Directories for Gun Businesses – Where to List Your Business For Free

Early in 2015 we launched our own Gun Related Business directory. Our directory is a place where anyone can search for a range, shop, gunsmith, or firearm instructor near you. Thousands of gun related businesses have added themselves to our directory and that helps Americans that are looking for those services. That said, I decided that in the best interest of these business owners I would give them some direction today on where else they can list their business to help drive more customers.

Reasons Why You Want to Create A Listing For Your Gun Business

Direct Traffic and Benefit: Some of the sites below have a lot of built in traffic. If someone visits one of these sites and is looking for a gun business like yours you would want to appear in the search results.

Indirect Search Benefit: Google and other search engines are likely to find your primary website more credible if you have links to your website coming from websites like these national directories. This credibility can help you rank higher in local searches for your gun business.

Brand Association: Associating your brand with these directories can also be greatly valuable and make you appear more credible. Add a badge on your site that says “As seen on ____” and put the logo for these directories.

Below this image are a few disclaimers and further points of clarification but I'll quickly add here that the LOWER the Alexa ranking the MORE traffic that site gets.

Defining the Terms Above:

  • Free Listing Option: Does this directory allow a gun business to be included at some level or degree without paying anything?
  • Most Expensive Option: If the directory offers paid/upgraded listings what does the most expensive level/membership cost?
  • Alexa USA Traffic Ranking: Knowing how much web traffic each of these sites gets is a little difficult. Unless the owners were willing to share their actual site analytics (and you might imagine most wouldn't) we really don't exactly know. However Alexa is a 3rd party trusted ranking organization/website that uses the same criteria to rank all websites on the web. While it may not be a perfect estimation it is the most fair tool with which we can compare sites. The USA Traffic Ranking is a ranking of how popular that website is in the United States. Google has an Alexa ranking of 1. Facebook's Alexa rating is 2. So the lower the number the more popular that website is in the USA. It is by this criteria that we have sorted/ranked this list. Please note these numbers change daily so these are as of Dec 19th, 2017. For those that show “Not Ranked” they don't get enough traffic to be measured by Alexa.
  • Link to Website Included?: Turns out that every directory we found does allow the business owner to include a link back to their website in their listing.
  • Is Link Encoded?: Online marketers know that a link back to their website is valuable when people click on it but it is also valuable because search engines like Google will see that other sites are linking back to your site. However, it is common practice for directories to encode the link they provide you so that users can click through to your site but search engines like Google will not give you “credit” for that link. Thus a link that is encoded is not as good as a link that is not.
  • Business Categories: A few of these directories are focused on a specific firearm related category and we thought that was worth mentioning.

A few questions I suspect I'll get:

Q: Wait Aren't These Your Competitors?
A: Yes, but I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't all be transparent about what is out there to help members of the firearm community. I'm not reviewing each of them because my own view is naturally very bias. Only presenting what I think are transparent facts.

Q: Jacob I know of a directory that you left out above. Can I submit it?
A: Yes, I did my best job at researching but if I left something out use our contact page to send me the details.

Q: So where should I get my listing?
A: Everywhere you can. Free is good so why not take advantage of it?

Q: How do I decide if it is worth paying more for the upgraded level listing?
A: Depending on how much a customer is worth to you… you need to decide how many new customers you would have to get to justify that annual expense. In most cases I suspect it would be worth it… but only you know what a customer is worth. The Alexa ranking… while not indicative of how many of your potential customers are looking for your business on that site; is directional at least in knowing how much traffic that site gets compared to the others listed here.

Q: What does Yes/No mean for USA Firearm Training for Encrypted Link?
A: USA Firearm Training shows both because the primary link in the listing is encoded but the website link in the “details” tab is not.

About Jacob Paulsen

Jacob S. Paulsen is the President of For over 20 years Jacob has been involved as a professional in the firearm industry. He values his time as a student as much as his experience as an instructor with a goal to obtain over 40 hours a year of formal instruction. Jacob is a NRA certified instructor & Range Safety Officer, Guardian Pistol instructor and training counselor, Stop The Bleed instructor, Affiliate instructor for Next Level Training, Graduate and certified instructor for The Law of Self Defense, TCCC Certified, and has been a Glock and Sig Sauer Certified Armorer. Jacob is also the creator of The Annual Guardian Conference which is a 3-day defensive handgun training conference.


  1. David on January 25, 2021 at 6:22 am

    1. The Assult weapons ban pertsins to U.S. A. Citizens are 3rd parties only too. Let’s wsrned the Gun mfgs DoMunfacture Semi assult Gumns Fire 40 Rounds oer minute too. Tell them to move out of the U.S.A. as soon aspossble too. To eurpeans Counties don*t have a Firearms mfgs too.Foe Example :south AficaNations don’t Mfg of Guns too.Do you agree Sir!orMam! We are triing to save there businesses too. If Joe Biden is a Gun Con troll on world couties too.He neans all of then too not the U.S.A.Too. He tried to push U.S.SR an Chinia OrIndia too. Complyed with l assult weapons ban too. the global small arms teatry too. He will sign it in the united Nations in New YorkCity in Nrw York State in the U.S.A. too. Is one world order i every country of he world of the World too. Thisis warning for all GunMfgs in the U.S.A. to leave the U.S.A. imeadly to survied too. You be safe in the Afferica Counties too don`t hace GunMfg to make Guns too. Look those counties too. I statr search for them too. This businese opertunty to gor those ForeighCounties too. Do you agree?Sir ?or,Mam?

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