Nevada Drops 2 States and Adds 12 Others
Earlier this month the Nevada Governor signed into law SB175 which, in addition to other changes, removed the requirement for a state to have “similar training requirements” in order for Nevada to honor their permit. On June 18th Nevada published an updated list of the states whose permits it honors and ten new states have been added to the list, though not as many as some of us in the industry had expected.
First with the bad news. Nevada will NO longer honor Michigan or New Mexico permits.
For the good news, Nevada will now honor permits from Arizona, Delaware, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. In the case of Idaho and North Dakota, Nevada will honor both permits issues by those states.
This didn't quite fit the expectations in the industry. Wyoming is a strange choice since no training at all in required to get their permit while Colorado and Utah did not make the list despite requiring training courses in order to obtain their permits. I for one believe there will be additional changes to this list over the upcoming weeks and months as Nevada clarifies the implications of SB175.
Our map builder has been updated accordingly.