Posts Tagged ‘Nashville’
S7E2: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Why Concealment is Important
Riley and Matthew share the latest JUSTIFIED SAVES including the successes and the failures. Events include carjackings, attempted robberies, home invasions, and more. Plus we discuss the case out of Tennessee where a store clerk being chased down by a threat has his hand forced when his gun becomes apparent to that attacker.
Read MoreBONUS Episode: Dude Fired 9 Shots to Stop a Home Intruder
This morning Riley interviews the man who was forced to defend himself in his apartment late one night in March 2016. A random criminal, a random apartment, but Nicholas Ring was ready to defend himself. We will hear the story firsthand, what went right, what went wrong, what could have been done better. And what has life been like for Nicholas in the aftermath?
Read MoreEpisode 219: Waffle House Shooting and More
Today Riley and Jacob are back at it for the first time on a news episode together in a while. TONS of great stories to share today coupled with our analysis will hopefully prepare you in your own personal Guardian journey. Stories about mass shooters being stopped by good guys; stories about JUSTIFIED SAVES that occurred this past week that always contain great lessons-learned; and unfortunately stories where the good guys lost recently as well including 2 cops in Florida. We honor them.
Read MoreWhat is Waffle House’s Gun Policy?
Following this Sunday morning’s shooting at a Nashville, Tennessee Waffle House many people are wondering if they will be able to defend themselves should another of these establishments be attacked. Well today we are going to take a look at Waffle House’s gun policy to see just how you are allowed to defend yourselves once entering their restaurants.
Read MoreEpisode 145: Walgreen’s Customer Stops Armed Robber Dead
Riley and Jacob cover the latest stories in the concealed carry and firearms industry world including some important legislative updates out of Washington D.C. where one New York congressman has proposed a law to protect the rights of citizens to purchase and possess many rifles and shotguns including AR-style semi-autos and their magazine and ammunition components. NY Governor Andrew Cuomo doesn’t like that much. Wisconsin Democrats don’t like the idea of gun safety being taught to high school students even if it is optional. Sig Sauer has some unwanted attention due to some possible issues with P320 pistols firing when dropped–Sig Sauer responds. And a Texas college professor wears body armor and helmet to class to protect himself from students that might want to harm him. Plus don’t miss this week’s incredible JUSTIFIED stories!!
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