Marijuana, Concealed Carry And Guns
This is NOT an opinion piece for or against the legalization of marijuana. This article IS designed to get you to:
Think about the many legal issues that arose when states legalized the medical and recreational use of marijuana. And how these changes have impacted gun possession and concealed carry laws.
Gun Law Enforcement and the ATF:
The United States Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), is the federal law enforcement agency that oversees nearly all things firearms-related. One responsibility is the licensing and overseeing of Federal Firearms Dealers (FFLs’).
Every gun store from the big or small must be licensed and regulated by the ATF.
How does the ATF regulate Gun purchases?
The general public is confused as to the process of legally purchasing a gun. Consequently, a lot of myths have taken the place of fact. Currently, there is no federal law requiring universal background checks for all firearm purchases. However, federal law requires that all FFL's conduct background checks on any gun sale.
With some provisions, some states allow private party gun sales to take place without a background check. Currently, 14 states do not allow private party gun sales for any guns. Two states allow for private party sales of long guns, but not handguns.
When you buy a gun through an FFL, you must fill out ATF Form 4473. Additionally, you have to pass a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check. The process checks to see if you are legally prohibited from possessing a firearm.
There are a series of questions you must answer on ATF Form 4473. Pay particular attention to question 11.e:
11 e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside
Am I an unlawful user of marijuana, if my state has legalized it?
Many states have legalized marijuana for medicinal and recreational use. However, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug. Schedule I drugs are defined as having no medicinal benefit. You may have already have picked up on the big problem here. According to state law, you may be legally allowed to use marijuana, while federally, there is no such thing as legal marijuana use.
In fact, in September of 2011, the ATF sent letters to FFL’s stating that knowingly selling a firearm to someone who is a marijuana user, even if s/he is legally able to possess marijuana in the state, would be a violation of federal law. Most FFL’s will not risk losing their license and sell to known marijuana users.
So the question arises:
Couldn't I simply answer “no” to question 11.e and be done with it?
Sure, if perjury is your thing. See, intentionally providing false information on a federal form like the 4473, would be considered perjury. Okay, but how would the federal government or an FFL know that I have a medical marijuana card or use it recreationally?
A casual marijuana user would probably not pop up on an FFL’s radar. However, FFL’s are usually very leery about selling guns to individuals who they think may be conducting an illegal “straw purchase” (buying a gun for someone else who can't pass a background check). And they are vigilant to identify someone or who seems like they intend to use the gun with bad intentions. Many would gladly pass up a sale if their gut is telling them something doesn't seem right with the buyer.
If you walk in smelling like weed, that's probably enough to make the FFL second guess selling you that firearm.
What about state-issued medical marijuana cards?
Some states issue medical marijuana licenses to their residents. At the time of this article, I am not aware of any state where the list of medical marijuana cardholder names is being provided to FFL’s. Nor have these lists been merged into the background check database. However, with the intense desire to further restrict gun ownership rights, it is not a stretch to think it could happen in the future.
Case rulings about marijuana and gun possession?
In August of 2016, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that simply having a medical marijuana card, is enough to suspend that person's 2nd amendment right to purchase a firearm. The case began in 2011 when a gun store denied the sale of a firearm to a woman. The reason was that she had a state-issued medical marijuana license. The woman filed a lawsuit, and the case made its way all the way to the federal level and was ruled on by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
It is not only important to know the ultimate decision of the appeal but to understand the way the court interpreted the law in this case. First, the court
- ruled unanimously 3-0 against the plaintiff
The Court ruled that it was
- reasonable for federal regulators to assume a medical marijuana license holder is more likely to use marijuana
The Senior District Judge went on to say:
In addition, a ban on the sale of guns to marijuana and other drug users is reasonable because the use of such drugs “raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated,”
Concealed Carry Licenses Are Managed and Issued By States, Not the ATF.
What about concealed carry licenses and marijuana use?
This is another massive issue where state and federal law collide. Several state-level cases have resulted in various outcomes. There are Sheriffs of some states that delay or prohibit known marijuana users from obtaining a concealed carry license.
While other states have decided to allow marijuana users to get a concealed carry permit. However, even with these rulings, marijuana users still sometimes receive pushback from the issuing authorities.
In 2014, Colorado legislators proposed a law that would stop Sheriffs from prohibiting known marijuana users from obtaining concealed carry permits. The outcome…it didn’t gain enough support to be voted upon.
Let us look at the state of Missouri for an example.
Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, which authorizes the medical use of marijuana in Missouri, does not reference or prohibit the possession or purchase of firearms.
The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), which oversees the medical marijuana program, will not ask you if you own a firearm when applying. Nor will they distribute the database of patients who have a medical marijuana card, citing that it violates privacy.
State concealed carry license reciprocity issues:
When one state says it will honor a concealed carry license from another, it enters into a reciprocity agreement. If one state allows concealed handgun licenses to medical marijuana users, and another state doesn't, this could result in a rescinding of that reciprocity agreement.
Additionally, consider a situation where you take your handgun into a state that honors your concealed carry license. You also possess marijuana for medical or recreational purposes and are allowed to in your home state. You are still required to follow the gun laws of the state you are visiting. What if that state prohibits marijuana use and gun possession? You could end with serious legal issues.
What is a gun owner supposed to do?
It is evident that there is a huge disconnect between state and federal law. There is also a battle between the rights of the states and the power of the federal government. You can also read more about this topic in the post titled A Fresh Look at Marijuana and Gun Ownership.
We highly recommend understanding state gun law and the gun laws of any state you travel to.
We spent a lot of time putting together this incredible resource for gun owners. The Concealed Carry Gun Tools App works with Android and iPhones and is completely free. It has a full legal rundown for every state's gun laws, reciprocity maps and so much more. Please consider checking it out, you won't be disappointed.
In conclusion:
Regardless of your opinion on the medicinal or recreational use of marijuana, there is a real issue that needs to be addressed and clarified. People may unknowingly be sacrificing their constitutional rights in order to get high or use medical marijuana.
Undoubtedly some people may be chronically and potentially benefit from medically prescribed marijuana.
We suggest you weigh the options consider the unintended consequences of getting a medical marijuana license. Additionally, make sure you understand what your State Attorney Generals' opinion is on marijuana and gun possession. They may have a laze-fair approach or enforce it by the letter of the law. We are not attorneys. Therefore we suggest you speak with an attorney who is well versed in your specific state's gun and marijuana laws.
I agree that there is a huge risk being a firearm owner or CHP holder and the medical use of Cannabis (I won’t even go into the recreational use). Currently, it is still a controlled substance at the Federal level. The biggest issue I’ve pondered, before it even became legal in Colorado, is the lack of a Medical/Legislative agreement as to what constitutes legal impairment under the law. Personally, I have no desire to even try the stuff, but that’s just my opinion. We discussed this ad nauseum in my CC class that I took, and the general consensus was that it’s such a legal grey area right now, that a prudent CC holder is best off avoiding use or contact with the substance.
Hi Chuck,
I agree there is definitely a lot to consider before getting a marijuana recommendation when it comes to someone’s desire to own firearms. Wherever this goes, I’m sure it will be slow moving and clear as mud. Thanks for the comment.
you make no sense as alcohol has worse effects than maijuana
It’s against the law, at least in Delaware, to be under the influence of Alcohol, even a sip, and be in control of a firearm. This includes or prohibits us from even being on the bar side of a restaurant. There is a test for alcohol. Is there a test for smoking marijuana?
Yes sir, a blood test will tell if you have THC in your system.
Not really. As Retired Trucker said, there is a blood test for THC, however, THC can remain in your system long after the effects of it have worn off. It’s really an apples/oranges comparison.
I’m not talking about using and being in possession of a firearm at the same time, being under the influence of anything with a firearm is bad, I’m talking about having a prescription for a medication that improves quality of life and having your rights stripped. Hurt your back, Dr gave you percocet, you should lose your 2nd amendment rights correct? That’s what were talking about here. There is no difference. They are telling people to choose between living a more pain free life and defending that life. Those prescription pain pills you got for your back, kill 20k Americans a year. Opioids overall in both legal and illegal form kill 70k. People are allowed to purchase other medications under the assumption they will use them safely and not drive their car, or use their firearm, cannabis is no different
The Real Person!
Bryan, you make completely reasonable points, but the ultimate takeaway is that there is an undeniable legal difference between legally prescribed opioid medications and cannabis (even if the state has legalized it or decriminalized it). The legal difference affects the individual’s second amendment right, which is the point of the article.
Exactly. Im having to choose my medical marijuana card over getting my concealed carry permit. Its sad.
I have been 1/2 way around the world 4 times in army.I have seen and done almost everthing I would rather see marijuana users than a man or women drinking with a weapion
Ive done a few trips laden with gear. I would rather see noone using anything alcohol or drugwise while conveying arms. Thats always been a pet peeve of mine.
If our rights are to be truly given by our creator as stated in the constitution then allowing government to regulate them is by far our biggest problem today.
No one should have to be in this circumstance of having to choose between sacrifice of ones rights to live a pain free and happy life.
So the question is when will we say enough is enough ?
Hi Rickie,
Thank you for your service and for the feedback. I don’t think there needs to be a choice between the two (marijuana vs alcohol). Anyone in possession of a firearm should be of sound mind regardless of the intoxicant.
Regardless ??? Under the influence PERIOD puts you in jeopardy and a defense Attorney will bury you
Grump, I think maybe my comment came across the wrong way. I don’t believe anyone should be under the influence of anything while possessing a firearm. And I agree it will cause you major problems, in many states it is criminal to possess a firearm while under the influence of any intoxicant. Thanks for the feedback.
What about all the other prescription drug users , there’s actually active Leo & ccw license holder with mind altering medications,for depression, anxiety, ptsd , pain, etc.
these laws are opene ended, but focus on the lesser of the socially damaging item.
Last I checked most mass shooting involved psychiatric medicine in the shooter system not cannabis..
The Real Person!
You are right, there are a lot of prescription drugs that LEO’s, Military and civilian’s use that don’t fall into the same category as marijuana. First is the obvious federal scheduling issue, that lists certain substances as having no medical benefit.
But outside of that, maybe the practical issue, revolves around what we define as ‘mind-altering’. I think generally we would agree that mind-altering drugs would make it difficult for a person to see the world around them how it really is. It may simply change reaction times or equilibrium, cause auditory exclusion, or it may affect the persons inhabitions.
I don’t agree with the statement that most mass shooters commit the crime because they are using psych meds. In fact, most of these people have psychiatric issues that are not being controlled by medications, or they are not taking their prescribed medications or taking them along with other illicit drugs and alcohol. As a cop, rarely did I have to fight people who were appropriately taking their psych meds. The ones who didn’t take them or stacked them with other drugs were unpredictable.
Psyche meds, when used and prescribed correctly are designed to help the person manage symptoms that don’t allow them to see the world around them as it is, rather than alter the real world. Those with extreme psychological issues that cant be treated with medications are probably flagged under the ‘persons with disabilities’ from possessing firearms.
I don’t think people should be using any reality-altering substance while they possess their firearm, or drive a car or fly a plane or perform open-heart surgery. Should they be stripped of their constitutional rights to purchase a firearm, no I don’t think so.
Thanks for the feedback, God Bless.
Matthew, he didn’t say psyche meds caused the shootings. He said a majority of the shooters are/were on psyche meds. I don’t pretend to know the causation or correlation of the two, but I know Eddie’s last sentence is truth.
FWIW: I am on psyche meds. Granted it’s prescribed for off-label usage, in my case insomnia, but it’s still psyche meds. Seeing as I don’t want to shoot anyplace up, I’m assuming psyche meds aren’t the cause, but who knows unless someone bothers to research the issue.
The Real Person!
Thanks for the feedback Scott. Eddie actually did draw a correlation between psyche meds and mass shootings. The inference drawn from his statement is that marijuana is not as bad as psyche meds. He said “Last I checked most mass shooting [sic] involved psychiatric medicine in the shooter system, not cannabis..” It is a false equivalency based on anecdotal evidence. And there are countless studies on the effects of psych meds in therapeutic dosages and when taken regularly, compared to the outcome of taking psych meds inconsistently and combining them with illicit drugs. The later as you may guess produce much poorer results as far as creating behavior problems.
What I can tell you from empirical evidence that there is absolutely no correlation between someone taking prescription levels of psychiatric medications and their propensity to become a mass shooter. Digest these numbers if you will. In 2011 over 40 million adults in the United States were prescribed one or multiple psychiatric medications. Over an 18 year period from 2000 to 2018 there were 282 mass/active shooting events. If psyche meds caused people to become mass shooters we would have many more mass shootings. Are many mass shooters prescribed psyche meds, of course? So this is the causation part of the equation you mentioned. There is absolutely none. Many mass shooters have behavioral issues that require some medical treatment so they are prescribed psyche meds. But again drawing any causation from this is missing the underlying issue. The mental health disorder the person has. Unfortunately, when people do not take psyche meds regularly, at prescribed levels or mix them with illicit drugs, it creates unpredictable results. Partially because the underlying mental health conditions are not treated, and secondarily because the brain’s chemistry is haphazardly altered with combinations of illicit drugs and psych meds.
As you know there is a difference between correlation and causation. Eddie proposed that psyche meds are the cause of active shooters because there is a correlation between active shooters being prescribed psyche meds. That is similar to saying when people eat more ice cream, they are more likely to be bitten by a shark. Statistics absolutely show when more ice cream is sold in Florida, there are more instances of shark attacks. But it isn’t the ice cream causing the increase in shark attacks. It is the fact that more people go to the beach in the summer months. And as you would presume, buy more ice cream. So, in reality, there is no causation between ice cream and shark attacks, but a clear correlation between the numbers.
And let’s use your personal account. The fact that you are prescribed psyche meds should not lead anyone to believe that you are any more likely to be the next mass shooter. I know you said you know Eddies last statement is the truth. I agree it absolutely is. But it in no way validates his incorrect assertion that marijuana is safer than psyche medication. When I was an LEO in San Diego County, approximately 80% of the inmates when booked into jail tested positive for marijuana. It would be foolish to say that smoking marijuana ensures you will land in jail. Again Eddie unwittingly uses the same anti-gun rhetoric that links mass shootings to psych meds. If enough people believe there is strong causation between psyche meds and mass shootings, why would anyone want to allow any of the 40 million Americans currently on psyche meds the right to own a firearm?
Again thanks for your feedback I appreciate your take and sharing your personal experience.
I agree with your statement, “Anyone in possession of a firearm should be of sound mind regardless of the intoxicant”.
I’m curious about the legality of a cannabis worker being able to concealed carry either on store premises or out on deliveries. A cannabis worker doesn’t have to use cannabis for their job, they just happen to mostly be potheads. So if someone could honestly answer all question on form 4473 and be legal to purchase a firearm, could they legally concealed carry on marijuana deliveries if they are permitted by the local sheriff?
My daughter in Colorado has a painful back ailment that using marijuana eases the pain, but she formally relinquished her medical marijuana card before applying for her concealed carry permit. In Colorado, the medical card isn’t that big a deal anyway, all it does is allow you to get the marijuana a little cheaper than you’d have to pay otherwise.
The pricing structure in Colorado is like this: medical marijuana card holders pay the least, state residents without the card pay the next highest, and out of state residents pay the most. Also, state residents can buy a maximum of one ounce per visit, while out of staters are limited to a quarter ounce per visit.
The government could still cross check marijuana sales with concealed carry permit holders, because before you’re even allowed into the sales area of the store, you have to produce your drivers license, which they scan.
Ron, Thanks for sharing your personal experience dealing with the issue. Definitely makes you think about how all these databases could be used in ways we wouldn’t initially anticipate. I appreciate your contribution. I hope your daughter can find relief from her back pain.
Did your daughter end up getting her cc permit after giving up her medical permi?
I never thought about it, but there could be super serious consequences for ccp holders (or any gun owners) who use drugs. There is a specific federal statute that says it is a crime to be a drug user in possession of a firearm. I believe it is a felony. If convicted, then you are a felon and can’t own any guns at all. Not to mention the essentially mandatory prison time in the federal system.
Hi Amanda, great points. Thank you for reading and glad you liked the article!
Now that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that medical marijuana users do not have a right to buy or possess firearms, some of the issues brought up in the case of S. Wilson v. Loretta E. Lynch really should be a cause for concern. The judges stated that even just having a medical marijuana card is a reasonable cause to assume that a person is using and/or in possession of marijuana. So with that ruling in place, should a person then have to surrender their 4th Amendment rights, as well as their 2nd Amendment right? Since the 9th Circuit proclaimed that a person with a medical marijuana card is using or in possession of an illegal substance, can the fact that person merely has a medical marijuana card be reasonable cause to search their home, place of business, or vehicle?
The question I have is this, while medical marijuana is really not available in my state as a ccp I have been told that because I have a carry permit I would not be able to get a license in order to assist someone in need
The ruling bars future purchase of firearms. Firearms acquired before her attempted purchase may still be retained by Ms. Wilson. And speaking from a law enforcement background, I applaud the decision, one of the very few times the 9th Circus got it right. Drug (of any kind) impaired minds and guns do not mix. EVER
The Real Person!
Mont, I agree 100% with you about not mixing any drug/alcohol, legal or illegal with firearms.
I’m curious about this too..? I don’t understand, and maybe someone can clarify this.
I assume that what this means is if you bought guns in 2012-2013 and say got your med card in 2014, you’d fall under this umbrella?
I read somewhere that if she were to surrender her card she could start purchasing a weapon again? There is so much gray area with this that I think all of these things need to be addressed: A) If you bought guns BEFORE you became a medical patient, are you still in danger? B) if so, why don’t medical marijuana forms have this information in it!? C) If you surrender your card, are you less of a target?
I’m curious because like I said there is so much gray area that this should have been clarified somewhat, at least you’d think??
Ok, this helped a little bit, so if she purchased weapons before becoming a patient, she’s able to retain them? I thought it said that you cannot own, or posses weapons if your a med patient?
The Federal law says that possession of marijuana is illegal. Within states where it possession or use has been legalized that Federal law is not enforced. However, the Federal law also says that to be in possession of a firearm and marijuana is an additional… extra crime. No state has passed any law that has legalized firearm possession in conjunction with marijuana possession. So yes that is a crime. The recent ruling by the court didn’t address every possible question or scenario. What the court clearly stated is that future purchase is illegal… that doesn’t mean that any possession isn’t illegal… it only means the court’s ruling didn’t address that question.
Well I think we all can see where this is going and what can happen over night with the wrong people in the whitehouse or on the Supreme Court. If you want to keep your right to keep and bear arms regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump you had better get out and vote and urge and help get him elected. If Hillarys elected Finstein bill for seizure of guns may get passed.
Perhaps even more of a problem would be her appointments to the Supreme Court, and that could mean as many as three or more if she’s there for eight years. I think we’re seeing just what will happen now if Hillary continues what Obama started. You can be sure that many more illegal
executive orders coming the first day she’s in office if she wins. Everything I’ve read on this matter state that these orders are suppose to be to define a law except as to where it effects only that executive branch, however even at state levels this practice has gone on much to long unchecked. One of there other tools is to price most people out of the ability to afford a gun, and to a lesser degree ammo as well. The spike in ammo cost is almost out of hand I can remember not that many years ago 22 Ammo was 8.00 a box of 500 at Walmart. 45 cal was 12.00 box of fifty and they were available anytime you needed them, just look at the prices now if you can find them. So if you want to keep your RIGHT to keep and bear arms go and vote or they will be gone or so restricted you can’t qualify.
The Real Person!
Larry, Definitely a lot riding on this election when it comes to the future direction of our Country.
Oh the government. I don’t care anyone’s opinion on marijuana. The hypocrisy of it all is I can go into a bar with my concealed carry and drink. Btw cocaine is class 2 drug while marijuana is a class 1
The Real Person!
Kyle, good point, there are states, like yours that do not prohibit alcohol consumption while possessing a firearm. There are also states whose law’s prohibit consumption of alcohol or drug while possessing a firearm. I feel that makes complete sense and am shocked states still allow firearm possession while consuming intoxicants. I agree the governments scheduling of drugs may not reflect the current push for medical marijuana, however even if it was rescheduled as a schedule II drug, I couldn’t advocate getting high and carrying a firearm.
In montana you cannot carry a conceled weapon in establishment that serve alcohol as the main business
This is all nuts. In AZ you can’t carry a firearm while consuming alcohol. But, you can have some drinks, stop drinking and carry again. While Missouri it is a crime to have ANY alcohol in your system and carry at the same time. I agree that being impaired (by anything) doesn’t go well with firearms. Add to this that now in AZ marijuana is available for recreational use AND you don’t need a CCW to carry concealed (if you are a resident, I love AZ gun laws!). So, I guess you could buy recreational weed AND not worry about obtaining your CCW (as it isn’t required to carry concealed). Definitely need some clarity on the laws. Seems they could treat marijuana as they do alcohol?
I’m in the law enforcement field but not a law enforcement officer. Although possession of marijuana is the highest on our list of charges of any controlled substance, I believe that people who possess, manufacture or distribute any other type of illegal drugs are much more cautious due to the severity of the penalty it could bring if convicted. People who possess marijuana don’t seem to be as concerned because in our state ppl can have up to 4 oz of marijuana and it still remain a misdemeanor as long as it is not baggied out to indicate that it is being sold. Some people say 4 oz can not be personal use but I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of people that would disagree especially smokers that have been doing it since they were teens and are now much older. With that being said I personally feel that gun rights should not be taken away just because somebody has a condition that make them eligible for medical marijuana. Hell they probably need a gun more than some of the others due to having medical marijuana cuz if somebody finds out you have it they know you got the marijuana that a lot of people are seeking and may need protection. Everybody has their own opinion I do see the other side of why not having a weapon and a medical marijuana card the only thing is there’s a lot of people that possess weapons do not have a medical marijuana card but still smoke marijuana
So it’s OK to have a liquor cabinet and a medicine cabinet full of things that have been proven to be highly addictive/or deadly. And still be legal to have a safe full of guns. However if you If you possess a legal substance which has 0 deaths attributed directly to it, and only affects you for a few hours after use. With No side effects. You should be stripped of your 2nd amendment rights?
Please do your research and follow the money.
Here’s a question that I’ve yet to find an answer to:
Would my Illinois medical marijuana card show up on a CCW background check in Colorado?
I had a MML in Illinois and it has an expiration date of 12/2018. I no longer live in Illinois, and have resided in Colorado for 7 months. So I’m wondering if that sort of information is stored in that specific states databases or if it would show up on a CCW background check in another state.
Technically, the MML is no longer valid because I no longer reside in that state. In my eyes I am no longer a medical marijuana patient and no longer use marijuana.
No it will not show up on the background check. But the existence of the card could disqualify you from obtaining a permit if it was somehow brought to the attention of the sheriff.
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Cannabis existed and was cultivated by Founders of the US.
The US Constitution and the US Bill of Rights is written on cannabis paper.
Anyone denying that is at best a fool.
The authority of the federal government is very strictly defined by the US Constitution.
They have they right to regulate trade between states and between states and foreign powers.
It is specifically spelled out as law.
The federal government has no Constitutional authority to regulate in state trade, let alone possession of anything regardless of popular claims. For example, banning beer required a Constitutional Amendment, they obviously have no authority to ban naturally occurring plants.
I have a question. I know people who have chronic pain due to an accident that have a Morphine Pump implanted in them. Their medicine is regulated by their Dr. and the pump. Does that keep them from buying or owning firearms?
The Real Person!
Hi Cecil,
The issue with marijuana and firearms ownership has little to do with the effects marijuana has on the body and everything to do with the fact that the DEA classifies it as a schedule I substance. This means according to the federal government marijuana has no medicinal use. Morphine is a schedule II substance. Schedule II drugs have a high potential for abuse and dependency but have legitimate medical purposes. Now states may have decided that marijuana does have medicinal purposes, but there are federal laws that prohibit possessing a firearm while being a user/addict of marijuana. When you go to purchase your firearm you have to fill out the federal form 4473, and it asks:
” Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?
Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.”
It makes it pretty clear that in the eyes of the federal government, users of marijuana are not allowed to possess firearms.
Your friend that has a morphine pump has a prescription for the drug so he is allowed to use it, and still possess a firearm. However, many states have laws prohibiting people in possession of a firearm from being under the influence of alcohol or a drug, prescription or not. So your friend could still own firearms and use morphine, just not likely be in possession while using more than a therapeutic or prescribed dose.
I know it can be confusing for gun owners to understand the rationale. It is a disconnect between federal and state laws related to marijuana. Hopefully that helps.
I am curious what constitutes a “user of… marijuana.”
If a person used it recreationally once a year ago does that make them a user? If so, i would assume a major portion of the us population would have been “users” of marijuana at some point in their lives. If not, what is the difference between using it once a year ago and using it for the first time yesterday? My point being, if a person were to purchase marijuana, (legally in the state’s eyes) how long after that purchase is it appropriate to respond “no” to question 11.e.
The Real Person!
Good question Connor. I don’t think my opinion on the definition would hold much legal weight and I haven’t seen a clear definition emerge as the statute is enforced. My opinion, based on what I can tell is that undocumented and distant past use is impossible to trace. Recent past use in conjunction with firearm possession would be a legal issue if there is some measurable amount in your blood (as it isn’t tied to impairment). Probably only a legal issue if you used a firearm to defend yourself and blood toxicology is done showing marijuana in your system. I am not saying this alone would trigger prosecution, but it could be an outcome. Documented recent past use like having an arrest for possession or having a state-issued medical marijuana card could complicate the issue. I think it could be reasonably argued that a current state-issued marijuana card would classify one as a recent and continuing ‘user’. I would think it is safe to say that if it is undocumented past use, and you don’t plan on continuing using marijuana, you wouldn’t be a ‘user’ as it applies to this specific law. The issue doesn’t seem to be settled as far as enforcement, so it is really hard to parse through the nuance of what the feds consider a ‘user’.
I am in the process of getting my CCW in AZ. I have always carried concealed if it was an option. I have a medical card for sleep/pain. I only use very little 3-4 times a week. Only got the card 8 months ago. Well I have decided to turn in my card and not use the marijuana anymore for pain and sleep. This way I am not in violation of the law. I am retired military and pretty banged up. I finally found something other than pain pills that take the pain away so I can rest. Feels like I am required to choose. Now that it is legal in AZ how will they regulate that? Can I turn in my card and not be in violation now? The communities are changing. Our Federal Laws should keep up.
Hi Cecil,
I recently found out it may be a problem for me. Have had a carry permit for 6 years, last year was put on a Class IV medication for a sleep issue. My daughter also has a carry permit for about 5 years, she was put on same class IV medication for a sleep disorder. I am in TN, can’t possess a handgun when “under influence of a controlled substance”, I have to take it or I sleep 18 hours a day.
My daughter lives in IN, she is good; can’t find any restrictions in their laws.
My girlfriend uses marijuana while driving her vehicle and she holds a state pistol permit in Connecticut.
She does not possess a medical marijuana card and carries her firearm with her.
Can she loose her rights to carry a firearm and loose her permit ??
Hey there, i have been arrested for marijuana possession about 4 years ago and haven’t used it since. This was in Florida. Am I still eligible for ccw ?
I recommend contacting your county sheriff and asking them. I’m not familiar enough with FL laws to say one way or the other.
Hopefully I’m posting my question right I apologise if not. I live in Michigan and have scoliosis which is causing nerves to be pinched in my back. When marijuana was decriminalized I began to use it for medicanal reasons I don’t have medical marijuana card because it’s pointless now. My Grandfather passed away and left me a pistol. I tried to register it last week and answered the question on the form honestly. Needless to say i was denied my permit and was told that now I can’t legally posses any of my guns for a year. My stomach won’t tolerate pain meds I get sick, it’s swapping out pain with nausea which is why I started to use marijuana. The pistol is currently in my mother’s name. Am I going to be able to get a pistol permit after the year is up? Or should I have her give it to another family member? Any input is appreciated thank you.
A few points of clarification. The gun is not registered in anyone’s name. You attempting to apply for a permit has nothing to do with registering the gun. Guns are not registered in Michigan or the vast majority of states. So as it relates to registering the gun or “getting it into your name” that isn’t something that is required, necessary, or possible. All that said, the possession of the gun when you are using marijuana is illegal per Federal Law in the same way that the use of Marijuana at all is illegal per federal law. Since buying a gun or applying for a concealed carry permit required a FEDERAL background check, the use of marijuana is a disqualifier for both. So, put simply, in Michigan if Marijuana is legal than your possession of Marijuana and the firearm is also legal. However, since obtaining a permit, or purchasing a firearm from a dealer require a background check via a Federal system you are disqualified from both.
This would be considered a straw purchase and your family members would be responsible if they knowingly gave the gun to a marijuana user. I’ll put it this way, you wouldn’t be the first person to lie on that question and there’s no way that the feds would be able to verify it. But if you get caught with it then your kind of up a creek without a paddle.
Use of marijuana and guns will most likely always be considered the same as alcohol and guns ,and fall under the same laws. Calling it medical would be the same as handling guns while using any controlled medicine that has the warning of driving and or operating equipment.
Hello –
Any updates on the federal level since this article is a few years old? Are the Feds even considering removing cannabis from Schedule 1 status? So many states have legalized Cannabis, I can’t imagine a large portion of users have knowingly given up their 2A rights. Perhaps they are just ignoring Fed laws regarding Cannabis?
No updates
I have a Question. If you surrender your MML in Colorado. Can you then get a CCW permit.
I would assume yes.
The whole “concealed carry permit” is B.S. to begin with, just another revenue ploy run by the State. Your Second Amendment gives ONE the right to possess and carry firearms. Here in Columbus Ohio just today Ohio Gun Owners announced we are going thru with a “Constitutional Carry” bill which says that very thing. Which would eliminate the states slush fund called “Concealed Carry Permits”! Just another illegal taxation on our God given Right !
The HIPA laws will protect you if it’s a medical condition because it does violate privacy. Guess we shall see.! Great read!!
She was denied a sale because she had a medical marijuana card. That’s the same as denying a sale to someone who recreationally uses alcohol from time to time. A responsible gun owner would simply lock their guns up or not get drunk to the extend they might consider using them. Same could be true with a marijuana user… Though I’ve never seen a violent or suicidal smoker. Alcohol on the other hand is dodgey and rakes in domestic violence. Personally don’t smoke anymore, but the understanding of drugs in the US is abysmally stupid.
Weird. I don’t know what to do either. I have a MMJ that I got in January, and I just purchased a firearm a few weeks ago and was approved with no issues.
I’m assuming I could get a CCW as well because the MMJ registry is private…it’s just sketchy and I don’t want to push it since I may have gotten lucky once.
My question is (although not a marijuana user) since question 11e. asks “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” What if you are not “addicted”? Also, what happens if you are prescribed Adderall from you physician for ADHD, you take it regularly as prescribed but need it to function, are you addicted? Since it is prescribed, is that considered “legal” and you are safe to own a firearm? Possibility for a lot of arguments here.
Technically you’d be in violation. Which is why that question is loaded and shouldn’t even be asked as it forces you to relinquish your 5th ammendment right if you’re trying to purchase a firearm.
I have a CCW that expires in 2024. I would like to know if there is a way I can relinquish the permit before it’s expiration date?
I am a 70 year old female with pseudo-gout. It’s an arthritic condition that mimics gout with the exception that pseudo-gout can affect any joint and often multiple joints at the same time. Calcium crystals settle in the joint and cause it to swell. When this arthritis hits it’s crippling, very painful.
My rheumatologist has tried a number of arthritis medications. They upset my stomach and change my skin pigmentation. So I can not use them. I’m rendered to either large doses of Aleve that cause my blood pressure to go nuts, or when that doesn’t work, large doses of Prednisone. If it goes to my knees he takes the fluid out with a large needle and puts in cortisone. When it hits other areas of my body he prescribes the Prednisone.
With my medical history, I’m sure I could be prescribed medical marijauna which reduces pain and swelling. As you well know, can’t have both medical MJ and CCW. How can I get rid of the CCW?
The Real Person!
Hello Ma’am. I am sorry you are fighting that condition. I hope that you can find relief soon. As far as your question about relinquishing your permit, I am sorry I can’t give you a specific answer. I am not sure what state you live in and each state handles its permits differently. I would recommend you call the attorney general’s office of your state and ask for the office that handles concealed carry licensing. They may say to just let it expire, or maybe they have a process to suspend the license altogether. I hope this helps, and that your treatments are beneficial.
It’s really too bad you have to. I’m sure the prescribed amount would have no effect on your shooting skills or cognitive ability, and it’s much preferable to those medications you named. It’s not like you’re walking around blowing smoke like Tommy Chong. That’s the unfortunate mental image people have of it.
1. Regardless of the intoxicant are people here saying that if you’re in your own home have some beers while someone decides in invade your home that you’re not allowed to use a firearm? I hope not. I do agree with not being intoxicated while recrationally shooting. But people should have the right to defend themselves period.
2. I get some of you don’t and won’t consume weed and that’s fine. But if you’ve never done so then you have zero credibility when it comes to the imparement of marijuana. It’s not mushrooms or lsd. Nicotine in itself is technically mind altering, same with caffeine. Marijuana is mind altering but motor function is still highly prevalent. There’s no golden rainbows and purple unicorns when you consume weed.
3. “Shall not be infringed”. Our founding fathers wrote this profound sentence and they were marijuana users. Yep Ole president #1 aka founding father aka George Washington smoked weed along with many other men who fought, founded and died for this country and constitution. It goes without saying but that line we hold dear is all incompassing including marijuana.
4. Noting number three it is clear that the laws are a direct violation of our constitutional freedoms. You don’t have to consume marijuana or even like it but to be against marijuana users to posses firearms then you simply do not support a true essence of liberty and freedom in America.
Weed can alter your depth perception, tracking and it can show you a view that is not that way. A straight large backyard can turn into a rollercoaster . For some folks. They know it’s not real. Still spinning and walking straight. Not so straight.they should not grab handgun in that moment they have a intruder get a bat. Taser or laser. could shoot off target kill themselves,others, something explosive, who knows .it’s hard enough to fire a weapon if you really need to do so with adrenaline and fear. As certain and calm as one wants to be
Yes, if someone hasn’t smoked before, or does rarely, a single hit can throw them for a loop. A person like that under those effects would hopefully not have a firearm in their possession, although doing such a thing occasionally shouldn’t disqualify them.
A “regular” or casual smoker usually has a tolerance in such that the effects are beneficial. It is calming in stressful situations. It improves focus and lessens distractions when concentrating on a task. These are people you may be surrounded by and would never know.
Even heavy and chronic smokers develop a tolerance in a way that the cognitive effect does not really increase, unlike alcohol where the more you drink the worse you get. This is when the bigger concern is health effects of the smoking.
Nobody takes into account he actual effects of marijuana on cognitive function. Everybody pictures someone like the “Spicoli” character in Fast Times when they think of marijuana. Weed is like beer in the way that tolerance level has a lot to do with the effect, as well as the amount consumed. Most marijuana users smoke enough to get the relaxation and calmness that is usually beneficial is stressful situations or when intense focus is required. They don’t get stupid, stumble around, and mumble like someone who’s had too many beers or has smoked several bong hits in a row. Personally, I attest that I am much BETTER at many things after a couple hits than I am without, including shooting. The simple use of a reasonable amount of marijuana should be allowed as much as the reasonable consumption of alcohol.
I agree with you on that. Recently experienced marijuana for the first time in my life. It is a very very different experience. You are totally aware of what is happening around you and your thoughts are crystal clear. Unlike alcohol where you begin to lose your senses and whereabouts. I actually felt sleepy after marijuana consumption and slept really well. So why exactly marijuana is being put in that category at all? I fail to understand.
A question. How long do you have to be free from marijuana to fill the application and answer 11e NO? I don’t drink, never done any drugs or BS stuff. I do vape (not marijuana). A month ago, I bought some marijuana online out of curiosity to see what it would feel like. Big mistake, it was strong or something but hated it. Threw it all away. Recently got in a dangerous situation (someone tried to break into my house) where I felt the need of having a gun. Mind it I’m not one of those who would pull out a gun the first thing just because I can, it would be the last thing when me or my family is really in some dangerous situation. Can I fill 11e NO? I never intend to do this sativa indica BS ever again in my life, I’m just not made for this kind of BS.