Bonus Episode: Getting More People Involved in the Shooting Sports – Nephi Cole

In this special bonus episode, we play back the interview Riley and Jacob was able to do with Nephi Cole, Policy Advisor to Governor Matthew H. Mead of the State of Wyoming. They have been doing some amazing things to attract firearms business to their state and grow their economy. One initiative that is having a great impact on the growth of and perception of the Second Amendment in their state is by working to get people–adults and children alike–involved in the firearms community. They have established a simple, although not easy, shooting competition called the Wyoming Top 100. And last year was the inaugural Wyoming Governor’s Match, a 2-gun match that brought in shooters from across the country. 

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Episode 207: ‘Leave No Survivors’ – The Call for Attacks on Gun Owners

In this episode, Riley and Matthew talk about the latest news in the industry. Kalashnikov announces expansion of the tooling plant for the new Lebedev pistol. Plus we talk about the latest back-and-f0rth on gun control and pro-gun laws and bills. Plus 3 great news stories featuring JUSTIFIED SAVES that you’re not going to want to miss because there’s some great lessons learned.

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