Posts Tagged ‘rhode island’
S10E20: End of Another Year, Many Changes in Laws
Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen sit down to reflect on the past year and take the opportunity to share with you a summary of many concealed carry and firearm law changes that are relevant. We track this stuff pretty closely, and take our responsibility seriously to keep our followers informed about the laws
Read MoreThe Status and Styles of Secure Storage Gun Laws
Last week Governor McKee of Rhode Island signed into law an update to the state’s secure storage gun law. Also this year Colorado updated their secure storage law to extend…
Read MoreRhode Island Governor Signs Ghost Gun Bill Into Law
Providence, Rhode Island — The governor of Rhode Island signed a bill into law on Tuesday morning effectively banning “untraceable ghost guns” in her state as anti-gun organizations cheered. Governor…
Read MoreEpisode 321: Legislative Updates – Trump’s New ATF Head Pick Pro-Gun?…or is he??
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. Today is our Legislative Updates Edition and we’re talking about some important stories from around the nation.
Read MoreEpisode 235: Wild Week in America for Self Defense
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest in industry news, legislative updates, and share this week’s top JUSTIFIED SAVE stories from around America. Plus you won’t want to miss this week’s Case of the Week from attorney Andrew Branca of Law of Self-Defense where we get some clarification on when the commission of a crime will or will not bar you from being able to use self-defense.
Read MoreRhode Island’s Religious Leaders Beat Guns Into Plowshares
This past Mother’s Day, religious organizations across Rhode Island took a very literal interpretation of the phrase “swords into plowshares.” All across the Ocean State spiritual leaders blessed decommissioned firearms…
Read MoreNevada Drops Rhode Island and Starts to Honor Virginia
Now, Nevada has ceased to honor the Rhode Island permit but has added reciprocity for the Virginia permit. The Virginia permit is also a very popular non-resident permit since it can be obtained with an online concealed carry course only.
Read MoreMinnesota Drops Four States and Adds Eight to Reciprocity List
In the 2015 legislative session in Minnesota a law passed that changed the requirement for permit reciprocity from the phrase “Substantially similar” to “similar.” Due to this change the Department of Public Safety has re-evaluated the state permits it will honor and has made some significant changes.
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