Nevada Honors Permits From 5 New States and Drops 1

nevada concealed carry reciprocity changesIn Nevada back in 2015 SB175 was passed which changed the criteria by which the state determines what other state concealed carry permits it is going to honor.

Since that bill has passed the Nevada Department of Public Safety has slowly been making changes… mostly in the positive direction to honor more permits. Here are states we previously reported on:

Nevada Drops Rhode Island and Starts to Honor Virginia

Nevada Adds Reciprocity For the Mississippi Enhanced Permit

Nevada Drops 2 States and Adds 12 Others

The latest changes were published to the Nevada Government website today and went into effect on July 1st 2016.

Nevada will now honor permits from the following states that were not previously honored:

  1. Florida
  2. Massachusetts
  3. New Mexico
  4. Texas
  5. Utah

This is an especially big win since the Florida and Utah non-resident permits are both very popular and easy to get.

Nevada has ceased to honor the concealed carry permit from Delaware.

At we are committed to keeping you up to date with all Concealed carry permit reciprocity changes. You can access a current map for your own state's permit or your own combination of state permits here: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Maps

About Jacob Paulsen

Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of provides in-person and online firearm training for American gun owners. The Company is currently teaching in-person classes in 25+ states with a team of more than 55 instructors. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor & Range Safety Officer, USCCA certified instructor and training counselor, Utah BCI instructor, Affiliate instructor for Next Level Training, Graduate and certified instructor for The Law of Self Defense, and a Glock and Sig Sauer Certified Armorer. He resides in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with his wife and children.

About Jacob Paulsen

Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of provides in-person and online firearm training for American gun owners. The Company is currently teaching in-person classes in 25+ states with a team of more than 55 instructors. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor & Range Safety Officer, USCCA certified instructor and training counselor, Utah BCI instructor, Affiliate instructor for Next Level Training, Graduate and certified instructor for The Law of Self Defense, and a Glock and Sig Sauer Certified Armorer. He resides in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with his wife and children.


  1. ltkdds on July 3, 2016 at 10:37 am

    If NV resident, CVW being renewed but not yet received, can a FL & UT non- resident CCW be ok until new NV received?

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