Episode 164: Holster Problems and What to Look for in a Good One

Topic: Holster Problems and What to Look for in a Good One

We often talk about the importance of well-maintained, excellently-designed, effective handguns. BUT don't forget that the holster is probably your second most important piece of kit. It, too, needs to be well thought-out, well-designed, and allows you to draw the firearm quickly, safely, and put shots quickly on target. Today's episode tackles some of the problems we often see in holsters and what can be done to make them better and also what you should look for to pick the best quality holster for you and your needs. Press ‘PLAY' to listen now!

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  • Guardian Nation. Looking for more training and better gear? Join Guardian Nation to be part of the fastest growing tribe of self-defense shooters nationwide. Members receive access to the ConcealedCarry.com Shooter Skill Library, Guardian Nation Live broadcasts and past recordings, as well as 10% off everything sold at concealedcarry.com. Also members receive a box of shooting gear 4 times a year which is worth at least the value of the membership. Join now and get your “dues” returned to you in gear every three months. Learn more and get started at www.guardiannation.com
  • Pig Lube. Pig Lube makes fantastic gun lubricants using nano-particle sized “ball bearings” that REALLY WORKS. Also the new PLC Gun Cleaning Solvent is effective and really nice to work with! Check it out at: ConcealedCarry.com/piglube
  • Quick Draw. Quick Draw is designed specifically for holsters and works wonders on holsters of all types. Use it to clean, condition and lightly lubricate your holsters so they perform at their best when you need them to!

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About Riley Bowman

Riley Bowman is the Director of Training at ConcealedCarry.com and the Host of the Concealed Carry Podcast. He came up in this world initially through his 8-year experience with a state-level law enforcement agency in Colorado. Riley has trained extensively under instructors such as: Rob Leatham, Mike Seeklander, Tim Herron, Scott Jedlinski, Matt Little, Kyle Lamb, Dave Spaulding, Jeff Gonzales, Bill Blowers, Chuck Pressburg, and others, amassing many hundreds of hours of formal shooting and tactics training. He is an NRA Pistol Instructor, a Colorado P.O.S.T. Handgun and Patrol Rifle Instructor, a graduate of Trident Concepts Concealed Carry Instructor course, and a Modern Samurai Project Endorsed Instructor. He also competes in USPSA and 3-gun competitions including numerous top-10 finishes at major matches and championships. He is the current USPSA Carry Optics Colorado State Champion and most recently won 3rd place in Master Class at the 2022 USPSA Carry Optics National Championship.


  1. Bill Johnson on October 17, 2017 at 11:02 am

    Why talk about a subject w/o showing anything.

    • Riley Bowman on October 17, 2017 at 11:40 am

      Hi Bill, thanks for listening!

      We talk twice per week on the Concealed Carry Podcast without showing anything. It’s just a different medium from written articles and videos to communicate with people. Many thousands of listeners to the podcast enjoy listening because they are able to learn and educate themselves about concealed carry related topics at times when reading or viewing would be difficult or otherwise impossible. Oftentimes this may be while driving, working or commuting to/from work similar to a talk radio show.

      We have much other great content throughout this site that contains images and short videos as well.

      I hope you enjoy!


  2. Mary Ann on April 19, 2018 at 10:05 am

    I live in a rural area and rely on satellite for internet access. It is extremely expensive so I can rarely watch podcasts, etc.
    Do you provide text transcripts? Thnx!

    • Riley on April 19, 2018 at 10:39 am

      Mary Ann,

      I’m sorry, but currently we do not publish transcripts. It is too expensive to do at the present time. At a minimum it would cost us a few hundred dollars per week. The best thing to recommend would be for you to do your best to LISTEN to the podcast episodes. They are audio only and are not that large of files to download.


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