Posts Tagged ‘best’
S10E4: Your First Gun and Why I Now Carry an HK
Today, Riley Bowman and Brian ‘Doc” McLaughlin discuss tips and recommendations for selecting your first gun…or selecting the best gun for you even if it’s not your first purchase. We’ll discuss all of the various factors that you should consider and hopefully help you avoid some of the mistakes we’ve made.
Read MoreS4E15: Ready Positions and Target Acquisition Efficiency
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss Ready Positions and Target Acquisition Efficiency, and how we can practice it in dry fire. This concept was recently featured on the latest Shooter Ready Challenge.
Read MoreFor The New Gun Owner: 9mm VS .380 ACP
One of the most talked-about topics in the gun world is the never-ending caliber war. I usually try to avoid it if at all possible because it just causes arguments.…
Read MoreHow to Draw a Gun From Concealed VIDEO
There are several common places to carry a concealed firearm and as many different types of holsters to use. Despite your own chosen configuration the core elements of a functional and quality draw are the same. We will explore each in great detail below.
Read MorePhlster Pro Series Holster Review, The Best Yet?
In this Phlster Pro Series Holster review, I want to address the following question. Is this the best concealed carry holster you can buy? The simple answer is, maybe. Background…
Read MoreBest Places To Buy Ammunition Online, And A Resource Too
While I’m personally a big fan of buying from my local stores to help keep them in business, sometimes buying my ammo online just makes more sense. While I haven’t…
Read MoreSmall Caliber, Rimfire Ammo for Self-Defense?
What philosophy is right? Should .22’s be avoided like a pawn-shop Highpoint? Or is there a case to be made for small caliber, rimfire ammo in a self-defense context? Let’s…
Read MoreVehicle Firearm Storage and Secure Transportation
You need a good way to secure the firearm in the vehicle simply because you will go places where you can either NOT have your firearm with you or you will be required to transport it in a secure way. Examples include…
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