Episode 322: Doing Off Body Carry Correctly With Beth Alcazar
Topic: How to Off Body Carry Correctly – Beth Alcazar
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Today, Riley is MIA so Jacob teams up with Beth Alcazar to hash out off body carry. The objective here is to avoid shaming off body carry or thinking of it exclusively as a woman thing, and instead tackling it from the perspective of HOW to do it well. Tune in and share your thoughts and questions with us as well!
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- USCCA – The USCCA is an honorary sponsor as they make it easy for people like Beth to join us on the podcast. Always supportive of ConcealedCarry.com, the USCCA is a great industry outlet for training, content, and of course legal protection. Learn more at www.usconcealedcarry.com
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Links & Resources
- Packin Neat By Kristen
- Gun Tote'n Mamas
- Pacifiers & Peacemakers
- Crossbreed Purse Defender
- 3 Considerations For Off Body Carry
- Why I Hate Off Body Carry
Thanks for Listening!
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