Posts Tagged ‘registration’
Guide to Gun Law and Gun Control For American Journalists
An guide of American gun law, written to help journalists and others who want to understand the actual law and regulation of American guns and gun owners. Background checks, registration, assault rifles, permits, open carry, campus carry, loopholes, and more!
Read MoreEpisode 12: The Government’s Secret Gun Owner Database
Many people mistakenly believe that guns are registered. But then again we hear talk about secret gun owner databases held at the ATF.
Read MoreEverything You Need to Know About Universal Background Checks
Of the many common rhetoric of the gun-control lobby, one of the more frequent we hear is a call for “Universal background checks.” This article covers all the core points surrounding the arguments for and against this legislation. Next time you hear anyone call “Universal background checks” a good idea please send them the link to this article.
Read MoreAre Guns Registered in the USA? 5 ATF Databases Exposed
It is also worth noting that not withstanding a Federal Restriction, there actually are several national firearm databases in addition to the several states or cities that keep their own local, and arguably illegal, databases of firearms and their owners. Here is a list of those municipalities…
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