S10E20: End of Another Year, Many Changes in Laws

Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen sit down to reflect on the past year and take the opportunity to share with you a summary of many concealed carry and firearm law changes that are relevant. We track this stuff pretty closely, and take our responsibility seriously to keep our followers informed about the laws

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Episode 171: Texas Church Massacre

It is a solemn day in America. But heroes walk amongst us. And the fight for the Second Amendment is more critical now than ever even as we see Republicans in the House considering removing the deregulation of suppressors from the SHARE Act and more gun control is called for from the Michael Bloomberg gun control lobby. We cannot let our guard down!

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Episode 107: Proof That Shotguns Are Still a Viable Option For Self-Defense

Today we introduce a NEW podcast co-host, Gretta!! She is a fabulous instructor, women-in-the-shooting-sports advocate, and competition shooter. Today we talk with Gretta about some of the latest news and stories from across the land, including not just one…but TWO crazy JUSTIFIED stories where folks are forced to defend their lives with a shotgun. Plus a number of critical updates on legislation in several states that you’re not going to want to miss!

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Arkansas Governor Signs Campus Carry into Law

Following up on an article we had written last week about Arkansas’ concealed carry expansion bill, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced yesterday that he has signed House Bill 1249 into law, allowing concealed carry on state colleges and universities.

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Minnesota Drops Reciprocity For 4 States

Effective January 1st 2017 Minnesota will no longer honor Concealed Carry Permits from Arkansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. In addition, Minnesota will no longer honor the basic permits from North Dakota or South Dakota but will continue to honor the class 1 license from both North and South Dakota.

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