SIG Sauer P365XL


*Updated July 8th, 2019*

It's official, Sig Sauer just sent out a press release announcing that their much anticipated 365XL is available for purchase in stores. You can find more about them on SIG's website or you may be able to find them for purchase at Brownells.

This is a highly anticipated release from SIG, who continually thinks outside the box to bring customers exactly what they want. I know many of us carry a P365 for everyday carry, and I have formally requested a 365XL to review from SIG Sauer. I'll keep you posted on when/if I get it and will post a review, here.

Tom Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, Commercial Sales had this to say in the press release:

When the P365 was introduced it hit the market by storm, and was a game-changer when it comes to Everyday Carry, by delivering unprecedented capacity in a micro-compact size. The P365 instantaneously became the top-selling pistol, and one of the most award-winning pistols in history. With the P365 XL we have once again redefined Everyday Carry by delivering 12+1 capacity, or 15+1 capacity, in a highly concealable, compact profile while bringing many of the XSERIES features to the P365 that are extremely popular and sought after by consumers.

I also suspect that holster support for this gun will be fantastic, if the original 365 was any indicator. Stay tuned.

*Original article — May 22, 2019*

The internet is abuzz this week just after the USCCA's Concealed Carry Expo with the announcement of SIG Sauer's newest family member, the P365XL. Sig's newest pistol is based on their ever in demand P365, but with a few key upgrades.

The XL is a bigger version of the micro compact 9mm pistol, with a 3.7 inch barrel and a grip extended out to accept 12 round mags (and hopefully bigger) from the factory.

Other cha cha cha changes (you know you sang that) include the addition of a removable rear sight plate to install an optic, a flat trigger, and an extended beaver tail.

It looks like the overall width was also slightly increased from 1.0″ (26mm) on the P365 to 1.1″ (28mm) on the P365XL, which may be because of the optics ready nature of this pistol.

Here are some more stats on this X-Series pistol:

We don't have an MSRP just yet, but are going to assume that it will cost at least a little more than the current P365 offerings. Heck, as of this writing the SIG Sauer website doesn't even show this option, though we are expecting that it will start shipping sometime next month.

One thing I'm wondering about, is the magazine. I'm curious if there will be an extended version of the mag for this gun, like a 14 or 15 rounder, that may also work in the original P365. If there is modularity there, that can only be seen as a win. Then again, it is slightly wider, so they may or may not be interchangeable. We'll follow it.

Make sure you stay tuned because I'm sure one of us will be getting a P365XL to do a review on, to see if it is worthy as a concealed carry piece. You can find Riley's original P365 review, here, if you're interested to see what he thinks about it. It's very long, and very in depth–but an excellent read.

About Joshua Gillem

Josh is a lifelong practitioner and student of the gun. He grew up shooting/hunting with his dad, and was given his first gun, a 12 gauge shotgun, when just a small boy. After high school, he joined the Marines where his love for firearms blossomed as he qualified with an M16A2, an M9, and a 240G. Josh has been writing about firearms and tactics for several years, owns the blog Gunners Den, is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, and believes that each individual person has the right to self-defense by any means necessary. Currently residing in gun-friendly NC, he carries a concealed gun on a daily basis, even in his own house.


  1. John Huskey on May 28, 2019 at 9:34 am

    I just bought the P365 and i’m waiting on delivery.
    Now Look! I got to have the XL,
    So there goes another grand.
    Only because you got to have all of the new accessories.
    By the way Sig’s web site just announced a 15 round Magizine avaliable now $49.00.

    John Huskey

    • Riley Bowman on June 6, 2019 at 12:05 am

      I just got my 15-round mag today to try. It is almost obnoxiously long, but there’s something quite satisfying about having 16 rounds in such a little gun. Sure, it’s likely not to be concealed with the longer mag, but I think it will be great as a backup spare magazine!

  2. P Baker on May 28, 2019 at 9:48 am

    Just got the email from Sig that th P365 15rd mag is coming

    • Joshua Gillem on May 28, 2019 at 9:51 am

      Yes, it is listed on their website.



  3. MB on May 28, 2019 at 9:31 pm

    Have P365, pretty please with it. I see no need for a longer, deeper, heavier version. Just buy a P2022 if you feel the need for a Sig in poly with more rounds….

    • Riley Bowman on June 6, 2019 at 12:04 am

      Or the P320 Compact.

      But I am actually excited about the idea of a P365 with a longer barrel. That was always a disappointment for me with the original P365 was the very short barrel. My plan is to get the XL model and swap out the grip module with the standard P365 grip module.

      Same great concealable compactness of the P365 in the grip area, longer barrel of the P365 XL will improve shootability and accuracy with the longer sight radius. The longer barrel will not impact concealability, and since I carry in the appendix position anyway, the longer length will actually aid in comfort and concealability.

      • Joey Hoskison on June 27, 2019 at 10:13 am

        Sounds like a great idea Riley, but with the XL being 0.1 wider do you think it will be able to swap? I agree the XL slide w/RDS on the original frame would be ideal for me!

        • Davis on July 9, 2019 at 8:06 pm

          It has already been confirmed that the uppers are swappable. Saw it on video this week.

      • ray on July 17, 2019 at 4:49 pm

        I have the new xl and own a 320 carry the 320 carry is huge and a range or truck or rv gun now the xl is comparable to my kahr p9 which is not a cheap kahr the xl has a stiff trigger so far it will ease up I’m sure the pistol did not group well with some ammo but had some sig elite for the 320 and it grouped very well some bullseye and some holes touching hope this helps mine was 575.00 this is for the guy who is thinking about 320 compact

  4. ray on July 17, 2019 at 4:39 pm

    I have the new 365xl its a nice weapon but really need holster options now I hate and have no need for IWB holster right now I found my kahr p9 holster is a perfect match its a black suede paddle by galco, it also did not group well with privi partisan jhp ammo but reloaded with some sig elite I been using a lot and bullseye and some holes touching, I had traded my 938 extreme before purchase after carrying it for a full year the kahr p9 just plain outshot it and handled better but at 7 rounds I will try xl it handles great groups well with a full grip to help

    • Joshua Gillem on July 22, 2019 at 12:09 pm

      Hey Ray, there is not a lot of holster support just yet, but there are a few and it will get better. Clinger comes to mind, and I believe their No Print Wonder converts to OWB with optional clips. I have a couple and they work great for IWB, but have not tried OWB yet.

  5. Rod Combs on October 10, 2019 at 11:17 am

    I just bought a Neptune OWB holster. It is great quality and weapon fits well. I bought on Amazon but you could call and order. Price &64.99

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