Posts Tagged ‘children’
The Best Age To Teach Kids About Guns
A common question I receive from students is “At what age should you teach your children about guns?” For me, the question is flawed because it infers there is some…
Read MoreWhen To Talk To Your Kids About Firearm Safety
As far as the range, and teaching her to shoot, I will address that when and if she shows interest, at a much older age and maturity level, of course. But for now, the seeds of firearms safety have been planted
Read MoreThe Strength Of The Concealed Carry Family
An off duty deputy is attacked outside his vehicle while at a gas station. His wife is in the vehicle, and is able to fire shots at the suspects. The suspects do not expect to be shot at and flee, only after braking the deputies jaw during the assault.
Read MoreEpisode 359: Optics, Kids & Guns with James Yeager
Today, Riley shares the interview he did with James Yeager while sitting down together at the Lucid Optics 2019 Ballistics Summit at the NRA Whittington Center. We had a great time discussing pistol optics, getting kids started with proper firearms education, and whatever else the conversation led us to.
Read MoreEpisode 286: ULTIMATE Concealed Carry Beginner’s Guide Part 4
Today Riley and Matthew bring to you the fourth installment in the ULTIMATE Concealed Carry Beginner’s Guide on the podcast! We talk about Dryfire, Mindset, Finding Your “Why”, Printing, Support Hand Contact and Gripping More Firmly, Playing With Children While Carrying, Pepper Spray and Other Less-Lethal Options, and MORE! Enjoy!
Read MoreEpisode 284: Not Your Home? Changing Protocol For Visitors and When Traveling
Today Riley is MIA (Missing in Action), so Jacob and Matthew decided to play while he was away by recording this episode about hosting visitors at your home or being hosted by someone else and how to handle the intricacies of those situations while being a good concealed carrier. Enjoy!
Read MoreNRA’s Eddie Eagle Educates Over 31 Million Children On Gun Safety
The National Rifle Association is, as most organizations are, not perfect. They have their faults and I’d be the first to admit that some of the things that they get…
Read MoreIdiotic Anti-Gun Headline: Should We Let Children Play With Toy Guns?
While perusing the World Wide Web as I usually do, looking for things to write about, I came upon a gem of an article on Vogue’s website that makes me…
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