Episode 327: Finding Your Sights Quickly – Jerry Miculek

Topic: Finding Your Sights Quickly – Jerry Miculek

Today, Riley and Jacob interview Jerry Miculek, one of the most recognizable faces of competitive shooting and who is considered by many to be the greatest shooter of all time. Well recognized for his fast trigger finger, we will dive deep with Jerry into sight acquisition, sight picture, transitions, and more! Tune in and share your thoughts and questions with us as well!

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  • HIVIZ Shooting Systems – Check out the new Litewave H3 Tritium/Litepipe sights, for high visibility in bright and low light conditions! – www.hivizsights.com

Help Jerry Reach 1 MILLION!!

  • Jerry's YouTube channel is only about 6,000 subscribers short of 1 MILLION!!! Help him reach 1,000,000 by subscribing to his channel here: SUBSCRIBE

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About Riley Bowman

Riley Bowman is the Director of Training at ConcealedCarry.com and the Host of the Concealed Carry Podcast. He came up in this world initially through his 8-year experience with a state-level law enforcement agency in Colorado. Riley has trained extensively under instructors such as: Rob Leatham, Mike Seeklander, Tim Herron, Scott Jedlinski, Matt Little, Kyle Lamb, Dave Spaulding, Jeff Gonzales, Bill Blowers, Chuck Pressburg, and others, amassing many hundreds of hours of formal shooting and tactics training. He is an NRA Pistol Instructor, a Colorado P.O.S.T. Handgun and Patrol Rifle Instructor, a graduate of Trident Concepts Concealed Carry Instructor course, and a Modern Samurai Project Endorsed Instructor. He also competes in USPSA and 3-gun competitions including numerous top-10 finishes at major matches and championships. He is the current USPSA Carry Optics Colorado State Champion and most recently won 3rd place in Master Class at the 2022 USPSA Carry Optics National Championship.

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