulti clips. That kind of set up only really works with super compact guns like G43.

    • Cody Starner on August 29, 2021 at 8:54 pm

      I disagree. Appendix carry works for everything, the size of the weapon is dictated only by the size of your gut. I hide a 19x no problem, and used to stash a G22 up front until I got sick of never seeing .40 ammo. Before I go any further, I love a 43x, my wife has one, it’s great. I just prefer “whole” pistols.

      I’m slimmer than average (511 150) and I get that that gives me an advantage here, but most everyone I know can appendix WAY more gun than they thought they could.

      “But you shouldn’t need 19 rounds blah blah blah learn to shoot blah blah,”

      I shouldn’t. I also shouldn’t need a gun. Or a spare mag. We don’t get to pick how many attackers we want. I say carry what you can, and if your clothing or your body restricts you to a six round .380 or something, maybe that’s something to address.

  5. Kyle Spisak on August 28, 2021 at 11:00 am

    If you use ulti clips the belt won’t matter so long it covers the clips so no one can see it. You can tuck your shirt with the ulti clips as well

  6. Kyle Spisak on August 31, 2021 at 7:13 am

    I agree Cody, I was saying that for the ULTI CLIPS if you want to tuck your shirt in it works better for something more compact because the clips tend to bend with a heavier load and a bigger gun makes it harder to tuck your shirt.

    I carry a G19 with a 17 rd spare appendix position.

  7. Jeff on August 29, 2023 at 3:29 pm

    For my hard earned money the KORE belts are all around best you can get. I wear it for appendix and outside carry and its fantastic no matter what gun I have on. They have dozens of buckles you can swap out with different belts and they never seem to break. My oldest is over 5 plus years and works great. Those other belts dont fit nearly as well and do not adjust like my belts.

  8. John Furtak on November 27, 2023 at 4:21 pm

    After 6 years of hard use I can tell you the Kore belts are far superior to the Nexbelts as far as durability and selection. They have a larger selection with smaller buckles for aiwb many more models and style. I even run their newer ratcheting battle belts for the tactical games.

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