Shooter Ready Challenge, October 2021
October 2021 Shooter Ready Challenge
We've been publishing dry fire training and challenge videos since October 2019 to help the average gun carrier take their skills to the next level. This series of videos is called “Shooter Ready Challenge,” and it's entirely free to watch and take advantage of.
And, you get to learn new skills from the host of the Concealed Carry Podcast, Riley Bowman.
We published the August video this week.
This time, the SRC video is all about “throttle control.” In other words, how to use the acceptable sight alignment and picture based on the size of the target, distance, time available, and level of precision required for that specific shot.
Competitive shooters and those focused more on self-defense use of the handgun need to develop a repeatable, consistent draw stroke. If you think about it, the draw is the beginning of bringing the gun to the fight. Therefore, we also suggest this Draw Like A Pro online course.
Check out Riley's pointers on how you can obtain a more consistent one-hand draw stroke on our Shooter Ready Challenge Page. What's cool about that page is that all of the other past challenge videos dating from October 2019 until last month are also available for free.
As a side benefit to participating in upping your proficiency as a shooter, everyone who participates is entered to win a special prize from us. There's no telling what this month's prize is, but we've given away some really cool things, ranging from hearing protection to ammo.
This month's Winner of the drawing is Jon from Pennsylvania. He won a LaserDot Trainer from ReadyUpGear. The LaserDot Cartridge is a fantastic tool to add to your dryfire training regime.
And if you weren't sure, dry fire training is one of the best ways you can increase your odds of winning a gunfight, is totally safe as long as you do it with an empty gun, and is something that all of the pro-shooters recommend you do.
Have you ever participated in the SRC challenge? Let me know in the comments below.