Posts Tagged ‘west virginia’
S10E20: End of Another Year, Many Changes in Laws
Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen sit down to reflect on the past year and take the opportunity to share with you a summary of many concealed carry and firearm law changes that are relevant. We track this stuff pretty closely, and take our responsibility seriously to keep our followers informed about the laws
Read MoreThe Great Merchant Code 2A Gun Control War
The new gun control war is over credit card Merchant Codes or MCCs. In the last year good and bad legislation has been proposed or passed in 19 states.
Read MoreS5E17: Legislative Updates – Magazines Banned in Washington
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss the recent Legislative News from around the US including stories about how the state of Washington did follow through on the legislation we covered last time to limit magazine capacities greater than 10 rounds. This is a huge, senseless loss to the protection of constitutionally-guaranteed rights. On the good news train, we cover SEVERAL states that have passed or are advancing constitutional carry bills. Plus other important news, tune in!!
Read MoreWest Virginia Now Honoring The Montana Concealed Carry Permit
Now, West Virginia has permitless carry laws in place that allow anyone 21 or older to carry concealed without a permit but a recognized permit is still required to carry in certain places. Now those with a Montana concealed carry permit will have the same privileges as those with West Virginia permits.
Read MoreMinnesota Drops Nevada and Adds West Virginia Reciprocity
Minnesota law essentially dictates that Minnesota will honor permits from states that have similar permit-to-carry law. There are a few key components to that that include: Minimum age of 21 to obtain a permit and Training with live fire required to apply
Read MoreWest Virginia Now Honors the Wisconsin Permit
Attorney General Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia announced that mutual recognition of concealed carry permits has been established between West Virginia and Wisconsin. Wisconsin already informally recognized the West Virginia permit but this formal agreement between states grants that those with permits from Wisconsin can now also carry in West Virginia.
Read MoreWest Virginia Now Has Constitutional Carry
Effective Tuesday May 24th, 2016 West Virginia’s constitutional carry law has gone into effect. The law had been previously vetoed by Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin back in March. The lawmakers were able to override the veto and the law has now gone into effect.
Read MoreEpisode 15: Politician Says It’s Ok to Point Guns at Cops?!
Politicians say dumb things, father shoots intruder, and more guns on campus!
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