S5E9: Legislative Updates – Bankruptcy of the Gun Industry?

Riley Bowman and Matthew Maruster discuss the recent Legislative News from around the US including stories about how one state is suddenly pushing hard to limit magazine capacities. We also discuss the likely ramifications of the recent Remington-Sandy Hook settlement and what it means for the rest of the industry. Plus other important news, tune in!!

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Episode 367: Gun Companies Will Be Put Out of Business

Today Riley and Matthew cover the latest stories from around the USA about firearms and concealed carry related legislation, laws, gun control, etc. Today we’ll be talking about how gun companies may be at significant risk of being put out of business by lawsuits by victims and their families from crimes committed with those companies’ guns. Also, a couple of states are at a significant risk of severe gun control legislation in this upcoming 2020 session. We’ll tell you which ones to watch for. Join in and listen!

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