Episode 377: John Tiegen – Kids, Tactical Games, Benghazi, and Helping Our Vets

Today is a special day…it’s Christmas Eve, and we have a special interview for you with John Tiegen, one of the heroes of Benghazi. Riley talks about getting kids started with shooting and guns, the Tactical Games, the events and controversies and the TRUTH about Benghazi, and we talk about the incredible work of The Tiegen Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping veterans and first responders dealing with stress-related suffering and pain. Merry Christmas!

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Episode 359: Optics, Kids & Guns with James Yeager

Today, Riley shares the interview he did with James Yeager while sitting down together at the Lucid Optics 2019 Ballistics Summit at the NRA Whittington Center. We had a great time discussing pistol optics, getting kids started with proper firearms education, and whatever else the conversation led us to.

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