Mobile App Released for USA Gun Owners

Who would have thought releasing a gun related app for smartphones would be so difficult and expensive? Over a year ago we started developing our mobile app with a few key objectives in mind. We wanted to create a powerful, “one stop” resource for American Gun Owners at no cost and free of advertising. After doing some battle with the various App Stores we finally got it approved.

>>Click here to download the app (Or search “USA Firearm Training” from your phone)

Screenshot_2015-10-05-14-00-30What can you expect?
-The only app that will allow you to build your own permit reciprocity map on the go to include multiple permits you have.
-Access to search our directory of over 75,000 gun ranges, stores, instructors, and gunsmiths near you
-Quick and mobile access to your training logs and dashboard
-Mobile access to any courses or downloadable products you have purchased from us
-Mobile access to our Gun Owner Forums

Plus access to our recent articles, deals, and more.

Now, despite all the time and effort we put into this we know there is still a lot of room for improvement. Can you help us?

We are asking you to download the app and send us an email with feedback. What could make it better?

Also if you feel inclined we would appreciate your positive review in the app store or in Google Play.

>>Click here to download the app (Or search “USA Firearm Training” from your phone)

Look for this icon: paulsenTraining_logo_96x96

Thank you and I look forward to your feedback. You can send us ideas directly from the app using the contact form or via our contact page here.


About Jacob Paulsen

Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of For over 20 years Jacob has been involved as a professional in the firearm industry. He values his time as a student as much as his experience as an instructor with a goal to obtain over 40 hours a year of formal instruction. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor & Range Safety Officer, Guardian Pistol instructor and training counselor, Stop The Bleed instructor, Affiliate instructor for Next Level Training, Graduate and certified instructor for The Law of Self Defense, TCCC Certified, and has been a Glock and Sig Sauer Certified Armorer. Jacob is also the creator of The Annual Guardian Conference which is a 3-day defensive handgun training conference.

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