Episode 3: To Tell or Not to Tell: Dealing With Law Enforcement as a Responsible Gun Owner
We welcome a recently retired law enforcement officer and competitive shooter on the podcast with us today to give additional insights into a conversation about dealing with law enforcement as a gun owner. Should you tell the officer if you are armed? Should you hand them the permit through the window with your license? The answers and insights might surprise you!
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News Shared In This Episode
- Obama calls for more Gun Control after Kalamazoo shootings
- 4 States Consider Requiring Gun Owners to Purchase Liability Insurance
- Justified – 92-Year-Old WWII Vet Uses .45 Pistol To Stop Axe Attack
Pick of the Week
- Alex: Remington Versa Max
- Riley: Tritium Night Sights
- Jacob: An Audio Recorder App (Android / iPhone)
Episode Sponsor
Today’s episode is sponsored by the Brave Response Holster – Are you looking for the most versatile, most comfortable, most concealable holster on the market? Look no further than the Brave Response Holster – compatible with nearly any semi-automatic handgun and many types of revolvers, and it doesn’t matter what you wear for pants… or even if you wear any pants at all! Fits all waists from 20 to 56 inches. Check it out here and enter in the coupon code “PODCAST10” to receive 10% off your purchase.
- Map of states that require you notify Law Enforcement (click and then scroll down a little)
Thanks for Listening!
Thanks so much for joining us this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below. If you enjoyed the podcast the biggest compliment you could give us would be to subscribe to future episodes via a podcast app on your phone or via iTunes.
Great podcast. Some very pertinent information for any gun owner.
I really want to thank you for the information it really comes in handy. I needed to hear it…because I didn’t know what to do THANKS!!
Very Interesting and ionformative
Very good and informative podcast. When I’m stop by police I always lower all windows. The main reason I do this is my window have tint. As was discussed this goes a long way in making the officer feel comfortable. Ticket or no ticket before the officer lets me go I always tell the officer to have a safe day.
All criminals pass background checks.
Boots, that is not true. Convicted felons do not pass back ground checks. This includes
DUI. Criminals that have not been caught yet are the only ones who pass and they
will get caught in one way or another.
Great podcast. Haven’t been stopped for many years, but this is valuable info. Thanks!
Can we cut out the bongo drums? It’s hard enough to understand the speakers without all that background noise.
Thanks for the feedback. We’ll tune it down a little…
I’m from AR. It’s required we notify the officer we have a permit and whether we have a weapon in the vehicle. I carry in a holster in a purse made for this purpose. My license and CCW permit
are in a separate compartment in the purse also. I’ve always wondered how best to handle this
situation when asked for my license.
Insurance to own a gun? The SCOTUS has ruled on this already. One of y’all on the podcast touched on the FACT that owning firearms IS a right. Since it IS a right, Murdock v. Penn: 319 US 105 (1943) states that: ‘A state (or the Federal Government) may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution’ and that ‘No state may convert ANY secured liberty into a privilege and require a license and a fee for it.’ Since Heller v. D.C. confirmed that the Second Amendment (2A) IS a fundamental “secured” right, anything (insurance cost) that might “chill” one’s ability to exercise that right IS thereby unconstitutional. Furthermore, Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, AL: 373 US 262 (1962) states that ‘If the state does convert your right into a privilege and force you to acquire a license (or insurance) that might “chill” your ability to exercise that right freely, that you can ignore the license (insurance in this case), and engage in that right with impunity.’ Therefore, if the federal legislature ever passes such a regulation (requiring insurance) that “chills” your right, SCOTUS precedent has already judged it to be unconstitutional in two cases.
B. Zerker: While you MAY be right (and I would certainly agree with you on most of your points), the cases you cited don’t necessarily prevent these legislatures from passing or attempting to pass these laws we talked about in the podcast.
In fact, if you read deeply into Murdock v. Penn, it distinguishes between the “enjoyment” of a right and “property.” The enjoyment or exercise of a right may not be charged a fee, but property most certainly can.
Some modern-day examples are: states that require registration and licensing of firearms. States (which is most of them) that require a fee for a CCW permit–which I might add is more closely related to the “enjoyment” of a right than my first example, yet this has been allowed. Also, states/cities that impose sales tax upon the sale of a firearm. Based on your logic we should be able to purchase firearms sans sales tax. Which would be AWESOME! But the fact is, it is allowed currently.
Here’s another wrench thrown into the middle of things…
What if Obama somehow succeeds in having a nomination to the Supreme Court (to replace Justice Scalia) confirmed by the Senate? It would not surprise me to see an issue like this come before the Court only to see the Court side with the liberal anti-gunners on this insurance issue.
Thanks SO MUCH for listening! We hope to talk to you more after future episodes!!!
Wonderful Podcast – chocked full of information WE all need, especially those of us who have CCPs. Thanks to all who were/are involved in making this available.
I had to give up on it. I am a little hard of hearing and the background noise drowned out the speakers.
My apologies that you were unable to hear us on the podcast.
Editing the sound for these podcasts is challenging as what may sound good to one person may not sound good to others. We have received a couple of comments that the music was too loud on this particular episode, so we will be adjusting it quieter in future episodes.
So we hope you will give it a try again. Also, we only have music during the intro and outro segments, so you can skip forward about 3 minutes from the beginning and you will be into the meat of the episode where we talk for the bulk of the episode entirely without any music.
Also, please check out episodes 1 & 2 if you wouldn’t mind (if you haven’t listened to them already), thank you so much!
New episodes are released every Wednesday, so Episode 4 will be released this coming Wednesday!
Great information in this podcast! The police officer that taught my cc class in WI advised us that if we get pulled over and we are either carrying in body or the weapon is in the vehicle that we should inform the officer by stating after his/her intro “before we go any further I would like to inform you that I have a valid ccw permit and I am carrying my weapon/my weapon is inside the console/etc…”
These things need to be rehearsed and practiced as stated in the podcast. ALWAYS be ready to interact with police in the most informative and polite way possible. The last thing anyone wants is for ccw holders to give police any reason to doubt their integrity or ability and get a reputation for being trouble makers.
Great information on this podcast. I would like to thank Alex. In listening to him speak of his Law Enforcement experience, it was clear he is the type of officer we need more of in the US. With too many published incidents of officers overstepping their authority, it is nice to hear from one who seems to fully understand his role as a civil servant. Thanks Alex.
Thank you for the feedback, Mark!
For many of the same reasons that you mentioned is why we invited Alex to be a part of the episode. He was PERFECT for the role, and is a role model to officers AND citizens everywhere!!
I have been pulled over a handful of times by local law enforcement and I always follow these simple rules (these are my rules). As soon as I see a marked police unit behind me attempting to make a traffic stop I immediately turn on my hazards and pull off into a safe area for the officer (parking lot for example away from traffic). This is mainly for the officers safety. I than will place my vehicle in park, roll down all 4 of my windows, turn off my vehicle, place the keys on the dash and place both of my hands on the steering wheel. When the officer asks me for my DL I than state the following; “Officer, before I reach into my pockets, for your safety and mine, I want to inform you that I have a Florida concealed firearms license and I have a concealed firearm on my person. What would you like me to do?” I do understand that I do not have to inform the officer but the main reason I tell these officers is for my safety because I do not want to be on the barrel end of a mistake by a police officer. (No disrespect to law enforcement officers because I was one for over a decade).
This is normal for me and I notice it puts the uniformed LEO (law enforcement officer) a little on the relaxed side because it shows them that I am a ‘good guy’ and am going to follow all his or her instructions. Just a few months ago I was pulled over by a Aurburndale police officer for running a stop sign. I knew for sure I was going to be cited but I did my normal procedure (see above) and the cop was cool as a cucumber. He thanked me for pulling of highway 92, for pulling into the parking lot (a Walmart parking lot), for rolling all my windows down and for informing him I had a concealed firearm. The best part is this police officer let me off with a warning. A little respect to a police officer goes a long way.
Thanks for the podcast guys and keep up the good work.
Remember good… If you ever use your gun to protect yourself/family.
Never, Never talk with the police Until you have a lawyer with you.
If you do talk with them. With out a lawyer. You may just talk yourself into jail.
Know your rights & use them. Give your name & ask for a lawyer. Then shut up.