Posts Tagged ‘oregon’
S9E4 – News and Legislation – “The Most Extreme Gun Control Bill EVER”
Riley and Matthew share the latest industry news updates. We cover legal challenges in Oregon and Illinois. Plus how the Biden administration has been illegally funding red flag laws, and how another Biden rule has been overruled by the courts.
Read MoreS7E20: News & Reviews – “Smith and Wesson’s Big Mistake”
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster share the latest industry news. We bring news stories about some new products coming to market, discuss some other relevant industry news including a new pistol from Ruger, as well as some legislative news including a win out of Oregon…but the fight there rages on. Plus don’t miss our take on Smith & Wesson’s most recent release.
Read MoreOregonians Vote on Gun Control Initiative, Here’s What Happened
Oregonians voted on a ballot initiative in Oregon that would give more power to the State Government, and make it more difficult for the common man to defend himself. Measure…
Read MoreEpisode 446: Single-hand Shooting Skills PLUS DGU Stories
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster cover recent JUSTIFIED SAVE stories which include some really interesting ones…situations that you almost can’t make up! Plus we share the most recent Shooter Ready Challenge where we discuss single-handed shooting with the primary hand.
Read MoreEpisode 367: Gun Companies Will Be Put Out of Business
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA about firearms and concealed carry related legislation, laws, gun control, etc. Today we’ll be talking about how gun companies may be at significant risk of being put out of business by lawsuits by victims and their families from crimes committed with those companies’ guns. Also, a couple of states are at a significant risk of severe gun control legislation in this upcoming 2020 session. We’ll tell you which ones to watch for. Join in and listen!
Read MoreEpisode 321: Legislative Updates – Trump’s New ATF Head Pick Pro-Gun?…or is he??
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. Today is our Legislative Updates Edition and we’re talking about some important stories from around the nation.
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