Negligent Shooting in Walmart Injures 4 — shooter Arrested

A recent incident in Clayton County, Georgia, provides us with another example of the potential ramifications of irresponsible gun handling. I feel incidents like these should be an example for those who don't practice safe gun handling, but a reminder to all gun owners. So here is the synopsis of the incident.

Neglegent Shooting in Georgia Walmart —

On August 21st, around 12:20 pm, a 29-year-old man called Michael Dalton shopped at the Walmart on Tara Boulevard. While in the grocery section, Walton's loaded handgun, which he had tucked in his pants, “slipped from his waistband.” When Walton grabbed the gun, he unintentionally pulled the trigger and fired a single round into the floor.

The single shot injured Walton, and the ricochetted injured three others standing nearby. Police reported all injuries were not life-threatening and that:

One of the victims also got hit in the leg. The other one got hit in the back of the leg and the other one got some bruising. All of them were towards the lower portions of the bodies.

Takeaways —

I'm sure to most, Walton's error of not using a proper holster, or any holster for that matter, is obvious. Between written content, our podcasts, and training courses, we've conveyed the importance of not just safety and responsibility in general, but the importance of using a proper holster. We've gone to great detail to explain what attributes make up a ‘proper holster‘ in writing and here in this podcast episode.

4 rules for holsters

Resources —

Choosing a proper holster and deciding on a carry position can be a difficult process. We've put together a comprehensive course called Holsters Concealment and Carry Positions that addresses these topics and includes considerations specific to women. The online course is available now, and beneficial to new carriers as well as those who have carried a handgun for years.

Finally, it isn't enough just to have a holster, but a proper holster. Below is a list of links to news stories of instances where the holster or lack thereof played a part in the outcome. Stay safe!


About Matthew Maruster

I follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the eternal co-equal Son of God. I currently live in Columbus, Ohio with my wife and daughter. I served in the Marine Corps Infantry. I was a Staff Sergeant and served as a Platoon Sergeant during combat in Iraq. After I was a police officer at a municipal agency in San Diego County. I have a Bachelors's Degree in Criminal Justice from National University. MJ Maruster Defense.

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