Posts Tagged ‘home intruder’
BONUS Episode: Dude Fired 9 Shots to Stop a Home Intruder
This morning Riley interviews the man who was forced to defend himself in his apartment late one night in March 2016. A random criminal, a random apartment, but Nicholas Ring was ready to defend himself. We will hear the story firsthand, what went right, what went wrong, what could have been done better. And what has life been like for Nicholas in the aftermath?
Read MoreEpisode 155: Is Paul Ryan Holding Up CCW Reciprocity Bill??
On this 16th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, we hope and pray folks in Texas and Florida are doing okay after these two recent hurricanes. Today Riley Bowman discusses with Matthew Maruster possible gun confiscation in the Virgin Islands during and after Hurricane Irma passed through, bills in California requiring that gun dealers up their security measures to prevent theft, and the fact that it appears Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is holding up a vote on the National Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill. After the recent attack at the Congressional Baseball practice, you would think Mr. Ryan would feel this was an important and pressing matter to push through, but that’s not the case as he says that the timing “is not right.” Don’t miss these and all the other stories from today’s episode!!
Read MoreEpisode 153: Mom Pulls Gun In Fight Over School Supplies
Riley and Jacob cover this week’s stories from legislative updates to our usual JUSTIFIED story segments. This week in the news, Indiana is looking at considering permitless or constitutional carry, the American Bar Association has recommended that all 50 states pass laws permitting gun confiscation in the case of “Extreme Risk Protection Orders.” Sacramento, CA is considering spending $1.5 million in a special program to reward some of the worst young criminals for not committing crimes. Oh, and you’re not going to want to miss the crazy story where one mother draws a gun on two women to stop a fight that started over who was going to take home the last of the school supplies.
Read MoreEpisode 149: Govts Suspending Gun Rights During Protests?
Riley and Jacob cover this week’s stories from legislative updates to our usual JUSTIFIED story segments. This week in the news, Oregon has just passed a ridiculous law that you’re not going to want to miss out on learning about because trust me, this one amounts to gun confiscation…and it’s coming your way! Also good news out of Ohio that strengthens self-defense laws and rights. Plus don’t miss the story about a man that is burglarized and attacked by 3 violent teens and what he had to do to defend himself and his family from a gun!
Read MoreEpisode 144: Home Carry – 24/7 Readiness
Riley and Matthew decided to address the issue of “home carry,” or making sure one carries all the time including at home…which is the one location that statistics show you are most likely to need access to your gun at a moment’s notice. We talk about some of the strategies and tactics to keep in mind to make sure you are prepared 24/7!
Read MoreEpisode 139: Wins and Losses in Self-Defense Shootings
Riley and Jacob cover a TON of stories in our most loaded news episode yet! More than half-a-dozen legislative updates and general interest stories, plus five–yes, FIVE–justified stories today! Don’t miss it!
Read MoreEpisode 134: Keeping a Gun on the Nightstand?
Topic: Keeping a Gun on the Nightstand? Today Riley and Jacob talk about different ways and strategies for keeping your gun handy yet secure on or near the nightstand for quick…
Read MoreEpisode 111: Man Facing Murder Charges After Fatally Shooting Car Thief
In today’s news: Riley and Jacob talk about a news story that is the perfect example as to the problems with gun confiscation laws without due process, especially in the case of mental health. One man sought a little help, and ended up losing his guns for over 2 years even though it was proven he was not a mental health risk!! Plus 2 stories where CCWers are facing charges because they may not have made the right decisions. To find out why, tune in now…
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