Benchmade Assists Local PD With Destroying Guns, Irks Loyal Customers

Image courtesy of @180secondideas
Through a social media post on the Oregon City Police Department’s Facebook page people learned late yesterday of a recent event where the popular Benchmade Knife Company assisted the department with the disposal of a number of firearms. The response from customers has been immediate and swift with most expressing anger and disappointment with the company’s decision to take part in the dismantling.

The original post from Oregon City Police Department about Benchmade Knife Company assisting with the destruction of these firearms. Post was later deleted from the page.
Oregon City PD later removed the post without warning or explanation. A short time later an explanation was put up in its place:
Good evening,
We understand some of our followers are upset with Benchmade knives because of a recent post we put out. The post did not give everyone the full story on why the guns were required to be destroyed.
We receive guns that are turned in from community members that they no longer want the guns and want them destroyed. We also have guns that are evidence and when a case is adjudicated the guns are ordered by the court to be destroyed.
These guns were required to be destroyed. We reached out to Benchmade to do us a favor at our request. Benchmade is a strong supporter of law enforcement and the Oregon City community. We were present when the guns were cut and we took them for final destruction.
We apologize for not informing everyone on the initial post. Benchmade is an excellent company and we urge everyone that had said they no longer support Benchmade to reconsider once they have all the information. Again, we apologize for not informing everyone with our recent post.
Chief Jim Band and Mayor Dan Holladay
It appears based on this statement that some of the guns in question were voluntarily surrendered to the department by community members.
Some have expressed that while they might have been understanding and able to overlook the situation if they were guns requiring disposal such as in the case of guns with removed serial numbers or illegal modifications; the fact that some of the guns were not involved or used in any crimes or investigations and because Benchmade was not forced to participate by court order, was too much for them to accept.
Responses ranged from a few still supporting them and vowing to continue buying their products to many expressing a desire to boycott the company. And some even swore to destroy or throw away their Benchmade knives.
Just after I learned of the situation, I sent an email to Benchmade’s public relations firm, Hayter Communications, requesting a statement along with additional information. Matt Glass responded to me just after midnight with the following:
We apologize for the confusion and concern that this post created. These were firearms that the Oregon City Police Department had to destroy in alignment with their policies. Oregon City Police requested the use of specialty equipment within the Benchmade facility to follow these requirements, and as a supporting partner of our local police force, we obliged the request.
Benchmade is a proud and unwavering supporter of both law enforcement and Second Amendment rights. These are commitments that we do not take lightly and will continue to support well into the future.
When asked for clarity from Oregon City Police Department, Chief Jim Band made the following statement: “When property is to be destroyed, it is the policy of the Oregon City Police Department to destroy property, including firearms, in accordance to our procedures and ORS. The Oregon City Police Department does not sell firearms.”-Benchmade
A copy of that email:
Let us know what you think of Benchmade’s involvement in the cutting and disposal of these firearms below!
There is nothing wrong with a company helping LE destroy weapons that need to be legally destroyed. This company is not, IN ANY WAY, hindering the purchase of legal weapons to anyone.
That’s a completely reasonable stance on the issue. But I think it’s also understandable why many gun owners are upset as well. The company is not in any way hindering the purchase of legal weapons…or is it? Some of the weapons were turned in by local residents that voluntarily gave them up. Could those not have been turned around and sold to FFL dealers or auctioned? Also, Benchmade did not HAVE to participate but chose to do so anyway. Apparently, they are blind to who their customers are and the fact that many of their customers are ultra sensitive to anything that might be viewed as “anti-gun.”
Ok, yeah they are ultra sensitive about anything anti gun and personally I agree, that anything anti gun is wrong, however if those people who went off like they were an uber left liberal who was invited to a pro life rally had actually read the post the whole way through they might have seen a few extenuating items. For example the ordered destroyed by the court part or the part where they said that the guns were surrendered to the police because they were not wanted and the owner(s) wanted them destroyed. Selling those guns, instead of destroying them (which by the way I cringe at the thought of) would not only have been against the police procedures (per their statement) it may also have been illegal because they would be selling a gun that didn’t belong to them. I hate the idea of destroying any guns that are legal and could be used/enjoyed by others, but I have to approve of a company that will help our LE people to better do their jobs.
I’m not sure benchmade and the police can have it both ways. If the police begrudgingly had to destroy the guns because the were forced to, why celebrate it? The fact is Oregon law does not mandate guns taken in bybacks or voluntarily turned in be destroyed. The police department was aided by a company to willingly destroy guns that could have been donated to local FFLS and sold to people who may not be able to purchase one at full price. I mean, don’t guns save lives? That’s what we all say. Molon labe, 3 percent? Does all that go out the window when it doesn’t personally effect us? I’m as pro police as you can be, but I don’t give my blind allegiance to any political organization or occupation. The police department could have done better and if they couldn’t of, they should not have celebrated destroying the guns. And benchmade made the choice to assist in destroying tools. Think they made a big deal when they destroy evidence like knives and blunt objects used in crimes? Of course they don’t. Because it’s the symbolism of destroying firearms. It’s what people who believe guns are evil want to see. The police and benchmade just fed the anti gunners what they wanted. Kudos
I’m with you on that. No need to destroy good tools, makes me sick to my stomach. I’ve been hearing that Oregon has gone the way of Cal. lately, which is disgusting. There are too many good things that could have been done there.
Yeah… Se here is the thing…
Sure some firearms are ordered destroyed by the courts, I disagree with that stance. I have bought plenty of firearms that were used in a crime and later sold out of a evidence locker to civilians. The gun it’s self had done nothing wrong. Sure a weapon that had been modded to full auto may need to be destroyed but I would wager that is a minute number of weapons.
Then there is the “Turn it in, buy back” programs. I highly disagree with that. Buy back programs only serve the purpose of disposal of valuable evidence and are highly subject to fraud. It is a wast of tax payer dollars and a waste of resource to have them operating in any capacity. Not to mention it does push a subconscious narrative towards guns being overly bad.
That being said, I understand benchmade helping LE, that’s great and all, but maybe give them knives rather than jump into a pit of debate lava. I love my BM 156bt. I have had it for years. I even bought it a a police supply that sells formerly confiscated firearms that were used in crimes. That being said, I think I will keep my money with Spyderco from here on out as Benchmade’s name is now mud. Such things tend to drain quality as sells number begin to drop.
Good thoughts, Brandon.
Benchmade is an excellent company and deserves the full support of the sporting community. As gun owners we must always stand for the rule of law as is the case here; Benchmade provided a public service in partnership with the OCPD.
The donation history of Benchmade since 2012 tells me more about their motives than any public relations statement.
I personally love Benchmade products and definitely support law enforcement in their efforts to do what they must to protect their communities. However, I do not agree with the social “pat on the back” that the police department so diligently posted about Benchmade’s role in the destruction of firearms. We are all living in a time where guns and gun control is a push and shove topic. A letter/email or phone call from the chief of police to the company for help in aiding them in “legal procedures” would have sufficed. Jumping on the social media trend and publicly announcing that a company supported by law enforcement, military, and sportsman deliberately aided in the destruction of firearms is a slap in the face to those that support the company. This is just the kind of social influence the “gun grabbers” look for from organizations and companies that are rooted in the outdoor industry. They tend to twist the facts and try to capitalize on a pro gun company aiding in destroying firearms because they’ve finally seen the light and recognize guns as the evil they are (which is absolutely ridiculous). I don’t look down on benchmade for their role in this situation, and trying to support the police department in following protocol, but I do blame the police department for making a big deal about it in the public eye. There was no reason for public celebration and they should’ve kept their private business just that… private business.
Benchmade likes destroying perfectly good guns huh? Well that’s their right just like it is my right to say “………” to them. Sign me a former loyal customer…….not no mo. [edited by site admin to comply with community guidelines]