Episode 429: Protecting You & Your Property

Today, Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss the recent events in St. Louis, Missouri where a couple stood outside their home armed with pistol and rifle to apparently protect themselves and their home from a mob of people that stormed their private community in an attempt to reach and protest outside the mayor’s home. There are MANY lessons to be learned from this incident, and that is our goal today…to make each of ourselves better, smarter, and prepared for our worst day should it come.

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Episode 181: 5 Stories Where “Victims” Refused to be Victims

This last week has been a busy one! The U.S. House passed H.R. 38 packaged together with the Fix NICS bill. One Hawaiian police department says they will not enforce the law where it comes to confiscating firearms from or charging owners that also use marijuana. One college cancels a speech by a 2nd Amendment activist deeming it as being “too controversial.” And we have 5 JUSTIFIED stories d that you just gotta hear including the one where a female bystander saves the life of a cop by intervening with her own legally carried concealed handgun!

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Episode 117: 2017 NRA Show Recap & Highlights

We just returned from the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits held in Atlanta, Georgia. This years show was filled with tons of new product announcements and releases. We connected with a bunch of really great people. Today Riley and Cincinnati-based instructor, Rob Beckman, talk about the highlights from the show and which companies and products wowed them the most. There were some surprises along the way…oh, and we do make a little time to talk about a couple of interesting news stories plus one new JUSTIFIED story that teaches an important lesson. Listen in now!

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