Suicide Prevention and the Responsible Gun Owner
There is a significant possibility that you have directly been affected by the suicide of a loved one or close friend; I know I have.
Perhaps you suffer from depression or have a family member that does.
Addressing these complex issues alone is challenging enough. What about when we throw gun ownership into the mix?
Strengths and Weaknesses:
As a “gun community,” we do a great job explaining why more gun control will not stop mass shootings. We also can describe how “gun-free zones” make people vulnerable.
However, I feel we generally do a poor job of talking with others or gun owners about mental health issues and suicide, and firearm ownership. So I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to present some sobering numbers.
Suicide Rates:
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) gathered the following information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Data & Statistics Fatal Injury Report for 2016. The suicide rates listed are Age-Adjusted Rates.
There are around 45,000 lives lost to suicide each year in the United States alone. That is more than the entire city of Palm Springs, California. So how do guns factor into suicides? Well, they account for about 51% (about 22,000) of all completed suicides.
The following method accounts for 26% (around 11,500) of suicides, and that is suffocation.
Not only are firearms the preferred suicide method, but many mass shooters also have a mental illness. Quite often, their act of murder is just a precursor to their ultimate goal of suicide.
It is a Complex Issue:
Of course, no single indicator identifies someone who will commit suicide or go on a murdering rampage. But there are things we all can do that could potentially send these numbers in a downward trend.
At-Risk Groups:
First, if we make ourselves aware of the risk factors that many who commit suicide are affected by, we can safeguard when we see issues first appear. There seems to be a correlation between ethnicity and gender and suicide. For example, white males accounted for 7 of 10 completed suicides, with middle-aged white males being the most at-risk.
The suicide rate among American Indians and whites is relatively similar. However, after declining in 2008-2012, the rate turned upwards. The suicide rate of Asain/Pacific Islanders and black groups remains consistently low.
Suicide rates of military veterans and first responders are much higher than that of the rest of the population. In this in-depth study by the Department of Veterans Affairs, suicide rates and factors of veterans from 1979-2014 were studied. The data suggest that mental health illness combined with substance abuse was the driving factor in suicide.
Bi-Polar disorder was the mental health condition that seemed to cause the veteran to be most at risk. And first responders often take their own lives due to the continual exposure to stressful incidents and an unhealthy lifestyle due to years of shift work.
We need to be careful to stay away from flagging anyone as a suicide risk simply because of their gender, race, or because they have a specific occupation. Instead, we should use the data to identify when our peers, especially those in these groups, show signs of depression or emotional problems.
Secure Firearms, be Responsible:
A second way to help is to ensure you do your part to secure your firearms whenever there is a chance that someone who suffers from mental health or a substance abuse addiction could potentially have access to them. Having a family member with mental health issues doesn’t mean you can’t own firearms, but it should put you on heightened alert to safeguard your guns.
Sure, there is a way to break into any safe if there is the will. But studies have shown that delaying the ability to obtain the firearm, even if it is just for 30 min, can cut the follow-through rate of suicide drastically. In other words, the longer it takes to break into the safe, the less likely they are to complete the act.
Support Organizations:
Finally, you can support organizations that focus on suicide prevention and those aiming to give vets who have PTSD the ability to find purpose again.
The NSSF has a program for retailers aiming to help educate firearms owners to identify and prevent suicide. In addition, a program called Walk the Talk America is a collaboration of industry professionals identifying ways to curb the suicide problem related to firearm ownership. I recently became aware of another non-profit called Hold My Guns, which provides gun owners with a safe, legal storage option for their guns, when they are going through a crisis.
And Rick Cicero put together the organization, Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA), which helps wounded combat veterans find an alternative to pain medication and isolation by getting them out to the range and around others overcoming similar issues.
These are just a few organizations, but you likely have local organizations or mental health programs through your employer to access if you are having issues yourself.
Be responsible, know yourself, and stay engaged in the lives of those around you. Help others at all costs and seek out help if you need it. Trust me; I know the difficulty of admitting you may need help. And the stigma that comes along with seeking out that help. But the alternative is not an option.
God bless.
If you know any other organizations that help, please feel free to drop them in the comments below.
Great article and hit home for me as we recently lost a good friend. Sadly he had many issues going on in his life as in his line of work he had a tendency to over indulge in alcohol. Then his doctor prescribed anti-depressants and that combination we believe tipped the scales in the wrong direction.
He had tons of support and friends and family and as expected everyone while knowing his issues were all shocked at the news. In turn everyone wondered what we could have done to help. It’s been a sad few weeks.
I’m sorry for your loss Dave. Suicide is such a difficult thing to understand. Especially for the ones closest to the person. Praying for healing for you all.
My wife is a new PhD in nursing and focused on suicide survivorship experiences of friends, family and loved ones. It is such an incredible and vital subject for our society to learn more about, to understand, to help prevent and to help people live beyond the event. I appreciate these articles and share them with my wife every time I see them. The gun community is amazing, keep up the great job, sir. Thank you.
Thank you Lance. I am very grateful that the content we put out is beneficial and thoughtful. I am also thankful for folks like your wife who take on a tough issue like this. It isn’t easy and isn’t for everyone.