29 Concealed Carry Holsters Reviewed

drawer full of holsters

We look at all different types of concealed carry holsters. People sometimes swear to have found “the best concealed carry holster ever!” However, as the infamous “drawer of holsters” grows, opinions can sometimes change.

We all have the big box of holsters that we've tried. No 1 holster is perfect for everyone, and it's hard to sort through all the different websites and reviews out there. That is why we have compiled a comprehensive list of the top industry Concealed Carry Holsters below. Each will link to either our own internal review of that holster or the very best quality review we could find on the internet for that holster.

Have we found The Best Concealed Carry Holster?

Of course not. We have found some we've liked (such as the KSG Armory Lexington) and some that leave a bit to be desired. Everyone may have certain preferences in a holster. Here are some holsters to check out as you head down the path of finding the best for your needs. Remember, part of making a holster selection is trial and error.

*We will continue to update this list as we add more holster reviews. If you are a holster manufacturer who feels awful we did not include you, please contact us.

List of Holsters —


KSG Armory

KSG stands for Knowledge, Skills, Gear and has a strong reputation of making a great holster. KSG holsters are thoughtfully designed, well formed and finished, and highly adjustable for maximum comfort and performance. KSG Armory has holsters for a wide range of gun models and in different configurations.

Full Review of the KSG Armory Lexington holster here.

PHLster Pro Series

Key Strengths: Maximum comfort and concealability for appendix carry

Full Review: Phlster Pro Series Holster Review: Is It A Top Tier Holster?

phlster pro series best holster

PHLster Enigma

The Enigma is not a holster per-se. It is better explained as a chassis that your holster mounts to. The Enigma is a great option because you don't need to wear a belt. I think it's the best alternative for those who like the idea of a belly band, but want the comfort and security of a traditional holster.

Key Strengths: Comfortable, concealable, works with any clothing

Full Review: PHLster Enigma review

phlster enigma

Blackpoint Tactical: Dual Point

Key Strengths: Comfortable and quality built.

Full Review: Blackpoint Tactical DualPoint Holster Review [VIDEO]

blackpoint tactical

Tenicor: Velo

Key Strengths: Durable construction and comfortable.

Full Review:

Tenicor Velo Holster Review (Video)

Massaro Holster Works: American Purebread

Key Strengths: Comfortable

Full Review: The American Purebred IWB Holster: Massaro Holster Works

massaro american purebred holster


Dark Star Gear: Orion Holster

Key Strengths: Good appendix holster selection, with sturdy construction.

Full Review: Gear Review: Dark Star Gear Makes AIWB Accessible to all with Orion Holster

Bravo Concealment: Torsion 3.0

Key Strengths: Comfortable with good concealment.

Full Review: Bravo Concealment 3.0 Holster Review

bravo concealment 30 torsion

Alien Gear Holster Review

Key Strengths: Affordable, available in different styles, lifetime guarantee.

Full Review: Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.0 Holster Review

Order here

alien gear holsters review

Brave Response Holster (BRH) Review

Key Strengths: Can be worn with ANYTHING, carries up to 3 spare mags, machine washable, soft to minimize printing, and female-friendly.

Full Review: [Video] Brave Response Holster Review by Jacob

Order here

BRHolster main

Clinger Holster Review

Key Strengths: Strong materials, quality clip, great retention

Full Review: [Video] Clinger Holster Review by Matthew
Full Review: Clinger “Comfort Cling” Holster Review by Jacob

Order here

clinger holster review video




Crossbreed Holsters Review

Key Strengths: Lifetime guarantee, different styles, strong industry reputation.

Full Review: [Video] Crossbreed Holster Review by Concealed Nation
Full Review: [Video] Crossbreed Modular Belly Band by Matthew Maruster

Order here

crossbreed holster review

Image from Manufacturer's Website


Falco Holster Review

Key Strengths: Affordable, lots of styles.

Full Review: IT. 95 Leather Holster Review by 248Shooter
Full Review: [Video] Falco Bellyband Holster Review by Matthew

Order here

falco holsters


Hidden Hybrid Holster (HHH) Review

Key Strengths: High-quality materials and stitching, versatile, comfortable, and USA-made.

Full Review: HHH C1 Model Review by TwoAmendments
Full Review: [Video] Hidden Hybrid Holster Review by Matthew

Order here

hidden hybrid holster


JM4 Tactical Holster Review

Key Strengths: Slim profile, clothing versatile, quality American Made leather.

Full Review: [Video] QCC Jm4 Holster Review by Matthew

Order here

Depending on the ride height you like will determine which holster works best for you.

Keyhole Holster Review

Key Strengths: Hybrid, lots of customization options, great construction.

Full Review: Keyhole Holster Review by Calguns

Order here

Image from Calguns

Image from Calguns

N82 Holster Review

Key Strengths: Comfortable, slim profile, twist retention, adjustable cant.

Full Review: N82 Holster Review

Order here

professional n82 holster review

Image from Manufacturer's Website


StealthGearUSA Review

Key Strengths: Soft fabric breathes well and is comfortable, Extremely durable, and long-lasting materials

Full Review: StealthGearUSA Holster Review by Jacob Paulsen

Order here

stealthgear front and back

Image from Manufacturer's Website

Sticky Holsters Review

Key Strengths: Slim profile, versatility, affordable.

Full Review: Sticky Holster Product Line Testing and Review

Order here

Sticky Holster


1791 Gun Leather

Key Strengths: Quality materials and comfortable.

Full Review: 1791 Gunleather Ventures Into Kydex Holsters

Order Here

Mission First Tactical

Key Strengths: Versatile and affordable

Full Review: Ambidextrous, IWB/OWB Appendix Holster from Mission First Tactical [VIDEO]

Order Here


Key Strengths: Quick shipping, solid holster.

Full Review: HolsterCO Kydex Quick Ship Stealth Holster Review [Video]


JM4 Tactical: RELIC

Key Strengths: Made in the USA with quality materials.

Full Review: The Cadillac of Holsters: Review of the RELIC Holster from JM4 Tactical


LAG Tactical

Key Strengths: Affordable and comfortable.

Full Review: LAG Tactical Grunt Style Defender Holster REVIEW

Cherries Deep Concealment

Key Strengths: Provides concealment option for deep concealment.

Full Review: Get Deep Concealment with This Cherries Holster [VIDEO]

MTR Custom Leather

Key Strengths: Quality leather and craftsmanship

Full Review: MTR Custom Leather Holster Review [VIDEO]


Key Strengths: Affordable and comfortable.

Full Review: Tulster Holster and Echo Mag Carrier Review

Urban Carry: REVO

Key Strengths: Versatile

Full Review: Urban Carry Revo Holster System – The Good and The Bad

Flashbang Bra Holster

The Flashbang Bra Holster is an option for women who can't carry their gun in a traditional method.

Key Strength: Non-traditional method for women.

Full Review: Flashbang Bra Holster Review

Make sure you visit our homepage for all the latest concealed carry stories, podcasts, and reviews.

About Jacob Paulsen

Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of ConcealedCarry.com. For over 20 years Jacob has been involved as a professional in the firearm industry. He values his time as a student as much as his experience as an instructor with a goal to obtain over 40 hours a year of formal instruction. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor & Range Safety Officer, Guardian Pistol instructor and training counselor, Stop The Bleed instructor, Affiliate instructor for Next Level Training, Graduate and certified instructor for The Law of Self Defense, TCCC Certified, and has been a Glock and Sig Sauer Certified Armorer. Jacob is also the creator of The Annual Guardian Conference which is a 3-day defensive handgun training conference.


  1. Josh Bungard on July 18, 2016 at 1:12 am

    Brave response was my final Pick! just ordered a left handed model, being ambidextrous the strong side mag location should be ok for me and my M&P Shield. The versatility with pistols is a no brainer, I can carry my wifes Sig p238 , my glock 22! and of course I plan on buying more pistols in the future(its quite the addiction) and don’t need another holster. thanks Jacob for the great review!

    Josh from Memphis.

    • Chris on August 24, 2017 at 7:34 am

      Some nice holsters. I have never liked the “Alien Gear” type but they are very popular and made by many manufacturers. Not a Kydex guy except for competition. I was surprised there was not more VMII type of holsters. To add my 2 cents, the T&T Gunleather “Mikes Special” which is a VMII clone is my favorite. The leather is a little thinner, the cant a little better and it sits a little lower making it for me my favorite holster. Very little use for a coat here in SC but once or twice a year I like to grab the Miami Classic and think like Mike Hammer.

    • Steve Graham on December 30, 2017 at 2:50 am

      Likewise Josh. After a months usage, I’ve sold all my Alien Gear, Sideguard, Hanks, and Wright holsters.

  2. Derwyn Hinton on August 1, 2016 at 9:08 pm

    Alien Gear Holster is my first concealed carry holster and there is no doubt that it will be the only holster I will ever own. Why? Well how about a life time guarantee, that has to say a lot about what you are buying! Also, if you change guns you can exchange the kyvek portion for a new one to fit your new pistol!

    As far as comfort, I can only speak to this model holster, but it is incredibly comfortable and the cant can be moved to several different positions, making finding your favorite spot really easy. BUY ONE, YOU WILL NEVER REGRET YOUR MONEY SPENT!!!!!!
    I’m sold on Alien Gear Holsters!!!!

  3. John on August 1, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    I use the “Recluse” one sided pocket holster with my Ruger LCP.
    I carry daily with no issues. Just wish there was a way to carry a couple of extra mags

    • Fred on August 23, 2017 at 10:29 am

      I also use a Recluse front pocket holster, and have for years with multiple pistols. Totally satisfied. And in case you didn’t know, Recluse does now make holsters that also hold spare magazines.

  4. BillyBob Texas on August 2, 2016 at 8:50 pm

    Use a Brave Response for my Shield. Love it – so comfortable that I forget I am wearing it!

  5. Jimbo in Georgia on August 3, 2016 at 4:53 am

    I have 6 Alien Gear holsters for various guns that my daughter and I carry. I love them for the adjustability and comfort. I have tried Crossbreed and Brave Response holsters, but always go back to the Aliens.

  6. Wes S. in Oregon on September 11, 2016 at 10:40 am

    I have tried numerous holster and ended with Alien Gear. I use it with my M&P Shield with a Lasermax laser. Finding a good holster that supports a laser is hard. Alien Gear has a ton of options. My wife uses Alien Gear for her Ruger LC9s with Laser as well. AG’s customer service is 100%. I have had to use the warranty a couple of times and they are great. And I love that I can exchange my shells if I get a different pistol. I own numerous holster from AG and I don’t see going to anyone else ever.

  7. Eric P. on December 24, 2016 at 1:41 am

    I use several of the holsters mentioned in this list.
    I have two TW Holsters, a Maxx T1 I’ve used for 3 years and a recently acquired Maxx EZ2. My only gripe on the T1 is that the beaver tail on my M&P protrudes above the leather a bit. It is a full size framed pistol and IWB does come with a few compromises in comfort especially if your gun frame includes said beaver tail. Still carries very comfortably overall. The kydex is thick and formed well, very little excess which helps keep the rig flexible. The leather is aging well and in great shape. I use the EZ2 for my M&P Shield, the single clip design is great for quick on-off. Construction feels great, T-nuts have replaced Chicago screws since I bought my T1, leather looks a little nicer, kydex again thick and minimal excess. It’s a very minimalistic and comfortable holster, and for ~$25 on his eBay store it’s a steal. The price to quality ratio TW offers is outstanding. I fully expect I’ll be ordering from him again soon.
    I also have an Alien Gear 2.0 which I also carried my M&P in. The inner ABS core of this holster broke in two places, they’ve remedied this in the 3.0 which I understand uses steel now. I’m needing to contact their CS and get this warrantied out but I haven’t yet. The neoprene backing is great during hot Texas summers, however the kydex leaves a lot of excess which takes away from overall flexibility a bit, though the multi-layer design does help balance that out. For sub $50 Alien Gear makes a solid piece. Buy the 3.0 though!
    The last I use from this list is the Sticky. Bang for buck this is the most flexible holster I own. Pocket, IWB, Appendix, jogging shorts, underwear, you name it, carries practically anywhere you want to place it. I keep a M&P Bodyguard .380 in it, with the ease of carry the Sticky provides and how quickly you can strap your handgun on with one, there’s no reason to ever leave home unarmed. I haven’t tried one of these with a mid-sized pistol yet, but it’s on the to-do list.

  8. Darkwing on March 21, 2017 at 12:42 pm

    Black Hills Leather: best damn holster I have ever owned. I have two, one is over 20 years old and looks like I just got it. They are custom made to you weapon.

  9. Greg on March 22, 2017 at 4:15 pm

    Vedder Holsters- Light Tuck…

  10. Damon on March 24, 2017 at 9:20 am

    I’ve tried the Alien, N8squared, Fobus, etc…. I go back to Concealment Solutions and Brave Response every time… depending on what I’m carrying for those two take care of all my needs for various firearms.
    Brave Response’s innovation and comfort is second to none and I was very surprised the first time I wore it… WOW…
    on the other hand, for my OWB needs, mostly I’ll go with the Concealment Solutions. Not only does my XD, Shield, VP9 all work well with the Cobra, my buddy has a Desert Eagle and loves his Cobra as well. Concealment Solutions design, craftsmanship, and quality, as well as warranty, is amazing.
    I’ve watched Jason work and build my holsters and he is a true master craftsman. He is a small company that pays attention to detail. I’ve actually been there at his shop when Masaad Ayoob called personally and ordered another holster for a different gun…that was cool. … not to mention he makes the best Kydex knife sheaths I’ve ever seen.

  11. Ken McGivney on March 27, 2017 at 9:37 am

    Disappointed you didn’t review Sneaky Pete OWB holsters

    • Joshua Gillem on March 27, 2017 at 12:02 pm

      I’m sure we’ll get there at some point, Ken. We are always looking to review gear so make sure you stay tuned as we make that list even bigger. Thanks.

    • Jacob Paulsen on March 27, 2017 at 9:08 pm

      Ken, great recommendation. I’ve seen their advertising and do know people who like those. We’ll get them on this list sooner than later.

  12. Barry L Watkins on March 27, 2017 at 5:56 pm

    What is best for Glock 17 and glock34 ?

    • Don Weber on March 27, 2017 at 9:50 pm

      Like Mr. McGiven I would have liked some information on the Sneaky Pete holsters.

    • Bob Green on June 26, 2019 at 1:38 pm

      Percision Holsters is the best choice at all of them. Look them up online you won’t be disappointed. Adjustable retention your gun fits like a glove. The only thing is is it’s not a glove. Like some of those holsters yikes!

  13. Norman on March 27, 2017 at 6:21 pm

    I am an medium built 80 years old and love my Makarov. Who makes a good holster for my gun?

  14. Gregory Gower on March 27, 2017 at 6:37 pm

    only iwb i ever tried was an alien gear. liked them so much, now I have 2. customer service is second to none.the only drawback is the allen screws come loose on the shell and have to retighten once in a while. a small dab of loctite will fix all these problems or probably even clear nail polish. thanks alien gear for a fantastic product. greg gower

  15. Lawrence Muhr on March 27, 2017 at 11:23 pm

    My first concealed holster was a Crossbreed for my .45 ACP. I do not care for it, and it felt like I may have used a narrow bucket in my pants because the holster/pistol fit was so sloppy. I know, the holster can be heated and re-sized but I like a product to be correct to start with. Now my Crossbreed is in a box somewhere gathering dust. One day I might try to make it correct or perhaps send it back to the manufacturer to be sized.

  16. CR ZAHN on April 16, 2017 at 5:46 am

    The only leather holster reviewed was an OWB pancake by a company that I have never heard of. I carry a 4 inch 1911 every day in a Milt Sparks VM II. I have had it for 5 years and it still retains it shape perfectly so holstering and re-holstering are no problem. If I have to remove it I simply unsnap the loops and off it goes. Putting it back on is where it has any of the Kydex/hybrid holsters beat. Just loosen your belt and slide it in to the waist of your pants and snap up the snaps. Tighten your belt back up and you are done. The problem with most of the Kydex/hybrids is that the bottom of the holster is open and square. I have to practically take my pants off to put these on. If cheap is what you are going for, then by all means, Kydex is the way to go. If you want top quality, then a holster by a top name Leather maker like Sparks or Kramer etc. is the way to go. By the way leather is also less likely to ruin the finish on your guns when drawing and re-holstering

  17. gary olsen on April 16, 2017 at 8:56 am

    i have a brave response and a few others, the problem with the br is the mag holder for a right handed shooter should be on the left hand side, not next to the pistol

  18. Ken Jones on May 30, 2017 at 9:46 am

    I have I big belly. Long torso. Does anyone have experience with that and what do you use. I wear all my shirts untucked.

    • John on December 31, 2017 at 12:41 pm

      Versacarry, I have put on about 50lbs since I left the oilfield and the style it is you literally only have the pistol between your body and pants. When i used to carry my XDS 45 I never felt it like i was not even carrying it.

    • Steve Graham on April 17, 2018 at 4:44 pm

      I’m 5-10, 255, long torso and wear my shirts untucked as well. Brave Response works for me, Vedder was the worse. Just my experience, not everyone else’s.

  19. Barry on August 23, 2017 at 8:13 am

    I have one of your brave holsters and love it, I usually use the Galco leather concealment holster, because I wear loose short sleeved shirts here in Texas and sweat a lot. I wear your brave holster when I am just going to wear a colored T shirt. I wear my Galco holster 24/7, but when out in the yard the brave holster is a great back up. Thanks

  20. Duane Baier on August 23, 2017 at 3:28 pm

    Were are the holster reviews for revolvers like 38 or 357mag
    Not every body carries a Simi auto

    • Matthew Maruster on August 23, 2017 at 3:55 pm

      The holsters reviewed will work with revolvers too. When you go to purchase any of the holsters, you will have to match it to your specific make and model of gun. Some companies make holsters for nearly every gun you can think of, and some models you never heard of.

  21. Ted Goffinet on August 24, 2017 at 12:11 pm

    I have acquired six or eight various holsters. I use Brave Response as my primary for two different guns (a Baretta 40 and a Walther 380). I occasionally use an Urban Carry for smaller guns (Sig 380 and occasionally the Walther 380). I have also recently bought a vest and will try it once it starts to get cooler.

  22. Doak on October 4, 2017 at 9:12 am

    Bravo Concealment should have been on this list. Best holsters I’ve used in the last 40 years and the are very reasonably priced.

  23. Joe Wolfe on October 4, 2017 at 10:17 am

    How about Remora?

  24. Eric Jensen on November 26, 2017 at 10:10 am

    Recently bought a Just Holster It holster for my Kahr PM45. Extremely disappointed that I wasted the money. You get a variety of rubber washers to adjust the amount of tension the holster uses to hold the gun. With no washers at all, the holster is still to wide to keep the gun in place. It’s not so much inserting and drawing the holster, but the gun will rock back and forth in the holster. Really garbage when it comes to your life depending on a holster.

  25. Danny on November 29, 2017 at 6:01 am

    You missed badly by missing Vedder.

    • Matthew Maruster on November 29, 2017 at 11:32 am

      Hi Danny,
      Thanks for the feedback. As you can imagine there are a ton of holster companies out there. We haven’t been able to review all of them or even a good majority of them. What it boils down, at least on my end are time and economics. Getting holsters from each company is expensive, and spending a good month or longer evaluating the product takes time. Additionally, like I said there are so many companies that it is hard to include everyone’s favorite. I try to evaluate holsters of different materials and different methods of carrying to get a good cross-section of holsters reviewed. I try and choose some big companies, as well as smaller companies. Also not all the holsters evaluated make it on the list, so there is a lot of testing that doesn’t even make it to the list.

      I have heard a lot of great things about Vedder holsters and perhaps I will be able to get my hands on one soon and write up a review.

      Again thanks a lot for the feedback and I do consider it when looking for future products to review. Stay safe.

  26. JULIUS on December 8, 2017 at 8:59 am


  27. Roland Schama on December 29, 2017 at 10:18 am

    Ha! I have more than a few of some listed here. Like many I have a box full of various holster styles as well as for different model pistols. sigh. Gets expensive…

    I have been using my Urban Carry II a lot lately. I like the Alien Gear too but find the Urban Carry better for deep conceal for weekdays on the job. The Urban Carry also never points at your flesh! When you sit it rides your thigh.

    Bought a Brave Response for my girlfriend and myself but have not had a chance to really try it out for long periods of time. I like the fact multiple gun brands and sizes will fit (as does the Urban Carry II and other pouch style holsters).

    Crossbreed is a bit bulky. Also cannot change shells like the Alien Gear.
    Smart Carry kind of gets in the way since it is crotch carry.
    Do not care for the N82 because of the way it locks and you have to twist to draw.

  28. JOHN on December 31, 2017 at 12:28 pm

    Why no Versacarry. That was by far the most comfortable carry I ever had. I had one for my Glock 26, and XDS 45, and just ordered the Pro for my Kimber.

  29. Jerry on January 1, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    I’m surprised that Comp-Tac holsters are not included in the list. Comp-Tac has quality holsters that have been popular for several years.

    • Joshua Gillem on January 2, 2018 at 9:12 pm

      Hey Jerry,

      Thanks for the comment. We will keep Comp-Tac holsters in mind for the next batch of holster reviews. There are literally tons of different holster manufacturers out there and it’s nearly impossible for us to get to all of them. We try our best, but some undoubtedly fall through the cracks. Thanks for the heads up on this, and we’ll see if we can get one. Please understand that it’d be irresponsible for us to recommend a product that we’ve never tried before.

      Thanks again,


  30. Bruce Buschkoetter on May 30, 2018 at 1:35 pm

    Stealthgear IWB Mini…
    Best fitting, coolest, 24 hrs. Carry.
    Pricey, but u only need 1.

  31. John Tilo on September 22, 2018 at 5:06 am

    I don’t AIWB, but one thing that I’ve noticed trying out the ShapeShift AIWB is that it is missing a wing. I think that is one thing AG can improve on that product as competitive products are coming standard or a cheap addition. CHeck this link for leather holster

  32. Jeffc on December 28, 2018 at 11:08 pm

    I ordered a newer 4way concealment holster by 1791 holsters I own several alien gear and other kydexbut the 1791 leather holsters are great and very comfortable and the open top 4 way is like having several holsters in 1 they also have multiple colors and variations and are very affordable. I know different strokes for everybody but once I tried the leather holsters I’m hooked give them a look you might be pleasantly surprised.

  33. Neldon in Texas on February 4, 2019 at 10:42 am

    Just found your list and I was very surprised it did not include any BlackHawk holsters. I have tried several brands and varieties, but for my preferences, none compare to the utility and price of the BlackHawk SERPA CQC level 2 series holsters.

    Five adjustable cants, three ride heights, and a choice of belt slide or paddle. You can configure it to carry cross-draw, appendix, hip, or back and is available left or right handed. All for $35-$40 over the counter, $50.95 MSRP, about half the cost of an Alien gear setup.

    I have them for my Shields, Glocks, and SD40VEs. Especially like how their “AUTO-LOCK” holds the gun so securely, almost impossible for someone to steal, and places your trigger finger in the perfect position to draw quickly and safely.

    No, I am not a shill for Blackhawk, I have simply found the holster I think is head and shoulders above the rest.

    • Nolan Raborn on February 21, 2019 at 6:01 pm

      I agree with Neldon. I have one for my Glock 19 and 3 others for 3 different 1911 sizes. Best I have found and I pack one every day.

    • Shorty on July 6, 2019 at 5:29 am

      THe reason you’re surprised is because you don’t know what every professional already knows: Serpa holsters are flat out dangerous to use.
      Go read articles or watch videos from any professional instructor. They are terrible and a danger to the user. Thats also the reason most halfway decent concealed carry sites never recommend them.

  34. Nolan Raborn on February 21, 2019 at 5:55 pm

    Why is the Blackhawk not mentioned? I have one for my Glock 19 and for my Ruger 1911 and I wear one or the other all day every day.

  35. Alan R Smith on February 21, 2019 at 9:19 pm

    Guess ‘m just old fashion but my favorite concealed carry holster is still the Bianchi model 100 inside the waist band its under 40.00 very comfortable high quality leather with great pistol fit and retention

  36. Kelley on June 29, 2019 at 5:11 am

    This list is really good. I liked it. I also bought a custom printed gun holster from We the people holsters and I just loved it. You can check their collection as well.

    • MP RIOS on January 10, 2020 at 2:47 pm

      I just purchased TWO “We The People Holsters” for my S&W 360 PD. IWB and OWB. I love them both! GREAT prices!!!

  37. Shorty on July 6, 2019 at 5:18 am

    Next time you publish an article on holsters you should consult with range instructors. Most of them dislike hybrid holsters and they despise belly bands and soft leather.

  38. Greg Chamberlain on September 14, 2019 at 6:44 am

    I cant believe that Dara Holsters and Harry Holsters didn’t make this list since they both put out product that fair surpass some of the one you claim a the TOP 21

    Oh well, just goes to show that TOP what ever list can be flawed, as there are plenty top of the line holster companies that aren’t even mentioned. Mostly, it seems because you didn’t bother to do enough research on what is in the market.

    • Joshua Gillem on September 16, 2019 at 7:25 am

      Hey Greg, thanks for the comment. There are a couple things going on here. First and foremost, we have decided as a company to not recommend any products based on research. We will only recommend products based on actual time spent with said product. I know that I have personally not had any time with a Dara or a Harry holster and I will NOT tell people to buy a product I’ve never used. I believe that is irresponsible.

      We do the best we can, but also keep in mind that articles like this are simply our opinion based on holsters that we’ve actually tested.

      Also, there are hundreds of holster companies out there and we’d go broke trying to get to them all.

      Thanks again for the comment.


  39. Gregory A Hendrick on September 17, 2019 at 7:47 am

    Black arch for all pistols top quality very comfortable great to draw from

  40. Steve on July 4, 2020 at 2:52 pm

    I have an Urban Carry Gen3 for when I carry shirt tucked in, and their Lock-N-Leather IWB when I carry with an untucked shirt. I only wish the IWB had some softer material on the skin side for during the hot summer months where it tends to rub. I wear a girdle during thre summer months to deal with the rub / chafe. During cooler months you can wear an undershirt to keep rub from happening.

  41. bob onit on April 1, 2021 at 1:45 am

    Can’t put them all there ,but I’m kinda partial to a Vedder tuck lite . Always nice to see a comparable pile of them , nobody is doing it anymore it seems . Which is sad because there are so many new advancements . Be waiting for the next twenty-seven

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