Episode 243: Homeowner Mistakenly Shot by Police After Shooting an Intruder

Today Riley and Jacob cover the latest in industry news, legislative updates, and this week’s top JUSTIFIED SAVE stories from around America. Today we will be talking about several important legislative updates that could impact you, and we’ll talk about two very unfortunate events in Colorado where people got shot that shouldn’t have. Plus a several valuable JUSTIFIED SAVE stories to that you won’t want to miss!!

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Episode 241: Man Killed Over a Parking Spot? Plus Other News…

Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest in industry news, legislative updates, and this week’s top JUSTIFIED SAVE stories from around America. Today we will be talking about some big legislative updates from several states, the faltering of gun rights leaders duped by a comedian, and an unfortunate shooting of a man that started over an argument about a parking space. Plus a ton of wild JUSTIFIED SAVE stories to that you won’t want to miss!!

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Episode 237: Child Finds Gun in Sofa at IKEA

Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest in industry news, legislative updates, and this week’s top JUSTIFIED SAVE stories from around America. Plus you won’t want to miss this week’s Case of the Week from attorney Andrew Branca of Law of Self-Defense where we learn what happens when you take things too far in a self-defense case.

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Episode 165: Universal Background Checks Ineffective Study Shows

Some pretty big news out this week about background checks. A three year lo back at the effectiveness of universal background checks in Colorado and Washington forced the author of that study who “wanted to see a different result” to admit that there has been no measurable impact on crime reduction. This plus tons of other great analysis on many other stories including a couple of JUSTIFIED stories that have some critical lessons to learn from.

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