Posts Tagged ‘new orleans’
S6E9: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Man Shot the Wrong Shoplifter
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster share the latest JUSTIFIED SAVES (Defensive Gun Uses) including the successes and the failures. Today we have plenty to discuss as we break down multiple events including carjackings, attempted robberies, home invasions, and more. Plus we discuss the case out of Washington State where one man, attempting to do the “right thing” was mistaken about a situation and ended up arrested for trying to stop the wrong man and shooting him!
Read MoreEpisode 167: Mass Shootings Not Rising Study Says
A recent study from the University of Illinois shows that even with Las Vegas and Orlando fresh in our minds, mass shootings are not in fact increasing in terms of frequency. We found this study to be quite interesting as well as today’s other fascinating news out of Australia as we look at the results of a national amnesty gun confiscation program that yielded far less than we’re sure they hoped for. Also FIVE great JUSTIFIED stories from which we can all learn from.
Read MoreEpisode 137: Man Sits on Cocked Gun, Shoots Self in Genitals
Riley and Matthew talk about the latest in national and state legislative issues including one Oregon law that just passed through the state house heading for the governor’s desk that WILL result in the confiscation of guns without due process!! Meanwhile on a more positive front, new legislation is introduced that goes even further than the Hearing Protection Act that would completely deregulate silencers in the federal law–the SHUSH Act looks very promising as far as legislation is concerned, but does it stand a chance in the U.S. House and Senate? Finally, don’t miss the crazy story where one man gets shot in the “crown jewels” when he sits down on his loaded gun!
Read MoreEpisode 105: Forced to Buy Gun Liability Insurance by the Government?
Our last news episode had a bunch of stories covering proposed pro-gun rights legislation. But this week we highlight a couple of laws that if passed would restrict gun rights more. At least there’s some good news coming out of North Carolina. Also what NOT to do if you don’t want to lose your CCW permit. Tune in now…
Read MoreEpisode 99: Woman Stops Carjacker With Her Gun
Today’s news stories include some reciprocity changes, another state that is added to the Constitutional Carry movement, a federal court ruling that hurts the Second Amendment in terms of modern sporting rifles, and a whole slew of JUSTIFIED stories that you won’t wanna miss!!
Read MoreEpisode 71: What One Judge Did That’s Costing Him Dearly Now
Apparently Maine has more residents interested in stopping gun control legislation than voting for the president, gun sales may be slipping now that Donald Trump is President-elect, and what one judge did with a gun that has him in hot water now. The guys discuss this plus FOUR amazing justified self-defense stories. Listen in now…
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