Posts Tagged ‘Gun Confiscation’
Episode 190: Weapons and Strategies for School Defense
Today Riley and Jacob answer several listeners’ questions including one about what types of “weapons” you may be able to carry or use in a public school for defense? Good question, join us as we get into it!
Read MoreEpisode 175: Road Rage Turns Into Deadly Shooting
Last week we told you about the war on guns that is building and is coming. This week we see skewed and biased reporting from Quinnipiac University with a poll about support for an assault weapons ban. We see so-called journalistic publications asking for donations to help them publish more content on guns, gun violence, and gun control because where it comes to gun control “we just aren’t doing enough.” We have a Republican-controlled Congress that is afraid to do anything on pro-gun legislation for fear of it not being good for “optics.” So instead they feel they must do something, and some Senators and Representatives are getting on board with “low hanging fruit of common sense regulation.” At least Michigan is doing some things right as last week the Senate passed a bill that reduces the number of “Gun Free Zones” and this week the House passed a bill for constitutional carry. Follow along, and don’t forget the powerful lessons to be learned from today’s JUSTIFIED stories.
Read MoreEpisode 173: “Hand Over Your Weapons”
The war against guns and gun rights is just getting started. Election results across the country last week weren’t favorable towards the 2nd Amendment. Virginia and New Jersey have new anti-gun governors. Media outlets are suggested it is a referendum against Trump and because the voters want more gun control. Is that really the case? We’re not so sure, but one thing is certain…this battle is continuing on, and we have got to educate and motivate people to understand the “gun issue” and get on the right side of things.
Read MoreAstounding Videos of Firearm Misinformation and Lies
We assume that our elected politicians have a great understanding of the facts surrounding the issues affecting their constituencies. Or, if they don’t have a grasp of the topic, they…
Read MoreEpisode 167: Mass Shootings Not Rising Study Says
A recent study from the University of Illinois shows that even with Las Vegas and Orlando fresh in our minds, mass shootings are not in fact increasing in terms of frequency. We found this study to be quite interesting as well as today’s other fascinating news out of Australia as we look at the results of a national amnesty gun confiscation program that yielded far less than we’re sure they hoped for. Also FIVE great JUSTIFIED stories from which we can all learn from.
Read MoreEpisode 155: Is Paul Ryan Holding Up CCW Reciprocity Bill??
On this 16th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, we hope and pray folks in Texas and Florida are doing okay after these two recent hurricanes. Today Riley Bowman discusses with Matthew Maruster possible gun confiscation in the Virgin Islands during and after Hurricane Irma passed through, bills in California requiring that gun dealers up their security measures to prevent theft, and the fact that it appears Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is holding up a vote on the National Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill. After the recent attack at the Congressional Baseball practice, you would think Mr. Ryan would feel this was an important and pressing matter to push through, but that’s not the case as he says that the timing “is not right.” Don’t miss these and all the other stories from today’s episode!!
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