Posts Tagged ‘michigan’
New Michigan Gun Control Laws Go Into Effect
New Michigan gun control laws went into effect this week, strengthening the universal background check law, adding safe storage requirements, a red flag law, and .
Read MoreS8E1: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Maintenance Worker Mistaken for Intruder, Shot and Killed
Today we have plenty to discuss as we break down multiple events including carjackings, attempted robberies, home invasions, and . Plus we discuss the Texas incident where a maintenance worker was shot and killed after being mistaken for a home intruder by an apartment resident.
Read MoreS5E9: Legislative Updates – Bankruptcy of the Gun Industry?
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss the recent Legislative News from around the US including stories about how one state is suddenly pushing hard to limit magazine capacities. We also discuss the likely ramifications of the recent Remington-Sandy Ho settlement and what it means for the rest of the industry. Plus other important news, tune in!!
Read MoreS5E6: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Carjackings and Robberies on the Rise
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster the latest JUSTIFIED SAVES (Defensive Gun Uses) including the successes and the failures. Last month’s JUSTIFIED SAVES episode featured a number of carjacking stories, and this one is no different with a sprinkling of armed robberies sprinkled in. What are you doing to prepare yourself should such an event happen to you? Are you preparing yourself mentally and emotionally while also making sure you understand the law, so you don’t make a mistake??
Read MoreEpisode 446: Single-hand Shooting Skills PLUS DGU Stories
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster cover recent JUSTIFIED SAVE stories which include some really interesting ones…situations that you almost can’t make up! Plus we the most recent Shooter Ready Challenge where we discuss single-handed shooting with the primary hand.
Read MoreEpisode 365: Don’t Need an AR? This Pregnant Mother Disagrees!
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. Today is our JUSTIFIED SAVES Edition and we’re talking about how one construction worker defended himself against an attacker, how one pregnant mother used an AR15 to defend her family, and ! Join in and listen!
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