Posts Tagged ‘louisiana’
Episode 413: JUSTIFIED SAVES – 15 Shots at In-N-Out Burger
Today, Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster share the latest JUSTIFIED SAVE news stories from around the country where everyday citizens stop deadly threats lawfully on a regular basis. You’re going to enjoy learning from today’s stories involving good guys stopping armed robberies on the street, grandmas shooting their daughters in self-defense, and motorsports tycoons defending themselves and their date while eating out at In-N-Out Burgers. Tune in!
Read MoreEpisode 367: Gun Companies Will Be Put Out of Business
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA about firearms and concealed carry related legislation, laws, gun control, etc. Today we’ll be talking about how gun companies may be at significant risk of being put out of business by lawsuits by victims and their families from crimes committed with those companies’ guns. Also, a couple of states are at a significant risk of severe gun control legislation in this upcoming 2020 session. We’ll tell you which ones to watch for. Join in and listen!
Read MoreEpisode 321: Legislative Updates – Trump’s New ATF Head Pick Pro-Gun?…or is he??
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. Today is our Legislative Updates Edition and we’re talking about some important stories from around the nation.
Read MoreEpisode 305: Passing Gun Control Without Actually Passing New Gun Laws
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. Today is our Legislative Updates Edition and we’re talking about some important stories including about how certain members of Congress are going after guns by attacking banks and the finance industry. Plus we introduce a new segment “2- Minute Warning” where we quickly highlight some important legislation from around the country.
Read MoreEpisode 299: JUSTIFIED SAVES – Police Officer Shot and Killed in Apparent Self-Defense
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA of JUSTIFIED SAVE events, situations where regular citizens were forced to stop violent attacks, robberies and sexual assaults by using their own lawfully possessed and carried firearms. Today’s JUSTIFIED STORIES are no different especially in one story where a one man was justified in shooting and killing an Idaho police officer, and we also share the tough lesson learned by one man who tried to confront car thieves.
Read MoreEpisode 233: Big Time Gun Control Coming to New Jersey
Today Riley and Jacob cover the latest in industry news, legislative updates, and share this week’s top JUSTIFIED SAVE stories from around America. Plus you won’t want to miss this week’s Case of the Week from attorney Andrew Branca of Law of Self-Defense where we learn what can potentially happen when your fired shots miss an attacker and strike innocent bystanders.
Read MoreEpisode 157: Full Auto Glock Conversion For Sale On Amazon?!
Riley and Jacob are back at it again discussing the most recent gun industry, gun rights and self-defense stories from across the U.S. Don’t miss today’s stories about illegal contraband for sale on Amazon, specifically Glock full-auto conversion kits. Although the listing is gone now, was this a setup from the ATF? We also talk about the exciting news of the SHARE Act, the latest suppressor deregulation bill, making it through committee and possibly heading for a votePlus 4 excellent JUSTIFIED stories that there’s a lot to learn from.
Read MoreEpisode 139: Wins and Losses in Self-Defense Shootings
Riley and Jacob cover a TON of stories in our most loaded news episode yet! More than half-a-dozen legislative updates and general interest stories, plus five–yes, FIVE–justified stories today! Don’t miss it!
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