Posts Tagged ‘SCOTUS’
S10E8: SCOTUS Has Been Busy and Other News
Today we look at all the recent Supreme Court actions that have impact on the 2nd Amendment as well as other court battles and news relevant to all American gun owners. Please tune in, listen, learn, and SHARE today’s episode!
Read MoreS6E17: News and Reviews – “Monumental SCOTUS Ruling and More”
Matthew Maruster and Rob Beckman share the latest industry news. We’ll discuss the monumental Supreme Court Ruling affirming the individual’s right to carry a gun in public! We have news stories about some new pistols from Walther and FN, how media reports are being coached to convey anti-gun rhetoric, and how Republicans are selling out American gun owners on Capitol Hill.
Read MoreNJ Latest State to Pass Gun Control Laws to Counter SCOTUS Ruling
Last month the Supreme Court affirmed that the Second Amendment indeed protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm outside their home. And perhaps more so, the Court’s opinion in…
Read MoreS2E5: News and Gear Reviews – New Micro-Compact From Taurus…the GX4
Today, Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss the recent news from within the industry including some big stuff from the Supreme Court, gun confiscations in California, lawsuits, and a new micro-compact entry to the market from Taurus…the GX4. Tune in!!
Read MoreEpisode 461: The Death of the Pistol Brace?
Riley Bowman and Jacob Paulsen share the latest legislative news updates including stories about a case the SCOTUS has agreed to hear, how one man is in hot water for selling “wall hangers,” and what a future America might look like with a certain someone in the White House. Tune in!
Read MoreEpisode 459: News and Reviews – Backlogs in Ammo…and the Courts
Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster share the latest industry news including stories and updates on the NRA, gun ownership numbers in America, and hold ups in the courts and backlogs in ammo sales. Lots to cover today! Plus we’ll review a couple of products we’ve been using lately. Check it out, tune in!
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