Posts Tagged ‘Gallup’
Episode 461: The Death of the Pistol Brace?
Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen share the latest legislative news updates including stories about a case the SCOTUS has agreed to hear, how one man is in hot water for selling “wall hangers,” and what a future America might look like with a certain someone in the White House. Tune in!
Read MoreEpisode 267: Is Your Neighbor a Threat??
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. With legislative updates, general interest stories and analysis of JUSTIFIED SAVE events, situations where regular citizens were forced to stop violent attacks, robberies and sexual assaults by using their own lawfully possessed and carried firearms. Today’s JUSTIFIED STORIES are no different especially in two cases where homeowners have to use their guns to stop violent attacks and even murder from their neighbors! What lessons can we learn from this and these other stories? Join in and listen!
Read MoreEpisode 237: Child Finds Gun in Sofa at IKEA
Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest in industry news, legislative updates, and share this week’s top JUSTIFIED SAVE stories from around America. Plus you won’t want to miss this week’s Case of the Week from attorney Andrew Branca of Law of Self-Defense where we learn what happens when you take things too far in a self-defense case.
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