S10E20: End of Another Year, Many Changes in Laws

Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen sit down to reflect on the past year and take the opportunity to share with you a summary of many concealed carry and firearm law changes that are relevant. We track this stuff pretty closely, and take our responsibility seriously to keep our followers informed about the laws

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Episode 305: Passing Gun Control Without Actually Passing New Gun Laws

Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA in the firearms and concealed carry communities. Today is our Legislative Updates Edition and we’re talking about some important stories including about how certain members of Congress are going after guns by attacking banks and the finance industry. Plus we introduce a new segment “2- Minute Warning” where we quickly highlight some important legislation from around the country.

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Episode 217: Hatchet Wielding Robber Stopped

Jacob and Matthew host once more! Vermont has rolled out the full battery of gun control, signed by a Governor who was believed to be pro-gun. Florida’s new laws are applied for the first time, banks are fighting against the industry, and we review several justified saves! Join in today on the podcast as we cover the latest and greatest news stories in the industry!!

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Episode 191: Mass Shooting Prevented in Oklahoma…Media is Silent

Riley and Jacob talk about some exciting news this week with some major legislative updates, new product announcements including a holster from a major manufacturer that incorporates a cooling fan. Say WHAT?!?! Also there is some pressure mounting within the White House for the Senate to take some action on the National Reciprocity Act. Perhaps President Trump can persuade Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take up the landmark legislation.

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