Posts Tagged ‘Parkland’
Background Checks and Mass Shooters, How Did They Get Their Guns?
How Did Mass Shooters Get Their Guns? Moreover, Did They Pass Background Checks? We looked at 26 mass shootings for roughly 12 years between 2009 through 2021, in which we…
Read MoreEpisode 267: Is Your Neighbor a Threat??
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. With legislative updates, general interest stories and analysis of JUSTIFIED SAVE events, situations where regular citizens were forced to stop violent attacks, robberies and sexual assaults by using their own lawfully possessed and carried firearms. Today’s JUSTIFIED STORIES are no different especially in two cases where homeowners have to use their guns to stop violent attacks and even murder from their neighbors! What lessons can we learn from this and these other stories? Join in and listen!
Read MoreEpisode 205: What About the Lives That Are Saved by Guns?
Today we have more updates and coverage of the Parkland, Florida school shooting plus the fallout because of it including proposed gun control bills in Florida, and at the national level as well. Also, don’t miss out on our discussion about the lives that are SAVED because of guns being in the hands of law-abiding citizens as we share and talk about several JUSTIFIED DGU stories as well.
Read MoreEpisode 203: Study Shows Schools Safer Now Than in the 1990’s
Today Riley and Jacob talk about the latest news from across the gun and concealed carry industry. The NRA is taking the blame for the Parkland, FL shooting. It looks like Delta Airlines may be paying a HUGE price for this idiotic move. Mass shootings and school shootings may not be as bad as the media would have you believe. Also we cover an amazing report from a professor at Northeastern University that explains with substantiated facts that schools are actually safer now than they were back in the 1990’s. Listen in to find out how and don’t miss today’s JUSTIFIED stories that also support the pro-gun stance! Share this with all your friends and family!
Read MoreEpisode 201: Let’s Repeal the 2nd Amendment
Plus we cover some crazy news stories from around the industry. Gun rights and right to self-defense are UNDER ATTACK!
Plus we introduce a NEW SEGMENT in today’s show that I know you’re going to really love!!
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